
NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Review (IGN)

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Old 11-12-2013, 09:24 AM   #201
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I do want to say too that the game playing the same as current gen is absolutley fine with me. I've loved the gameplay for the last few years on current gen and am glad 2k didn't change it up to much in that regard.
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Old 11-12-2013, 09:32 AM   #202
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Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Review (IGN)

I don't mind the gameplay being the same. It plays well and anyone who disagrees is either a casual gamer or they like dunking every possession. The only things that worry me is the bland start up menu. Where is practice, MYTEAM, the park? It's not there. I mean I know they're in the game but where is it on the screen? Was he playing an earlier version? But that can't be with the games on shelves.
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Old 11-12-2013, 09:34 AM   #203
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Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Review (IGN)

I jusr play random games and nba today the modes do nothing for me
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Old 11-12-2013, 09:38 AM   #204
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Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Review (IGN)

Originally Posted by Melbournelad
2k has their player models spot on, Bosh looks like one creepy dinosaur in that picture.
Bosh looks like a creepy dinosaur in real life,lol. Kind of surprised that the game only got 8.9. Its a good score but the guy bash the ball physics, which from what he said about it maybe a good thing because that means guys won't be trying to do a bunch of And1 crazy dribbling or try to hold turbo and ram in the paint and dunk all game, it may result in them loosing the ball. He didn't have to many negatives, with that I thought the game would get a 9.3 or 9.4. What's going to be interesting if a game like Madden Next Gen scores higher......
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Old 11-12-2013, 09:38 AM   #205
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Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Review (IGN)

Originally Posted by El_Poopador
they acknowledge that theyve taken the most substantial leap graphically. this review said that gameplay is almost identical to current gen. to me thats a disappointment. i expected much improved ai at the very least. graphics will come eventually for every game eventually but it seems like they focused more on tangibles (visuals modes etc.) than the issues under the hood that could have really made the game better.
You have a right to have that expectation, but imo it's highly unrealistic. Of the next gen games that are releasing on both current gen and next gen (Call of Duty, Madden, FIFA, Battlefield 4, Assassins Creed 4, etc.), name the ones that are completely different experiences. None. I looked at the FIFA review and the reviewer repeatedly says it's not much different than the current gen game other than the newer system allows for more animations and better graphic fidelity.

Only here do you have the game being held to some ridiculously high standard (imo, by some). Most of us acknowledge the current gen game represented a huge leap from 2K13 from an AI and gameplay standpoint. The next gen game releases a little over a month later and you're expecting some huge leap beyond that? Within a month and a half's difference?

Again it's your prerogative to have whatever expectation you want to have of the next gen titles. I just think some are going into this generation with no perspective as to what normally occurs during the initial releases when new generations of consoles are released. Current gen NBA2K14 was already pretty much considered the best ever basketball game; not sure how people can be expecting some huge monumental leap beyond that, only a few months later. If anything the game looks to be a pretty substantial improvement on the current gen game, which I think is an accomplishment in itself. The IGN reviewer seemed to knock the game more for it's supplemental modes not being better than the current gen offerings than anything else
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Old 11-12-2013, 09:45 AM   #206
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Looks great, but one disappointing thing is the fact that you still have the rookies that were drafted in your slot on your team. When his MyPlayer is on the bench you can clearly see Ben McLemore sitting next to him
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Old 11-12-2013, 09:50 AM   #207
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Review (IGN)

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
You have a right to have that expectation, but imo it's highly unrealistic. Of the next gen games that are releasing on both current gen and next gen (Call of Duty, Madden, FIFA, Battlefield 4, Assassins Creed 4, etc.), name the ones that are completely different experiences. None. I looked at the FIFA review and the reviewer repeatedly says it's not much different than the current gen game other than the newer system allows for more animations and better graphic fidelity.
madden has shown some improvement in the gameplay where it was lacking. oline/dline play has been improved, which is a pretty major poe for a lot of people myself included.

