
Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

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Old 11-27-2013, 01:18 AM   #161
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by magicman32
All I know is playing NBA Live has allowed me to APPRECIATE the other game even more. It really puts into perspective how hard it is to make a realistic looking basketball sim.

I think Live messed up by listening to all the Live fans who were screaming... "we hate canned animations". After that we got Elite where they tried to pitch Real time Physics and 1 to 1 gameplay. They messed up the source code and haven't been able to recover ever since. It's sad really, because NBA Live 14 is a hot mess. Elite was terrible. Live 12 didn't even come out. And Live 13 was worse than Elite with all those herky jerky animations.

The bottom line is basketball needs animations to play out to look real. The key is the most of the animations should be "breakable". I think this is where 2k has focused on gameplay wise and has gotten better with over the years. While Live really don't know how to implement their vision. I'm convinced they don't have the tech or the talent to make a great basketball game. It's been too many years and too many duds. Live 10 was their best effort on last gen and how long did it take them to get there?

I wasn't a huge fan of Live 10, but looking back at it now and seeing what EA has been doing with Live for 4 years, Live 10 wasn't half bad.

EA should be ashamed. And IMO, the Live series won't survive. I don't think the suits like wasting money.
Except Live fans weren't screaming about animations until "canned animations" became apart of EA's latest buzzwords during the Elite hype train. Live 10 was the greatest basketball game ever made, much better (and of course more fun, gotta throw that in) than 2K10 at the time. Once the Elite ball was rolling and hyping up real time physics and the war on animations, that's when the screams started. It's pretty much how the pattern works. Every current Live is the greatest, most FUN thing ever with no game breaking flaws until the hype train starts for the next one and the devs start dissing whatever they "fixed" from the previous version.
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Old 11-27-2013, 02:28 AM   #162
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Except Live fans weren't screaming about animations until "canned animations" became apart of EA's latest buzzwords during the Elite hype train. Live 10 was the greatest basketball game ever made, much better (and of course more fun, gotta throw that in) than 2K10 at the time. Once the Elite ball was rolling and hyping up real time physics and the war on animations, that's when the screams started. It's pretty much how the pattern works. Every current Live is the greatest, most FUN thing ever with no game breaking flaws until the hype train starts for the next one and the devs start dissing whatever they "fixed" from the previous version.
And I pray that it doesn't happen again.. please EA just stick to a 3 year plan for once.. smh

I'd much rather see them go in a direction I don't agree with and possibly win me over later on then to reset again.
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Old 11-27-2013, 03:06 AM   #163
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by Jano
please EA just stick to a 3 year plan for once.. smh
I recall a three year plan for the MLB 2K series at the start of this generation.
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Old 11-27-2013, 05:12 AM   #164
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Elites player models look very similar to the models we have on 14. And the ESPN implantation is certainly similar too. Welcome to the canceled engine of NBA Elite everyone. We've been duped!
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Old 11-27-2013, 05:31 AM   #165
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

So what was the last previous live game O'Brien produced?

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Old 11-27-2013, 10:05 AM   #166
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by JBulls
So what was the last previous live game O'Brien produced?

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Im not sure, didn't he do other sports games before? Just football? This is Tiburon right?
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Old 11-27-2013, 11:51 AM   #167
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by JBulls
So what was the last previous live game O'Brien produced?

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OBrien was part of the Live 10 dev team but not sure if he was producer on it.

From Live 10 wiki@ nba-live.com/nbalivewiki


NBA Live 10 will be produced by a revamped development team headed up by new lead producer Sean O'Brien, formerly the lead producer on EA Sports' NCAA Basketball (formerly known as March Madness) series. Mike Wang, who previously worked for 2K Sports on the NBA 2K titles from 2005-2007, will assume the role of the new lead gameplay designer for NBA Live 10.
In an interview with IGN , both O'Brien and Wang outlined a focus on improving the product and avoiding the mistakes of the past, though suggested it might not be possible to fix all the "cracks in (the) foundation" within one production cycle. Forum and blog posts by producer Marcus Stephenson have revealed that emphasis will be placed on developing more accurate shot trajectories for specific players as well as increased backboard usage for players who like to go glass and amongst the generic layups that will be in the game.
A further blog post by producer Matt Lafreniere inviting feedback on the audio in NBA Live 09 and desired improvements in NBA Live 10 also revealed that Marv Albert and Steve Kerr will return as NBA Live's announce team, making NBA Live 10 the fifth game to feature Albert and Kerr on commentary and Albert's seventh appearance in the NBA Live series.

Last edited by kingeo19; 11-27-2013 at 12:15 PM.
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Old 11-27-2013, 12:56 PM   #168
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by iseedeadpeople
I recall a three year plan for the MLB 2K series at the start of this generation.
And then Kush imploded...

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