
Madden NFL 25 Video - MNF Simulation: Colts vs. Chargers (Xbox One)

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Old 10-14-2013, 03:55 PM   #169
jenglund's Arena
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Those running animations still don't look right. What is it? It's like there's no shoulder-shifting or something. The players look so stiff.

And I think they've been reusing the same QB throwing animations since PS2. Again, can't really put my finger on it, but it just doesn't look like how QBs throw.
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Old 10-14-2013, 03:55 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by MavsManiac4Life
Not impressed at all. Looks just like current-gen, other than a tiny, tiny graphics jump.
I feel you man. A lot of people expected that, but you have to think about it. The only reason why Madden 06 and other XBOX 360/PS3 games looked a whole lot better than the XBOX/PS2 was because we was moving from STANDARD DEFINITION to HIGH DEFINITION. Now we're moving from HIGH DEFINITION to HIGH DEFINITION. LOL The only thing now that set us apart is the graphics card. The graphics card is better than current gen systems. Don't worry Madden & other games in the future will look better than what will be released the first, maybe second year of the PS4/XBOX ONE launch. The madden team is an annual developing squad. They put out games every year. Their games is not going to look better than another company games like Naughty Dog, Ubisoft, or Square Enix. Just look at Infinity Ward's Call Of Duty Ghost. The Next Gen gameplay doesn't look too different from the current gen versions of the game. Even within EA, TITANFALL will look better because they had a team from the start that was fully dedicated to TITANFALL without going from one game project straight to another. So if you're looking for "OMG Graphics" for Madden, you're gonna have to give it some years.
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Old 10-14-2013, 03:56 PM   #171
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
I could be wrong but didn't they bring in that o-line guy a couple of years ago? I forget his name but they started putting him in videos and saying "we have an actual olineman here blah blah blah". Not to knock your post but if hes the same guy, hes been helping them for awhile without much changing.
I thought he was brought in for madden 13. but they specially talked about him having a larger role moving forward. I don't take it as a knock. I'm saying that we will know if this team is capable of taking first hand knowledge and putting it into their games correctly. I enjoyed NCAA and Madden as they are. I understand many have not. I thought it was ridiculously that up until this year the OLine did not have a sophisticated targeting system and Olinemen were not seeking out blocks at the second level. Now that may seem like common football sense. But i honestly don't know if anyone on the dev team played organized football beyond the pee-wee, pop warner level.

In the videos from the brief angles available. The DL and OL interactions look much improved. In the 2 MNF videos we've seen Lamar Miller and Trent Richardson cut outside on their TD runs. But because of the angles they are presented at, we can not see why they are bouncing the run to the outside. If they can take the knowledge from a former pro lineman to enhance that area of the game. I will say there is so hope. If they can't take his information and create functioning realistic interactions in the trenches then expect to see the same 6.5,7/10 game that has been produced this generations.
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Old 10-14-2013, 03:57 PM   #172
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

wow, that looks pretty terrible tbh honest. Hate to pile on but the robotic drop backs were rancid. The catching animations were better though. Why do those cutscenes that we have seen previously look so good but yet this looks terrible. I rmr the first video I saw said 'real gameplay footage' and though ok, that looks nice. This looks terrible, absolutely terrible.
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Old 10-14-2013, 03:58 PM   #173
TalenT's Arena
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by djordan
This is what we want!!!


God bless that is beautiful football. I had forgotten what it looked like in the video game world. They should've just stolen this footage! It would've resulted in less of backlash. Lol

XBOXONE GT: TalenT3Point0
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Old 10-14-2013, 04:01 PM   #174
xnate128x's Arena
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Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I tend to be a glass half full person in general. To me, it comes down to when I put the controller in my hand, will it feel like a new experience or the same gameplay and AI. IF the gameplay and AI is improved quite a bit, that's what I'm wanting. I never expected drastic improvements in presentation besides the crowd and sidelines, maybe some commentary. I was 99.9% sure the presentation would pretty much be the same, it takes more than one dev cycle to implement new presentation elements like studio half time and post game shows. I think NCAA said they worked on their half time show for two years.
Okay I'm sorry but, did you really just say it took them two years to create that complete crap shoot of a halftime show into NCAA? Haha wow..... I myself didn't even consider it to be a halftime show at all. This explains a lot. Lol thanks..... It alllllllllll makes sense now. This is one point of information that proves to us on why EA is incapable of creating a great looking and intuitive football game gameplay wise. I'm not day ng they don't work their butts off over there, but my god I wish they would put more time into gameplay and presentation. I have zero hope for the future of Madden. No more excuses. If they don't give us a great game presentation and gameplay wise in 'two years', then the game will never get better and go in the direction us consumers want it to go. I used to be like you jp, I really did. I gave everyone a chance, and I had a massive amount of optimism with everything. Unfortunately, none of that means zilch when everyone else makes everything hell on a platter. This is what EA Tiburon has been doing to us for years. I guess you'll get it eventually......
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Old 10-14-2013, 04:03 PM   #175
wordtobigbird's Arena
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by dghustla
In the videos from the brief angles available. The DL and OL interactions look much improved. In the 2 MNF videos we've seen Lamar Miller and Trent Richardson cut outside on their TD runs. But because of the angles they are presented at, we can not see why they are bouncing the run to the outside. If they can take the knowledge from a former pro lineman to enhance that area of the game. I will say there is so hope. If they can't take his information and create functioning realistic interactions in the trenches then expect to see the same 6.5,7/10 game that has been produced this generations.
Could you point out what's much improved?

I agree with you that there is hope if madden can improve the AI. The biggest issue to me personally is the AI. I enjoyed M13 and M25 at times with their wack animations. But what KILLS the game for me is the AI of the players. So, I'm with you, if they can transfer knowledge from former players into AI, there is some hope. I don't have any faith in them doing that though based off what the devs have said. They say it takes so long to even add in presentation/graphical/accessory changes, I can't imagine they would revamp the AI in that same cycle. They JUST started getting lead blockers to stop running past the 1st and 2nd defender.. I don't expect them to add in gap assignments or true blocking schemes. I would LOVE to have to call out the Mike in order to pick up the blitz.. Doubt I ever will.
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Old 10-14-2013, 04:04 PM   #176
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This looks like the first madden that came out on the xbox 360 SMH. River's pads look to big and so do Luck's. Look at how Trent Richardson is running. That is horrible. The worst part about it is these may even be cut scenes so could you imagine actual gameplay. SMH EA. I can't stand madden every year but I always buy it SMH.
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