Only here do you have the game being held to some ridiculously high standard (imo, by some). Most of us acknowledge the current gen game represented a huge leap from 2K13 from an AI and gameplay standpoint. The next gen game releases a little over a month later and you're expecting some huge leap beyond that? Within a month and a half's difference?
tbh i didnt notice much if any improvement in the ai from 2k13 to 2k14. ive said before my biggest issues with the game is the ai, specifically the user's teammates not showing any awareness of whats going on around them and lack of ball awareness when going for steals rebounds and loose balls. cg 2k14 plays like fifa during loose ball situations because everyone just kicks the ball around.

and 2k has stated that the game isnt a port that they had different teams working on ng etc. you make it sound like they only worked on the game for a month and a half, just starting after cg released. what im saying is that i wish they had put more resources into better ai and fixing under the hood issues than prettying up the graphics. im not saying its a bad game but a lot of people are giving them more credit than they deserve based solely on things like putting facial expressions in the game.
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Old 11-12-2013, 10:01 AM   #208
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Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Review (IGN)

My opinion , my thoughts , my life :

-a lot of footage I've seen had me puzzled (could've sworn I saw some sliding but maybe it must've been the phone camera ruining the footage)

-definitely witnessed some arm flipping (not saying games shouldn't have glitches but on the catch and shoot from lull deng had me saying some things never change lol

-graphics look sick. Hands down. These kind of graphics has always been around it was just a matter of time we were going to bring it home.

-ppl complaining about the rim noises I understand why now but real dunks in real life don't sound exciting. But really and truly there's really a 3 types of rim noises that's quiet (a rare dunk from say a Chris Paul) medium (anything between Roy Hibbert putting a quick one down or Carmelo Anthony in the lane) and loud a hard, accelerated dunk from LeBron, Dwight, Gerald green's windmill.) the only thing that's needed is sound duration ranging from a quick squeeze to hanging on the rim.

-I've never given a game back for a refund faster than cg 2k14. Too many key things for me were downgraded. It was a slap to my face after spending 70 dollars. 2k14 has the worst overall controls for all of the 2k games I've played since 2k7. I never owned 2k7 or 2k8 but from 2k9-2k13 I saw the improvements. Adding blocking was great more fluid animations to look more realistic for the gameplay was great but they took out the ability to command reverse dunks, baseline reverse dunks, and 360s. Smh The spin dunks were there but it's way less of a canned animation. The freestyle pass was an idea from live 10 mike wang experimented with. Worked way better on live, I can tell u that cuz freestyle passing has no sense of direction what so ever. Doesn't need a modifier. Like chrissmoove said all it needed was the icon button. 2k13 controls were perfect, the game was damn near perfect. It just needed a few tweaks but nope. all the improvements are meant for and I hope for NG.

-I'm glad the ball is way more tangible. That means all those ppl who think this is nba street is going to get humiliated by enticing defence while trying to b-line to the key with LeBron. Not on NG (I hope).
- I pray that I will never see a hand or arm going through my players body or face or leg without the ref blowing the whistle. I pray 2k made at least some physical contact for reaching in or unsuccessfully swatting the ball leading to a slap to an offensive player.

-I don't know why the menu looked so short but I'm sure there's a practice mode and everything else were used to on the NG in the "features" section ... Right?

-I'm not a fool. 2k14 is not a port over in terms of graphics. But the mechanics of the gameplay look very similar to cg. It might feel at home when I first play it. I don't think this is a complete port over but it doesn't look like anything I couldn't imagine tbh. Not downplaying improvements but It looks like cg with EXTRA butter. All they used is the cg base and added things that could never work On cg. I'm not convinced this a brand new game. they keep trying impede into my brain.

I can't wait to get my ps4. I'm excited for my new console I hope I don't have to return a game on a next gen. I'm getting live 14 also so I can constructively criticize both.
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