
Madden NFL 25 Video - MNF Simulation: Colts vs. Chargers (Xbox One)

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Old 10-14-2013, 01:19 PM   #89
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Ya'll can have that, I want something better. We want replication of the sport itself, not replication of a football video game that did some things better.

I want a true simulation, bad weather that affects gameplay, road disadvantages like extremely loud crowds in Seattle that makes it more difficult for inexperienced qb's, high snaps, muffed punt & kick returns, blocked punts and fg's, bobbled catches, 50+ yard field goals that are a lot harder than 30-40 yarders. That's what I'm wanting to see in next gen, not another 2k or whatever companies version of football, real football replicated at a high level is what I want.
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Old 10-14-2013, 01:20 PM   #90
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
I wont derail a thread, but there a quite a few people in the industry that aren't impressed with next gen either. The reason there isn't a ton of footage released on many games ( not just EA ) is that this generation will be the least impressive of all console generation releases. The smaller developers and publishers will blow you away this generation, no doubt. The larger studios and more well known development teams are just doing what we call as a "+1". Basically do the exact same thing as the last iteration, but add just one extra item to sell it again.

This generation of systems was not made for gaming, it was more made for marketing.
stop..just stop. You saying this generations of systems wernt made for gaming is just wrong. Its the first generations of games...look at the first generations of games for ps3 and 360 then look at the games now with last of us, uncharted, gta5. We WILL see a huge difference come 3 or 4 years down the line just not right now.
As for madden..that game as become a complete joke. Their Ignite engine looks like completely the same engine as before so its def not "built from the ground up" I bet when we see first see The Shows next gen gameplay we'll see something that impresses us because that game already does things that impresses us.
The bottom line is when you see games like Battlefield, Killzone, even NBA 2k14 next gen footage, you cant help but be disappointed to say the least with what you see with madden as a sports gamer.
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Old 10-14-2013, 01:20 PM   #91
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
ESPN has removed the video! WOW! There was nothing but negative comments on the video so I am guessing that is why they chose to remove it. Maybe EA saw all this bashing and is embarrassed. How shocking would it be if they actually cancel the game because of all this hate?
In my opinion they should cancel the Next Gen version if it really does look this bad. I mean we already have Madden 25 on current gen what's the point of releasing the same game twice?
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Old 10-14-2013, 01:21 PM   #92
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Lol, people still expect Madden to be good. When do people realize this game will continue to blow because of NO COMPEITITION. Come on people. Madden already has guranteed sales because it's the only option. Madden was mediocre current gen so you expect all of sudden WOW MADDEN IS SO DAMN DIFFERANT AND GOOD NOW! No...it'll be the same crap you played current gen until COMPEITION brings the best out of them.

Lower your expectations people, Madden won't change unless a competitor comes along. No matter what you say or do.
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Old 10-14-2013, 01:21 PM   #93
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
ESPN has removed the video! WOW! There was nothing but negative comments on the video so I am guessing that is why they chose to remove it. Maybe EA saw all this bashing and is embarrassed. How shocking would it be if they actually cancel the game because of all this hate?
They wont and shouldnt cancel. Release the game because many will still enjoy it for what its worth. Just get hard at work on Madden 15 and give us the game we deserve because this one clearly isn't it.
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Old 10-14-2013, 01:23 PM   #94
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by ratedmoney
They wont and shouldnt cancel. Release the game because many will still enjoy it for what its worth. Just get hard at work on Madden 15 and give us the game we deserve because this one clearly isn't it.
I know they won't and I don't want them too. Just saying I think they are definitely noticing all the bashing. The ESPN video had a ton of comments which were all negative. I believe they took notice. Hopefully this helps EA see that people aren't going to take it anymore going into next gen. They CAN'T just make a mediocre game anymore.
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Old 10-14-2013, 01:24 PM   #95
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Ya'll can have that, I want something better. We want replication of the sport itself, not replication of a football video game that did some things better.

I want a true simulation, bad weather that affects gameplay, road disadvantages like extremely loud crowds in Seattle that makes it more difficult for inexperienced qb's, high snaps, muffed punt & kick returns, blocked punts and fg's, bobbled catches, 50+ yard field goals that are a lot harder than 30-40 yarders. That's what I'm wanting to see in next gen, not another 2k or whatever companies version of football, real football replicated at a high level is what I want.
Everything I bolded is already in All-Pro Football 2K8.

So basically, it has everything you want to see except home field advantage.
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Old 10-14-2013, 01:25 PM   #96
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Ya'll can have that, I want something better. We want replication of the sport itself, not replication of a football video game that did some things better.

I want a true simulation, bad weather that affects gameplay, road disadvantages like extremely loud crowds in Seattle that makes it more difficult for inexperienced qb's, high snaps, muffed punt & kick returns, blocked punts and fg's, bobbled catches, 50+ yard field goals that are a lot harder than 30-40 yarders. That's what I'm wanting to see in next gen, not another 2k or whatever companies version of football, real football replicated at a high level is what I want.

It's funny you say that, because most of that stuff is in that game in the gif

I want the same thing too though. I want Madden to destroy that game so I don't have to think about it anymore.

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