
No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

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Old 08-14-2015, 10:50 PM   #161
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

Originally Posted by vtcrb
I am not into the "Other Modes" either buddy. My whole thing boils down to the fact that Editing WILL bring alot of guys who would normally stick with 2k.

Guys like the Option to make a FIBA Roster, Or Make a Classic Team, or Make an Entirely Fictional Roster. It also brings USERs to buy games IF they know they are NOT stuck with what Roster comes out of the Box.

I understand what you are saying about picking what they ADD, but WHAT is going to bring over the Loyal Hardcore Games OVER to NBA Live, instead of sticking with 2k. Options and right now 2k offers ALL the options. I really want NBA Live to succeed, but it is VERY far behind and to continue to not ADD an Option that could bring in MORE Buyers is beyond me.

Thanks for weighing in, always appreciate hearing you insight.
BOOM!!!! Vtcrb just dropped the mic! As someone who is a hardcore basketball and literally owned every basketball game ever made for home consoles editing gives us stuff we normally couldn't get from a basketball game. Fictional rosters, fantasy rosters stuff that keeps people like me into games.
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Old 08-14-2015, 11:52 PM   #162
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

Originally Posted by WTF
I'll say it's a mix of the two, but moreso time/resources/programming. As much as we all want to believe it'd be so simple to implement, the truth is, it's a massive undertaking. I didn't think it was. Thought it should be easy. Sounds simple to those of us who don't do it for a living. But when you're implementing big modes from scratch, those take a lot of resources/manpower. That doesn't leave a lot of your crew to work on this other huge task of custom editing, etc.

Myself, I'd 10:1 rather have editing than online, as it isn't my niche. Unfortunately, I'm not in the new age of creating a youtube series broadcasting my Rising Star/Myplayer or Live Run games. But there are a whole lot of people who are in to that sort of thing.

I'll reiterate, although it doesn't take the sting away from it not being there, just try the demo, experiment with the 6 included teams, and see if the gameplay is something that you can support.

It's not the same game as the past few yrs that needed a ton of editing.
Yep, as vtcrb said, always appreciate hearing your insight too. Thanks man.

I'm definitely gonna give the demo a try, and definitely still plan on buying the game this year. Even though I knew that Live 15 had no editing I still bought it, because there's more to it that, like the actual on-court game lol. And it was far from perfect (team styles, player individuality, lack of post game, late-game ai, etc), but I had some fun with it while it lasted.

To be honest, I'm not too worried about the gameplay. 15 had a good base, they've now added improvements in shooting, passing, dribble hand-offs, player movement (Live Motion), etc.. and then the confirmation of sliders gives us the option to customize. Some might want to delve deeper into that, like editing individual/global ratings and tendencies. I'm all for it, but I don't usually tinker with those anymore, because in Dynasty mode things would get complicated once the generated rookies come in. The best part is, there's a free demo (with 6 teams!!!) to try all these out on.

And that's where my issue with player editing comes in - Dynasty mode. EA can update rosters and player gear all they want with their Live Updates, but once we enter Dynasty we're stuck with what we started with. Player movement will happen, yes, but for all the players to have the same gear forever? That sucks some fun out of the game. Sure, it's purely cosmetic and doesn't affect gameplay at all, but part of the fun of having all these accurate gear and cool looking shoes in the game is so that we could replicate what the players are wearing irl. Or if we didn't want to do that, we could fit our players with whatever gear we wanted. We could truly be authentic to the NBA, or we could create our own NBA universe as we wanted, from the rosters to the gear.

EA's short-sightedness in this regard is in thinking that we all want updated and accurate rosters and gear, and their answer for it is Live Updates. Don't worry guys, we'll take care of that. But we don't always want updated rosters and gear all the time - sometimes I want to recreate the 2010 Lakers, or remove Melo's arm and leg sleeves (yep I really hate that look lol), or create purely fictional rosters. I want to be able to do those in a video game. Give us these options.

Same with Rising Star. I'm glad there are more customization options for my player, but it would also be nice to be able to edit other players' gear.

But alas, here we are. It's a disappointment, sure, but there's still a game to be played. I'm now worried about how much time and resources they spent on the new modes that they neglected Dynasty and Rising Star. Did they make improvements to these modes? Added team training/scrimmage/practice? Fixed the substitution bug?

The new game modes (so far) have been revealed, and player editing has been confirmed to not be in. So now I'm looking forward to news on Dynasty and Rising Star, and improvements in the post-game, rebounding, and signature styles.

