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Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

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Old 11-27-2013, 02:05 PM   #169
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

You can look at the information being released/not being release prior to the titles release but I'm just gonna focus on them making attempts to improve.

I want to see this game succeed especially if Synergy is working as it should. I've been far too disappointed with the lack of roster updates elsewhere and Live's daily roster changes always made it a winner in that category.

I applaud the videos to help with those confused on how to play. The demo confused me for sure. I couldn't figure out how to perform some moves.

It may seem trivial to make a game complicated but if the game is actually deep, then that's bound to happen. Makes me wonder what moves are available that others couldn't figure out.

Or this could all just be nonsense and it won't even matter. We will see.

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Old 11-27-2013, 02:22 PM   #170
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

I was one of the main ones saying that Synergy would be the bright spot for this EA is usually on point with updates....

but between players being on the wrong team, random players named "point guard", and teams playing nothing like themselves I've been disappointed...
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Old 11-27-2013, 02:37 PM   #171
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I was one of the main ones saying that Synergy would be the bright spot for this EA is usually on point with updates....

but between players being on the wrong team, random players named "point guard", and teams playing nothing like themselves I've been disappointed...
Ah that's not good then.

I guess I just don't get it.

We visit and can see every teams roster and box score. Why is this so hard to do right in 2014?

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Old 11-27-2013, 03:06 PM   #172
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Point Guard. At Shooting Guard... Number 99!

Should never have someone named Point Guard though.
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Old 11-27-2013, 03:23 PM   #173
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Honestly I'm a little concerned that there isn't even going to be a Live 15. The writing is looking like it's on the wall here. He says in the coming weeks and months we'll see 14 get better visually. Why would you intentionally cut into the development time of Live 15 worrying about improving Live 14? I simply cannot see EA Sports wasting resources like that. Especially not after the way they cut and run on those of us that purchased NCAA Basketball 10, a game that they KNEW they weren't making the following year and could actually afford to take a step like this.
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Old 11-27-2013, 03:49 PM   #174
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

I'd say that message is refreshing if it were actually heartfelt.
If NBA Live 14 sold 3M copies, this letter doesn't exist.

This is nothing but a veiled attempt to keep the sheep fed so they're ready to buy when they finally right their ship.

I can't help but think the money used to develop NBA Live 14 could have been better spent on MVP 2014.
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Old 11-27-2013, 07:06 PM   #175
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Honestly I'm a little concerned that there isn't even going to be a Live 15. The writing is looking like it's on the wall here. He says in the coming weeks and months we'll see 14 get better visually. Why would you intentionally cut into the development time of Live 15 worrying about improving Live 14? I simply cannot see EA Sports wasting resources like that. Especially not after the way they cut and run on those of us that purchased NCAA Basketball 10, a game that they KNEW they weren't making the following year and could actually afford to take a step like this.

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Old 11-28-2013, 03:13 AM   #176
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Re: Sean O'Brien Issues Apology for NBA Live's Quality, Promises Improvements

Im interested to see 14 will look like around March. Chances are not too different but i'm open to being surprised.
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