
Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

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Old 07-30-2013, 07:25 AM   #73
Gronk4M13's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Madden NFL 25 Connected Franchise How to Relocate Team to New City Owners Mode (MELOZADA55)

Everything about this video is just awesome.
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Old 07-30-2013, 08:42 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by gr18
That's cool.You're going in with the right frame of mind IMO.I think next Gen will be at least somewhat better from the start but I wouldn't spend the price for a system just for Madden and expect it to be night and day compared to current Gen,which it seems some will do.

To be honest it seems many people here look at this as a big part of their life,too big unfortunately,where they'd lose four months of their lives to fast forward to next Gen release day.
If people are buying a new console JUST for madden, they need some serious help lol.
Do I believe madden 25 will be better on next-gen? Of course, but as you said, it WILL NOT be night and day.
PEOPLE PLEASE DON'T WASTE $500 FOR MADDEN. (that even sounds foolish)
If You're getting a new console look into games like Watch Dogs, TitanFall, and if you're just a sports junkie NBA 2k14, FIFA. Hell I'm even going to give NBA Live 14 a shot.
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Old 07-30-2013, 08:50 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by atc43
Ive been lurking for these past few months not really posting. Just been watching for the new updates here and there, and honestly after what ive seen so far of next gen and m25, coupled with what weve experienced these past 8 or so years, I cant come to a better explanation than this. I mean really. A whole console gen and we still had some of the most ridiculous gameplay ive ever seen in a sports game.

I really hope Next Gen will make me eat crow I really do because i want to love playing Madden and football games in general again. But I highly doubt that will be the case...sigh

Thinking back to Madden2000 I never realized this is the state my favorite video game would be in today :/

Anyway, on topic the game looks like a marginal improvement, like ive said before M25 Next Gen or bust.
Although I agree with most of what you said, I don't think you can say "M25 Next Gen or Bust", and this is why.
I think everyone with a brain knows that there won't be HUGE differences between this gen madden and next gen madden in it's first cycle. If I were you, and of course this is just my opinion, you should just wait until Madden 15 or 26 or whatever they decide to call it, see where the game is, and then say to hell with it if it's still not up to par.
"madden 2000-2005" good times, good times
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Old 07-30-2013, 08:55 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
They just don't seem to understand in order to capture the game of football. You have to brake it down in sections, and then put it all together. Now I can be wrong and maybe they do understand , but why can't they nail it?

First thing you start with is the battle in the trenches. This is a absolute must in order to begin in replicating the game of football accurately.

Then Your work with the QB postion, Then the Rb position, WR, TE, etc etc. Truly understanding what is involved with the success and failure of each and every position.

Then you start to combine things like WR and DB interactions. What really causes a WR to get open ,or for a DB to play good cover defense. The physical battle that takes place between the two. The hand checking each other as the WR tries to run his route. Why is DB a great cover guy. It is because of his physical ability, or great athletic ability to change direction?

The timing involved when completing the pass, and or trusting that your Wr will get open, because in the NFL there are times its just trust. It's not as simple as seeing the Wr get open. It's placing a ball to a spot and hoping the Wr will get there.

What cause the offensive lineman to be beaten, or get a great block. Why is this LB such a great pass rusher but not a good run stopper.

Man I can go on and on, but in order to get Madden to where it needs to be. They really need to dig very deep at each and every position, and understand the different battles that take place on the football field.
What's Crazy is the fact that they went nearly an ENTIRE GENERATION without touching on the fundamentals of football. they said in Next-Gen that the OL/DL will be re-written, although it's good that they are doing that, IT SHOULD'VE BEEN DONE IN MADDEN 06!!!!!!!
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Old 07-30-2013, 08:59 AM   #77
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Is it me, or did anyone else find these videos unappealing?
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Old 07-30-2013, 09:10 AM   #78
therizing02's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Originally Posted by SECElit3
Is it me, or did anyone else find these videos unappealing?
Ha. I'll give my impressions on the videos when I wake up because they put me to sleep. *yawn*
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Old 07-30-2013, 09:12 AM   #79
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Videos (Taken by Attendees From Recent Community Event)

Just added Madden NFL 25 Skills Trainer Gold- Precision Modifier Moves to the OP.
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Old 07-30-2013, 09:26 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by mooch49
I don't get all the negativity. What do people want? It's a videogame first of all. I get there are things lacking that next gen will be able to implement. But I'm sure M25 for current gen is still a good to very good product. It's authentic and its the only NFL game town. Enjoy it for petes sake instead of nitpicking at every little thing. And If everyone expects madden to equal the Show, dont go there. As great and authentic as that game is, it also gets very boring. So please lets just enjoy the game for what it is, a videogame.

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Herein lies the problem. Now I get where you coming, It's just a $65 videogame at the end of the day. How many times are gamers are going to cop out with that type of mentalitty? This is happening way too many times this gen and combine that with EA being the only game in town with the NFL license and that spell disaster for Madden this gen. Come on now, we're at Madden 14 and we're picking up where we left off at last-gen with just NOW adding Owner Mode? Sad. Very sad.

More need to challenge EA by not buying the game and lining up at the stores every August for the same ol' crap in gameplay. All because "Madden's the ONLY game in town". Ask me how Madden games I bought this gen: ZERO. Suction blocking still occuring, Lifeless sidelines. Commentary is light years behind. For some reason, Summerall and Madden were more responsive to the action in Madden '02 than Nantz and Simms now. I agree with another poster here. Tear down Madden and rebuild from the ground up on next-gen. It seems to be the only answer.
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