Last edited by rafaelpaolo84; 08-15-2015 at 12:15 AM.
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Old 08-15-2015, 12:07 AM   #163
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

This by far the Is most disappointing news us diehard live fans can hear this is unacceptable by all means !!! This is something that us the community has wanted for 3 years now and what should be standard in the first place .......u guys literally just gave 2k and it's fans another year
Of supremacy that what separates Men from the boys I see why guys like OG and Wang went over to the competition cause that company listens to their community and give them what they want ....for anybody that thinks this isn't a game changer is naive I am too ....but that was last year when it wasn't included this year was an absolutely MUST have feature to leave this out is just mind blowing THANKS EA u just gave me no reason to buy your game over the competition! !!! Sorry for rant but I was one of many who where helping with Accessories updates last year I WANT TO SEE LIVE THRIVE BUT THIS A MAJOR ERROR i really wanted to buy this game smh
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Old 08-15-2015, 12:17 AM   #164
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

We should have options these things aren't that difficult I'm no programer or Dev but these are things that were in last GEN this next Gen no Excuses !!! I share this same idea about Madden with there player editing options and lack up customization and updated euipment
Listen to your consumers I'm happy we got this news b4 launch It's like everytime u guys take 1 step closer to the competition u guys pull this to take 3 steps back !!! So pissed sorry I'm diehard live fan was hoping this be year
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Old 08-15-2015, 12:28 AM   #165
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

I haven't bought Live since Live 2003. Before then, I'd played Live 95, 96 and 2000. Been a 2K guy since then.

I was considering trying out Live 16 once the Pro-Am news came around, specifically the part about having to earn your attributes (as opposed to paying for them with real money).

But no editing?

Nope. Dropping you like a bad habit. Again.

Madden 15's franchise-mode-breaking revenue bug (which was NEVER patched) made me quit Madden.

NHL 15 on PS4 being so bare-bones made me quit EA NHL.

This makes me turn my back once again on Live.

2K's not perfect, but they care so much more about their fans than this.

No more chances. Goodbye, Electronic Arts.
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Old 08-15-2015, 12:29 AM   #166
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

Originally Posted by Playmakers
Yet you make one change to the actual NBA players and all hell will break loose with Synergy according to EA...
If this is really the case, and I'm not sure that it is because Live 09 and 10 had player editing along with EA's Synergy and roster updates, right?

But if this is the case for this gen, then maybe they could for this year patch in roster and player editing inside Dynasty mode (and Rising Star) at least? Because these modes are not affected by Synergy or EA's roster updates, and maybe it's not as difficult to implement it in these modes.

Last edited by rafaelpaolo84; 08-15-2015 at 12:37 AM.
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Old 08-15-2015, 01:25 AM   #167
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
could've missed the post your referring too, but I don't think anyone said or implied that....

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I never said any one did. I used the word "IF" but I was responding to the thread topic in a general statement. If I was referring to somebody I would've quoted them ....

Originally Posted by vtcrb
Never said that. All this "MY" stuff is what drives your age group. And that is fine.

What i was saying is that by Adding Editing, we could have so many more options to choose from in Rosters, making the Longevity of the game last Longer. We could ADD back Legends/College/High School/Fictional/FIBA Players that USERs, including the Younger Generation would enjoy.

IF Servers go down, what are you going to do with the Game? Having your CORE Modes attached to ON-Line is a Issue waiting to happen. Look at the Backlash when guys cant get on Servers. Basically the game is USELESS.
Trust me man I wish those features were in the game for you guys. Hell I still want an online dynasty mode, a team up mode using NBA stars , old school teams , etc... But I understand EA as a business will dedicate time and resources to those that will sell the game first. I know you ,24th, etc... All know that though. It's frustrating it's like when we kept asking for crew in 2k lol . Hopefully it gets patched in .
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Last edited by Rockie_Fresh88; 08-15-2015 at 01:33 AM.
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Old 08-15-2015, 01:56 AM   #168
lakers24's Arena
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Re: No NBA Player or Roster Editing in NBA Live 16 Confirmed

You know, I think most of us get they had to make a choice during development. The issue (at least for me) is that this should've been one of the basic things in the game from jump when they rebooted the franchise. Starting from 14 it should've already been in the game, but it wasn't. That game was completely barebones regarding modes and gameplay and we couldn't even get the basics back from pretty much every previous bball game. To me it seems they haven't done it because they want to show their system is capable of all the tendency, ratings, and roster updates. That's a issue waiting to happen though as we've seen the last 2 years.

Last edited by lakers24; 08-15-2015 at 02:02 AM.
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