
Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

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Old 05-14-2015, 10:17 AM   #17
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
Same as M15; the towel on Andrew Luck still doesn't hang correctly, in a true physics law manner, as well as the sleeves of jerseys not laying correctly as in the picture of Peyton Manning as he holds his arms out..It is like the uniforms have been over starched...

I am hoping for realistic physics this year; making size matter in a realistic manner to the laws of physics we understand and to which other games have been more successful in replicating...
They're not paying attention. None of the players have stretches in the upper chest area like they should, though it is common to a vast number of player body types across all positions (and they were doing it in Madden 09 and 10):


Peyton Manning is still not wearing his towel in the middle like he has since, what, 1994 while at Tennessee perhaps?


I'd love to hear their technical excuse for that.

This just looks like Madden 15. I see no difference. And it's not that Madden 15 looked bad, but the daytime lighting completely sucked (it looked flat and washed out), the colors were all off and dull on every setting of the game, and it looks like they've done zero to fix that based on the Gronkowski pic.

Plus, the texture levels just don't look high enough. But when you make a design choice like having 40,000 polygonal fans with decent detail and 3D grass that's always on, you're going to choke some resources. Why they abandoned their much smarter and more practical approach to those things from last gen is beyond me.

Oh, and about that other stuff you mentioned, I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd expect the game to play pretty much the same, as what you're asking for would be a huge leap that would be totally uncharacteristic of this development.
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Old 05-14-2015, 10:28 AM   #18
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Originally Posted by illiterateoption
The bold text is the problem. They ported M25 to the next gen. M16 will mark the 3rd next gen title to use the same engine and animation system with no end in sight. This is the same engine used since Madden 2006. Infinity/Ignite is an animation system layered on top of that same core engine.

They've had more than a year to implement a new engine - certainly enough time to provide new animations. After all, weren't we promised "never to see the same tackle twice" when the Infinity Animation system was rolled out for Madden 13?

I have hammered away at this point and will continue to do so because websites refuse to challenge EA on this issue as it relates to Madden. They'll hammer $20 games like RBI baseball but Madden is never challenged.
Pretty much. What they carried over from last gen is what they decided to go with, and we're stuck with that until next gen assuming they actually do rebuild this game ground up at that point, and I have very little faith they will even then. As long as they're making money, especially with MUT, they'll stick with whatever cost-saving measure they can.

You generally wouldn't expect a rebuild from most franchises, but this game has so many problems it has to be done. The media showed a little teeth over Madden 25 (Kotaku clowned Tiburon over it), but not enough. Porting last gen was just dooming, and considering how much of a mess last gen Madden was, they should've been torn a new one for that.
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Old 05-14-2015, 10:40 AM   #19
adh5199's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

It's like when your boss comes back from a two week trip and you don't have anything new to show them. They are going to wonder what you did for two weeks while you were unsupervised. I feel that way about EA. I leave for a year after Madden 15 and come back to check on the status of 16 and there is no progress. What have they been doing for a year???? I may just have to keep 15 and not reward EA for the laziness they show year after year by buying 16. If MLB the show and NBA2k can get exponentially better year after year, then one would certainly expect Madden to do the same.
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Old 05-14-2015, 10:46 AM   #20
slashpg88's Arena
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Ok Madden, we get it! You can make a pretty game and focus on the likeness of 10-20 key players.(Kaepernick last year, OBJ this year) why not focus on making the game better? We hear about your new key improvements but nothing that hasn't been tried in the past. Look at how games like 2k and The Show give gamers what they want. Where is the revamped MYPlayer mode to compete with other sports games? Connected careers is not the answer for a true solo story mode. I don't hate Madden, I just wish they did more than make things look pretty. That was cool in the last gen, time to get with the time and make a game because it's a good game.
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Old 05-14-2015, 10:51 AM   #21
JRT2006's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

When I'm at work and I get tasked with a project, there's an employee right beside me tasked with the same. Why? Competition. As long as two employees strive to be the best, they will attempt to beat each other out.

Since the purchase of the NFL license, there has been zero competition. As long as EA has no competitor, they don't need to strive for the best because they know there are millions of football gaming fans out there that simply.....have no choice.

Last edited by JRT2006; 05-14-2015 at 11:09 AM.
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Old 05-14-2015, 11:09 AM   #22
cthurt's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Im not gonna say I expected a huge jump graphically this year from last but I was hoping to see up to date equipment at the least, If they cant get the players to play like they do in real life can they at least make the players look how they do in real life.
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Old 05-14-2015, 11:27 AM   #23
4thQtrStre5S's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Originally Posted by FaceMask
They're not paying attention. None of the players have stretches in the upper chest area like they should, though it is common to a vast number of player body types across all positions (and they were doing it in Madden 09 and 10):


Peyton Manning is still not wearing his towel in the middle like he has since, what, 1994 while at Tennessee perhaps?


I'd love to hear their technical excuse for that.

This just looks like Madden 15. I see no difference. And it's not that Madden 15 looked bad, but the daytime lighting completely sucked (it looked flat and washed out), the colors were all off and dull on every setting of the game, and it looks like they've done zero to fix that based on the Gronkowski pic.

Plus, the texture levels just don't look high enough. But when you make a design choice like having 40,000 polygonal fans with decent detail and 3D grass that's always on, you're going to choke some resources. Why they abandoned their much smarter and more practical approach to those things from last gen is beyond me.

Oh, and about that other stuff you mentioned, I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd expect the game to play pretty much the same, as what you're asking for would be a huge leap that would be totally uncharacteristic of this development.
I agree with you on all points...
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Old 05-14-2015, 11:46 AM   #24
smiley3's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

What are developers working on then? I don't see them interacting with fans like 2k does and the MLB the show team does? They're just taking advantage of the exclusivity!
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