Honestly, this is the first NFL game where I can honestly say it feels like an NFL game for real on Sunday. No offense to poeople who like rap music and some of that current gen music out there today, but I'm glad those days of those terrible soundtracks are gone. It's not NFL Films music which I so adored in Madden 10 and 11
, but the new music is more of an orchestrated score and I'm completely down with that and it fits the mood of NFL Sunday in most respects. The closeups after a play, the replays, the camera angles, the awesome celebrations, the crowd atmosphere is even great! And do we have lively sidelines for a change? We certainly do!
After the virtual highlight reel the game put you in, you are offered to go into the training modes or dive into the ultimate team or other modes. The skills training is long and very entertaining, but most of all, you really learn a lot when you play the trainer. was a nice addition and I learned a lot about the new defensive mechanics and I was instantly having a blast learning how to play again. I knew if the training is fun, the main game had to be fun right? Well, let's see here...
The difficulty level has gotten tougher IMO. I let the Browns beat me (Eagles 14 to 10 in my first game) but it was a fantastic an exciting game and I didn't want it to end. But what stood out? I could play freaking DEFENSE!!! Although I was learning with that new defensive camera angle. Is it me, or did they somewhat borrow from backbreaker? That threw me off back in the day, it's throwing me off now, but it grows on you and I like playing behind the defense for a change and it works well.
Again, I mentioned before, you do occasionally see some pretty outrageous animations especially near the end of a tackle with guys flopping around again like in 25, but it's definitely been addressed and toned down significantly and overall, it really feels and looks good.
Offense feels great as the defense does. The typical controls still will be right home with the Madden guys. Running game is a blast and run blocking continues to improve each year, and I feel the holes are easier to distinguish in this game. Passing is smooth and doesn't seem overpowering. I tried a few of my money plays I learned over the years and they all seemed to be contained. Computer A.I. is smart and mixes it up. I love the play calling screens. Nice and big and easy to see which is great for poeple who like to really get up close and personal. I really like the ability to look through so many plays and the reccomended plays always seem like a good option when you're wanting to do hurry up.
Graphics are fantastic. As good as MLB The Show and NBA2k?? I sure think so. The players faces are better than you would expect considering they are usually hiding under their helmets, but there is an amazing amount of detail especially for big name guys like Peyton Manning. Coaches are eeriely like their actual counterparts. So much love was to make this look more real than it already did, and Madden 15 gets nearly everything right in the graphics department.
The commentary is the only thing that continues to disappoint. It's an improvement from last year, all be it a miniscule one. I like Nance, but i think I heard his voice over the years too many times on NCAA. The halftime show and end game summaries are very nice though, the broadcast presentation as a whole truly feels like an NFL Sunday broadcast, can probably lean on CBS a bit with the vibe I get when I play.
The game offers online tournaments, connected franchise modes, online quick matches, roster sharing (woo hoo) and LEGENDS are back! I don't know how many yet, but nice to see I can make my own players too and make my own classic teams! Look out everyone, the 86 browns will be coming for you!
Madden 15 is not Madden 25 with updated rosters, this game feels great, feels new, and feels fresh. EA put a lot into their game this year and made me a believer that EA can still make a good football game on a yearly basis if they want to. Madden 15 is proof for me. I give it a 9 out of 10.