
Sports Daily: The End of Scholarships?

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Old 04-01-2014, 10:52 AM   #9
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Equinox831's Arena
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Right now I'm typing this from my dorm room at a pretty big university that I'm only going to because I got a hefty athletic scholarship for track and field. I can tell you right now that scholarships aren't going anywhere. Some of the best athletes in the country couldn't dream of affording to go to a 4 year university at full price. The only good I can see coming from that is athletes working harder in the classroom to get academic scholarships because I can admit, we can slack sometimes, but we're human it happens. Unless you want to see a dramatic decline in competition and talent at the college level, scholarships need to stay in place. I know that if I lost my scholarship I'd be going back home and picking up the pieces and I wouldn't really have a direction anymore. I'd hate to see that happen on a large scale.
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Old 04-02-2014, 12:32 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by RandyBass
You're entire statement was a bit bewildering, but the beginning was perhaps the most perplexing, and quite frankly just flat out wrong. I understand the whole land of opportunity thing may be more myth than reality, especially in these recent times, but come on man! Compared to pretty much every nation on earth, perhaps even in the history of civilization itself, this country is very much about the next man coming up and making something. Not sure where you got that idea.
Perspective driven. Did Favre mentors Rodgers? 1 pont to me. The list goes on, we could go into humanities or economics too, but let's stay in sports.

You tell me what institution is for paying players, I'll tell you how many coaches are for it. Look at every college coach that has achieved legend status and I'll show you a list of kids he coached that could've went to HBCU'S. And I'll more than bet if we interviewed the Rasheed Wallace's, the magic Johnson's and so on we'd find payments. Just like we'd find juiced ball players before the steroid era.
Fact is we can look at Marijuana to college athletics in America, if the right ppl aren't making money no money will be legally made.

Perspectively driven again. But I respect your perspective too. Were just see from two different sides. Also you say its completely wrong. If you played college sports, you can't say I'm wrong.
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Old 04-02-2014, 08:18 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by RandyBass
Or they could just make kids and parents watch Hoop Dreams every year from about age 5. Maybe then you wouldn't have so many young people putting all their eggs in one basket so to speak.

I mean seriously, this problem has roots much deeper than the NCAA. Really what we're seeing is just the fruit being reaped, not the seed being sown. The roots go all the way down to family, culture, history, and poverty.

This nation has sown some bad seeds, and we're just seeing the fruit of it, that's all. It's very hard to undo what's been done, takes a long time, a lot of work from a lot of different people in a lot of different areas.

Ending scholarships, turning universities into semi pro teams, these won't make that big of a difference because you're trying to deal with the problem at the end not at the beginning.
Why do we need to go to college? I'm a college graduate. But I my employment is affected at my level by color. Face it. If my kid was LeBron today. Not then. I'd move over seas or really look at the Dr league. In college kids are smashing chick's left and right but they can do that in Israel ballin, or in the d league. I think ppl are out of touch with reality. And think that this fan stuff really matters. The Ohio State U. Note Dame. These schools just like many businesses in America are built off the backs of ACTUAL humans. Don't tell me it's the endowment dept. UK OUTTA HERE BY KU student tried to tell me that BS. Cats go to KU because Wilt, Manning, Brown, Wiggins, Peirce, and even Lester Earl lol went there. Or bare going there. The Bo shembecklers and Ricky waters of the world. If they were able to negotiate a price for their participation they would be better off.

There is no argument for colleges. They are for profit institutions. Where some at one time were entrenched in racism. Only athletics opened these doors wide open. You say the USF Don's story. Let these kids choose to go or not to go to college band if they go Pay em.
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