
A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

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Old 06-12-2014, 02:08 AM   #49
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Re: A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

They're not going to redo animations now. The best window for that was coming into this gen. They made a decision not to do that, so we're stuck with this for the rest of the generation, give or take some animations. Even knowing that, it's infuriating watching animations from Madden 06, bad animations at that.

There are even post-play animations from Madden 08 and 09. They tell us about all of this new stuff with post-play, but all they're doing is changing camera angles in these scenes while using old animation sequences from old Maddens. Last generation Maddens. And speaking of angles, what's with all of these far-off shots during post-play here? It just ruins the very concept they're promoting. Did they forget what they did with Madden 12? Look at these correct angles in Madden 12:


How do you go from that to what's in Madden 15? What the heck?

These tackles in M15 are so bad, man. Why is everything a spin-down or a pull-down? And why are they having pro QB's drop the ball below their waists like that when they set? Those are 1930's era fundamentals that have been obsolete for generations. They even do it when they scramble in the pocket, smh. And when the QB's are mobile in the pocket their upper bodies are so overly stiff and static while their feet are dancing a jig, moving around the pocket like there is a rocket pack strapped to their back. You can still drop back super fast and unrealistically far with little or no consequence.

The graphics are so good, it's a shame they're being cheapened by all of this.
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Old 06-12-2014, 02:09 AM   #50
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Re: A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

I've always been big on presentation, because good presentation preserves the life of the game. If the game looks stale visually, that hurts the replay value overall, IMO.

This looked great. I think the run out with Wilson and the video is cool--I think it's something that unfortunately will get old, however. And what if you trade for Wilson in CFM in 2017, and now he's on the Broncos? Wilson in Seahawks garb then seems odd. I get where they are going with it though--but things like that need to be considered from all angles.

Loved the close ups of Kap pointing to the defense. I noticed these pre-play closeups were super short though---like 2 seconds long. They felt overly brief to me (by a second or two), and I can't quite tell if they are made to be overly brief, or if the player was button mashing.

I do think, however, that there are not enough close ups in the presentation. Turn on any CBS NFL broadcast--you're getting close ups of Tom Brady or Peyton Manning or Frank Gore post-play--especially as they walk back to the huddle or are in the huddle. Here, it's far too often a wide camera angle shot of the huddle, or medium shots. I'm all for variety, but come on, let's not only get closer in on the players like Madden 12 because it's true to real life presentation, but because these are the best graphics and player models in a football game to ever hit consoles.

Like the play calling screen being vertical. But I still don't know why you go to all that work to create a highly detail oriented game, and then play call screens are covering up the post play and replays? You gotta find a way to have us simultaneously search for our next play while still enjoying an unblocked replay.

Really loved the new player models. No more revolution helmet being too big for someone's body. Kap looking perfectly proportioned.

Also love that not only are the cut scenes gone, but the fact that they removed those awkward post-play animations of players getting off the ground with one leg and other strange things. More organic now.

I liked seeing little things happening, like Kap clapping as he breaks the huddle, or adjusting his facemask. I liked how players, once they transitioned from walking up to the line to getting in their pre-snap stance, it seemed less robotic than in past years.

Liked the down and distance showing. Really liked the end of the first quarter replay highlight package, and the helmets on the grass. I did find it weird there was a Russell QB intro, but not one for Kap.

The animations do need work, though. Still way too herky jerky for 2014. You can tell that, as pretty as the game looks, it's built on an old, unstable foundation of a decade of last gen Madden games. Problem is, in the 64 bit days, or the PS2 days, you could stomach it more. But when players are looking photo realistic, and presentation looks as good as it has in a long time, the animations hurt the immersion factor. It also hurts the realism of the game--guys just move in a smoother fashion in real life.

Tackling needs to be re-done. Maybe that's the big back of the box feature for 2016. Because as it stands, I just don't see a variety of tackles. Regardless of how many tacklers are involved, and more need to be involved, there just needs to be a much larger variety of ways to bring the ball carrier down.

