
NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog With Mike Wang

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Old 09-02-2015, 03:00 PM   #65
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Re: NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog with Mike Wang

I want this game right now. Tried to play 2k15 last night and I just couldn't. Too excited for 2k16.
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Old 09-02-2015, 03:01 PM   #66
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Well, this is nice commercial and I would be really happy even if only some of this is true. I already preordered game the day it came on Steam and I have no slightest doubt it will be better than 2K15, regardless what Mike wrote. And I believe they had to work harder because NBA Live 16 finally does not looks like "some cartoonish puppets hilariously running around something that looks like court...". Can`t wait for September 25th...
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Old 09-02-2015, 03:01 PM   #67
LorenzoDC's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog with Mike Wang

Originally Posted by ChaseB
Reading those passing controls already in the game though, I already feel slightly overwhelmed. Plus, as someone else said, it goes to icon passing usually anyway. It's cool there's a slider there now for whether you want accuracy of stick direction or openness but I still can't see myself going away from icon passing and thus missing out on the passing controls anyway (but it's still awesome they're adding in oodles of new animations and improvements to passing).

As for the post game:

I'm happy the 2K team is always ready to change things if they think it's needed, but I still get a chuckle out of the fact that the post play controls have changed again. It's just one of those things they can never settle on, but they'll keep trying to find that thing that works.
Yeah, I'm really curious about how this will work in practice:

We’ve even added a new option to allow you to pick what’s most important when using directional passing. So you can go with the default tuning or you can bias it more toward stick direction or receiver openness.
It's one of those things I had to read two or three times to think about.

I'm probably like most players who situationally use either icon or directional passing. Icon passing is safer as to the recipient but clunkier to perform and often more ballooned as a pass. Directional passing can be a total crap shoot as to the recipient but gives you better pass type control.

If there's something in this slider that helps the forever problem of delivering a directional pass to your intended recipient, I'm all for it. I'm not sure how that contrasts, logically, with "openness," but I guess that means the old logic often disregarded directional input purposely to select what the CPU assessed to be a more open option.

If that's true, I never knew that, but it maybe explains a lot. So much swearing at my TV over this over the years, my dogs are like all SMH.
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Old 09-02-2015, 03:04 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by STLRams
I was just thinking about this. Hopefully alot of these new gameplay physics, A.I. upgrades and other stuff carries over to the historic players also.
When young MJ would get hot he would leave his wrist up to show the follow through...Shaq would hang on monster dunks....man we need a Demo!
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Old 09-02-2015, 03:05 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by scottyp180
So much pessimism from someone that didn't even buy the game last year. Why not play the game for yourself and develop your own opinion Instead of going off the negativity you saw online. While 2k15 had its issues it was still a good game gameplay wise.

I don't know how you can reference the idea that 2K's games go "down the toilet" each year but ignore the fact that the competitor's game has been an incomplete product the last 2 years. Yet some how you know the competitor's game will be more fun. SMH

While I am also disappointed with the lack of a demo this has become a trend this generation. Many games aren't receiving demos. The Show didn't and, as far as I know, it is a great game. Madden didn't receive a demo and it is easily the best Madden I've played. A lack of a demo is no longer an indication of a games quality.
Don't get me wrong, I have played both games this year and I gave this one to EA only because of the fun factor. It was refreshing to me as to 2K there were so many problems, it was difficult for me to enjoy it. Live 14 was incomplete, but Live 15 was a lot better despite the lack of modes. But throughout the year, the gameplay did improve and it was more fun for me. 2K has been at the top for a while and they're still there, but for some reason I feel like they are heading into a direction where they lose a lot of their fanbase.
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Old 09-02-2015, 03:14 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by NastyGT
Well, this is nice commercial and I would be really happy even if only some of this is true. I already preordered game the day it came on Steam and I have no slightest doubt it will be better than 2K15, regardless what Mike wrote. And I believe they had to work harder because NBA Live 16 finally does not looks like "some cartoonish puppets hilariously running around something that looks like court...". Can`t wait for September 25th...
I agree. 2K had to work harder to make the game better because of NBA Live's rising. However, I have a strong feeling that 2K will be frustrating because of the servers. No developer has mentioned any improvements on the servers and that's a big issue.
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Old 09-02-2015, 03:17 PM   #71
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Re: NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog with Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Poppindom
I agree. 2K had to work harder to make the game better because of NBA Live's rising. However, I have a strong feeling that 2K will be frustrating because of the servers. No developer has mentioned any improvements on the servers and that's a big issue.
Can you stop talking about NBA 2K15 and keep it on the topic at hand?
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Old 09-02-2015, 03:19 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by 23
Can you stop talking about NBA 2K15 and keep it on the topic at hand?
I have a right to talk about it because as a consumer I want to be satisfied with the upcoming game. Past history says a lot and you know it.
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