04-01-2014, 02:07 AM
If we weren't such scared nation. Scared in the sense of the next man coming up and making something, this wouldn't be an issue. Lets look at Europe, our big brother and expellor of misfits who funded this great nation. Kids become pros when they see fit. They have deep amature farm systems to develop young talent. Here they say ON NON OTHER THAN ESPN, that without college sports the kids marketability wouldn't be as big. Why? WHat about the fact that he/ she gets scutinized for taking benefits in when they need them.
The ncaa is the biggest racket, but they're not alone. So are the leagues they breed talent for. Without the ncaa, the kids would he able to skip school and hire tutors if the so pleased. And if the agent was smart they would. What are the super student athletes learning in two semesters, nothing. Its all ball. But look at what the schools generate in funds from the likes of Derrick ROSE, to JJ REDDICK. Free markets should be the way of everything not just those who have the knowledge and savvy to manipulate the markets.
Now Vernon Davis is offering himself as a stock, if this isn't the closest thing to slave trading, it has to be free market ability. One argument says heck no this is an outrage, its a sign of the times, the other says this is long overdue. People should have the freedom to do.as they please. Thus the collegiate athlete saga. If one athlete offers himself up the same way will he/she be disqualified, or allowed to participate? What if the athlete sold his/ her services for sex? In America its legal in some places, the point is the NCAA is unjust in its control over student athletes. However we the student athlete, and society allow it and enforce it.
Money is the only reason this continues. The lesser student athlete know about paid players, even.in.community colleges. I played at.Hudson Valley CC and we knew our 6'2 250 MLB who ran a 4.6 was getting paid. House and all. But you mean this is wrong? No, we needed him and the others.they paid. Say D1 schools didn't pay players and they TV ad money was on the table to the.best league, why wouldn't HBCU be number 1? Put the same players in HBCU uniforms and Bowl money stadiums, with.big corporate sponsors with alumni like RICE, WILLIAMS, PAYTON, and coaching like Eddie Robinson, there would be no D1 juggernaut's.
But greed and supremacy has led to the control of the future of these athletes. You give a player 100k instead of a scholarship, he will either do this or that, but you give him/her a full ride and the career is ended early, they never cared about school because sports were the way out of poverty. Now you have a wouldst been or a coulda been. Greedy CEO's don't see this. Ceo-.Athletic Directors, who think a college education is equal to 4years of 50-100k/ year. More students may elect to stay and pay their own tuition knowing Its their choice.
They try to play the equality card, but why, Woman aren't paid equally as males, and neither are minorities vs. White males. So create a tier system that pays the player according to his her value. Perfect example is Manzel vs. Winston. Winston was top tier top three QB. The highest needed position, but Johnny Football wasn't. He was a upper to mid tier talent. After his first year(Manzel) Should've received a raise for increasing his stock and over achieving. This is just. These players have to deal with scandal, paparazzi, and super stress. Then perform at a superb level.
Its time to pay them.