I'm still seeing this weird post-play paralysis thing going on. And I hate it--where a guy will tackle another guy, and they'll both just lay there, almost like they are stuck to the ground with glue and can't get up. They look paralyzed--or it looks like a glitch. I'm disappointed that is a mainstay from Madden 25--really thought that would be gone.

Last edited by PacMan3000; 06-12-2014 at 02:14 AM.
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Old 06-12-2014, 02:11 AM   #51
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Re: A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

Originally Posted by NicVirtue
If it's of any use to anyone, I've slowed down all the plays for examination.

I'll be honest, some animations look better when they are slowed down like that. QB drop backs and play action actually look good at the slower speed. Maybe EA should slow down the animations a little.
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Old 06-12-2014, 02:11 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by johnnyg713
I see the issues with the Seahawks offensive line but user offensive line does a very good job protecting. That's why I believe it's being played at a low difficulty. Take a look at 14:25. IMO the ol/dl interaction as a whole looks just as good as all pro. 2 double teams, one dt is completely knocked down. DE on the right gets cut and the DE on the left does a good job trying to get inside but is held up. Only issue I have is that kap should have been sacked because he went too far back and the DE should have run a better angle. IMO it's being played at pro, maybe even rookie.
I dont really understand how difficulty level makes AI dumb? This is something that I dont understand about football games? So if i change the difficulty then my players act dumb or cpu players act smarter? Or my lineman blocks air? Or receivers drop the ball on purpose? Or the DB runs in the wrong zone or whiffs coverage because I change difficulty? I think difficulty should be different, maybe better coaching not just a bunch of blown assignments.
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Old 06-12-2014, 02:13 AM   #53
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Re: A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

A couple more things. I seriously wonder if Phil Simms has an issue with the way his likeness would look talking because they literally cut away right as he is about to start talking. I think there was one or maybe two intros last year where they showed him talking. Anyways, not important. Just an observation I always have noticed.

I've seen a lot of people mentioning what would happen in the QB intro for Russell Wilson or Kaepernick if they were to get traded or end up on another team. My guess is that they would just remove the part where they're showing the NFL Films stuff. What I'm curious about is how a guy like Johnny Manziel or Blake Bortles or any of the rookies will be handled seeing as how there is no NFL footage of them and will continue to be none until after the game comes out. Again, my guess would be that there would just be nothing there but who knows.
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Old 06-12-2014, 02:14 AM   #54
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Re: A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

Originally Posted by PacMan3000
I'm still seeing this weird post-play paralysis thing going on. And I hate it--where a guy will tackle another guy, and they'll both just lay there, almost like they are stuck to the ground with glue and can't get up. They look paralyzed--or it looks like a glitch. I'm disappointed that is a mainstay from Madden 25--really thought that would be gone.
The problem started in Madden 13 to be exact. It's all tied to problems with Infinity. Remember in 13 the players would usually just get up and fall over each other. I guess the paralysis is a band-aid.
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Old 06-12-2014, 02:15 AM   #55
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Re: A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

The new presentation is a start. I love the videos next to QB run out. Just hope they keep adding to presentation.
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Old 06-12-2014, 02:20 AM   #56
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Re: A Full 15 Minutes of Madden NFL 15 Gameplay

Originally Posted by MossMan84
I dont really understand how difficulty level makes AI dumb? This is something that I dont understand about football games? So if i change the difficulty then my players act dumb or cpu players act smarter? Or my lineman blocks air? Or receivers drop the ball on purpose? Or the DB runs in the wrong zone or whiffs coverage because I change difficulty? I think difficulty should be different, maybe better coaching not just a bunch of blown assignments.
Completely agree with this but people suck at the game, plane and simple. If you're joe shmo and you're playing the game just to get sacks and kill the QB, there has to be some way to let you have your fun.

Last edited by johnnyg713; 06-12-2014 at 02:22 AM.
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