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Old 11-16-2015, 10:44 AM   #1065
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Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

Originally Posted by MontanaMan
The only people who have a problem with these changes are cheesers.

These have been some of the most requested changes since MyPark started.

Blame you and your kind for forcing 2K to do this. I'm not mad at them at all for trying to clean up MyPark.

How do you know that guy is a cheeser lol. Cheesers will still flourish regardless of changes made. You guys were so quick to count out cheesers before the release of 2k16 but from the looks of things they are doing just fine. I do agree with the OP. You guys consistently cry about a game not being realistic. Realistically, there are no illegal screens or 3 second calls in street ball. Screens are abused (especially in 2v2) but if you know how to properly rotate and switch on picks then it can be countered (you wont stop it completely but you can slow it down). The same thing with the rebounding cheese. You can still get position and box out someone who does it. It's all about timing and position. I like the idea of folks not being able to grab their nuts under the basket but adding 3 in the key is iffy IMO. As far as screens go all 2k had to do with buff Pick Dodger or nerf Brick Wall. Regardless of changes I think good players will make adjustments and still do fine.
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Old 11-16-2015, 10:55 AM   #1066
ViolenceFight's Arena
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Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

Originally Posted by TaylorBoi
How do you know that guy is a cheeser lol. Cheesers will still flourish regardless of changes made. You guys were so quick to count out cheesers before the release of 2k16 but from the looks of things they are doing just fine. I do agree with the OP. You guys consistently cry about a game not being realistic. Realistically, there are no illegal screens or 3 second calls in street ball. Screens are abused (especially in 2v2) but if you know how to properly rotate and switch on picks then it can be countered (you wont stop it completely but you can slow it down). The same thing with the rebounding cheese. You can still get position and box out someone who does it. It's all about timing and position. I like the idea of folks not being able to grab their nuts under the basket but adding 3 in the key is iffy IMO. As far as screens go all 2k had to do with buff Pick Dodger or nerf Brick Wall. Regardless of changes I think good players will make adjustments and still do fine.
While you make valid points on "Realism" and the expectations made by the OS community. Park comes down to balance.

In head 2 head, the major issues here are already addressed in actual NBA rules. However, before hand the park was imbalanced as far as these exploits(Rebound Pick in the paint being the more concerning one. And it's not to say you couldn't get boards off certain bounces, but it did create an unfavorable balance to offensive boards, and encouraged the left tight hero ball style that exists and is fundamentally flawed).

They did what they did to level the playing field. I mean, we can't really talk realism on the park where dudes in fedoras and cowboy hats are doing self bounce alley oop posterizingredients dunks every few possessions. So, you're right on that point. However, a mode like that the value is on balance. At its highest level it is supposed to be a battle of skill between 2 teams. That cannot be achieved if offense is heavily favored with abusable tactics the defense has to get lucky to stop.
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Old 11-16-2015, 10:55 AM   #1067
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Icon8 Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

Originally Posted by ViolenceFight
No, you are wrong sir. Taking advantage of something that a game is not programmed to deal with correctly is called an Exploit.

Previously the game was programmed so that setting a pick in the paint gave the offensive rebounder an unfair advantage as the defender could not get position due to the pick animation.

This creates an unfair advantage. That means the person using this tactic is exploiting a programming error. That makes it cheating (most major games will actually flat out ban you for things like this. Its part of the EULA).

The moving screens, meh. They are something that you can deal with. They are considered a "frowned upon" tactic as you're taking advantage of something most players can't deal with (A good team will be calling switches). It was dealt with to level the playing field.

Do we want to talk about how previously, zig zagging for a pull up was also a "Strategic tactic"? I'd suggest we don't, since it's been said by developers that it worked mainly because the defense was programmed in a way that it's reactions were more sluggish compared to the offense. Taking advantage of something that creates imbalance is...you guessed it, an exploit.
Animations? The animations hinder the experience in all honesty. Zig zag pull up? You mean moving around to get open? I don't care about the park and screens because I don't play it.
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Old 11-16-2015, 11:01 AM   #1068
NDAlum's Arena
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Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

All I have to say is there are certain groups I'd play with where when it became game point every single rule in the rule book would be called and argued about for five minutes.

3 seconds
Illegal screen
Over the back

I may not have played in an actual "Park" but the YMCA pick up games should be considered in the same realm.

The ridiculous and arguing over these petty things is why I don't play at the Y any longer.
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Old 11-16-2015, 11:04 AM   #1069
19LloydBanks82's Arena
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Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

Originally Posted by MontanaMan
The only people who have a problem with these changes are cheesers.

These have been some of the most requested changes since MyPark started.

Blame you and your kind for forcing 2K to do this. I'm not mad at them at all for trying to clean up MyPark.
I would consider myself a cheeser pre patch and I don't have a problem with it. I love that they added it, i can finally post up with my big all game long and get a win
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Old 11-16-2015, 11:08 AM   #1070
ViolenceFight's Arena
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Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

Originally Posted by Reggie548
Animations? The animations hinder the experience in all honesty. Zig zag pull up? You mean moving around to get open? I don't care about the park and screens because I don't play it.
Well great that you don't play. Way to hunt and peck to try and build an argument, but that's not going to work.

The "Getting open" the way you're talking about was taking advantage of the fact offensive movement vs. Defensive movement has been flawed until the middle of 2k15. That's fact. So changing direction at high speed is a programming flaw you're taking advantage of.

When you can zig zag the full length of the court and then drill pull ups after an entire possession of this, and most defenders can't deal with this due to a flaw that's not a fair system.

Why were you complaining in the other thread about your "Tactics" being gone? 2k is trying to balance the game. They got rid of almost everything you did to score, which is paraphrasing your exact post from the patch 3 thread. That should be enough to tell you that you were abusing exploits. If it wasn't an exploit or abusable, it'd still be here
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Old 11-16-2015, 12:07 PM   #1071
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ksuttonjr76's Arena
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Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

Originally Posted by NDAlum
All I have to say is there are certain groups I'd play with where when it became game point every single rule in the rule book would be called and argued about for five minutes.

3 seconds
Illegal screen
Over the back

I may not have played in an actual "Park" but the YMCA pick up games should be considered in the same realm.

The ridiculous and arguing over these petty things is why I don't play at the Y any longer.
Lol. You used to live in South Bend, IN? Yeah, I used to live there and play basketball on The Lake and at that park (never knew the name of that park for some odd reason) down the street from ND. I know exactly what you're talking about. I have quit games where dudes would start arguing over EVERY single call when it was game point.

The NBA rules don't exist until it becomes game winning point, lol. I remember one dude called "over the back" when I pinned his layup attempt on the backboard. Yeah...that was a good ten minute argument, because it was a clean block, but THEN he tried to change the call to goaltending. I'm was like "What!? Whatever, dude.".
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Old 11-16-2015, 12:32 PM   #1072
NDAlum's Arena
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Re: My Park Experience after patch 3

I just went to school there. I'm pretty sure gyms all across the country have that same problem once you get to game point.

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