
NBA Live 15 Title Update #2 Available Now For PS4, Coming Soon For Xbox One

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Old 12-15-2014, 09:15 PM   #209
nick_sr's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Title Update #2 Available Now For PS4, Coming Soon For Xbox One

Anyone feel shooting has been tweaked? Seeing more jumpers go in on and offline.
@KingTate84 on twitter.
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Old 12-15-2014, 10:45 PM   #210
mitsurugi_78's Arena
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Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Yeah this patch, needs a patch. User controlled players are missing way too many wide open shots that they should be making. And on the flip side, the CPU is making way too many circus lay ups in traffic and way too many off balance shots over double teams. And don't get me started on how the CPU ball handler can bull doze his way into the paint like he is Bo Jackson just running over people and no charge is ever called.

I shot 26% in the 1st half with the Warriors on 12 minute quarters. Pelicans however shot 61% in the 1st half. Finished the game shooting 34% and Pelicans 56% FG. Pelicans rarely missed and scored 90 points in the paint. They kept bull dozing my defenders over and over....no foul ever was called.

It is like once the CPU starts a lay up animation, there is no stopping it and they simply knock your defender backwards out of the way. I couldn't believe Stepth Curry of all people finished 5 for 28 FG. 20 of those shots were wide open and he missed, over and over again. Had Iggy and Klay missing point blank lay ups along with wide open jump shots.
Couldn't agree more. As far as the shot timing...it seems like I can almost release whenever and get green...but what's the point, ****s don't fall. I like that the release isn't so quick and you can get a green release at the top of the jump more effectively but releasing early needs to be tweaked...I think the made the window bigger for green release but it's not accurately working as far as make or miss on release...I guess what I mean is it feels like a false positive.

My second issue is that way too many easy shots two feet from the bucket are missed as it says contested when really the guy isn't defending it enough to make the guy miss. A good shooter like Kobe should not miss again and again from 3-5 feet from the basket. The cpu is almost un-shakable, even when I do get them on a hesitation they recover so quickly an easy pull up jumper is contested from the side and missed from 3-7 feet....terrible and annoying. The other part of this that sucks which many are mentioning is that the cpu is not effected as much they've knocked down shots with 2 and 3 defenders contesting...all I can say is WTF!!

Lastly...this has made the ultimate team challenges impossible for me....even some of the easier ones...like rookie 2 using all bronze players...no one can make a shot while the computer just rains buckets and drives through the paint with ease.

Player vs player online it's not bad because it's fair game, but have similar stats...but against cpu it's horrible.

Please EA fix these issues ASAP...I have not been happy with these issues. Rosters I'm good with but the game play right now is jacked up.
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Old 12-16-2014, 12:05 AM   #211
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Re: NBA Live 15 Title Update #2 Available Now For PS4, Coming Soon For Xbox One

Originally Posted by nick_sr
Anyone feel shooting has been tweaked? Seeing more jumpers go in on and offline.
I have! I just wish it would be disclosed and made official in regards to these tweaks!
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Old 12-16-2014, 04:03 AM   #212
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Re: NBA Live 15 Title Update #2 Available Now For PS4, Coming Soon For Xbox One

The problem with these title updates is they are essentially somone ELSE imposing THEIR sliders on you.

I had got my defense down really well and had the cpu shooting sub 45% most games.....but now the devs decide to tweak cpu shooting to miss open shots and now the cpu is shooting aroynd 30% when I play them.

Honestly, if you double team on drives and close quickly on shooters, you can keep them to absurdly low levels now as they brick open shots. The 3 point cheese and drives were 'all' they had.

It is ridiculous that we get someone else's sliders imposed on us and are stuck with whatever they update. The game desperately needs to allow the user to edit their own Settings.
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Old 12-16-2014, 08:13 AM   #213
mitsurugi_78's Arena
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Originally Posted by mitsurugi_78
Couldn't agree more. As far as the shot timing...it seems like I can almost release whenever and get green...but what's the point, ****s don't fall. I like that the release isn't so quick and you can get a green release at the top of the jump more effectively but releasing early needs to be tweaked...I think the made the window bigger for green release but it's not accurately working as far as make or miss on release...I guess what I mean is it feels like a false positive.

My second issue is that way too many easy shots two feet from the bucket are missed as it says contested when really the guy isn't defending it enough to make the guy miss. A good shooter like Kobe should not miss again and again from 3-5 feet from the basket. The cpu is almost un-shakable, even when I do get them on a hesitation they recover so quickly an easy pull up jumper is contested from the side and missed from 3-7 feet....terrible and annoying. The other part of this that sucks which many are mentioning is that the cpu is not effected as much they've knocked down shots with 2 and 3 defenders contesting...all I can say is WTF!!

Lastly...this has made the ultimate team challenges impossible for me....even some of the easier ones...like rookie 2 using all bronze players...no one can make a shot while the computer just rains buckets and drives through the paint with ease.

Player vs player online it's not bad because it's fair game, but have similar stats...but against cpu it's horrible.

Please EA fix these issues ASAP...I have not been happy with these issues. Rosters I'm good with but the game play right now is jacked up.
Ok so I played a few more games last night and outside of ultimate team things seem pretty good...I was able to win a few games on all star and the stats were pretty good. I think my issue was I was mostly playing ultimate team mode. Maybe it's just me, is anyone playing ultimate team mode noticing that bronze or even silver players cannot make a guarded or contested shot ever? I mean before the patch bronze players like Billups could play reasonably but post patch....the highest rated bronze players can't make a damn basket.

Anyway...outside of ultimate team I like the new difficulty and having to work to get open shots...there are some things that could be balanced a little more but overall it's pretty good.
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Old 12-16-2014, 08:34 AM   #214
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Mintsa's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Title Update #2 Available Now For PS4, Coming Soon For Xbox One

Online shot release is way better now. It feels like I at least have a chance (pre patch was nuts).

I did see some 3 rattle in, not a lot but at least it happens here and there so at least when I see the ball touch the rim, there IS A CHANCE it can drop, unlike before.

Synergy seemed correct (in terms of the Raptors always). It had LAndry Fields starting at the 2 (because of the Derozan injury). pre patch this would've taken weeks to change, so this is good.

Lastly, just a little observation (I'm a jersey head, as many of you know). I was using Toronto and chose to wear the purple throwbacks (which are slightly incorrect, in regards to this 20th anniversary season anyways). But when actually "playing the game" it looks to me like the NBA logo is above the name on the back of the jersey, but when I go to instant replay or see a cutscene, the logo is not on the back of the jersey but back to the front ?? Am i just tripping out ? Anyone else seeing this ? Did they fix this jersey only when your playing the game but not for replays or cutscenes ??
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Old 12-16-2014, 11:31 AM   #215
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Did the update come for Xbox One yet? This thing has been out for nearly a week for PS4 already.
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Old 12-16-2014, 01:40 PM   #216
TSGuy's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Title Update #2 Available Now For PS4, Coming Soon For Xbox One

I don't know why sometimes I can't commit to this game for some odd reason.
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