
E3 2013: Madden NFL 25 Xbox One Hands-On

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Old 06-13-2013, 03:13 AM   #49
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Re: E3 2013: Madden NFL 25 Xbox One Hands-On


Is this truly Next-Gen Football gaming??? Imo it didn't look like it.. The graphics may look like it, but it did not play like it..This is not a bash on Madden, this is reality..

This was my biggest fear.. EA & Tiburon would not have the talent to truly make a Next Gen Football game.. Right now Football gaming is pretty much dead thanks to EA.. How in the world could you Port your old game engine into the New Gen Consoles?? Not again.. It's getting pathetic now seriously.. Oh and they will probably say, “we build this game from the ground up” Yeah right, if this was built from scratch, why does it look and play similar to current gen Madden? Imo, if it was truly built from the ground up, tackling would look different, running would look different, and it would play much different! I think most people would agree.. Look closely at the Demo and you can see this Next Gen Madden plays very similar to current Gen just with better graphics and more power to add more canned animations.. Some of the animations are exactly like current Gen?? The tackling, the running, the gameplay, even the QB does the same signal call animation??!! They improved the Oline & Dline interaction animations because they have more power from the consoles to do it now? So that makes it Next Gen?? Leave it to EA & their Tiburon team to put this out and call it Next Gen Football??! It’s truly embarrassing and a smack on the face to us hardcore football gamers..

This is Pastapadre’s Quick Thought’s on Madden Next Gen, “Least impressive was Madden Football 25 which didn’t stand out as a huge leap over the current generation version which had been played earlier in the day. Before jumping to judgment keep in mind this comes from early in development and featured all 22 players on field but in a practice environment with only running plays as Adrian Peterson. Enhancements to the blocking were the focus here but it seemed like the current gen version had already showed a lot of it and the physics and animations were somewhat familiar. Madden just didn’t “pop” the way the other next-gen games on display did.”

I have a question for you football fans.. What makes you or anyone believe that EA & Tiburon can make a truly Next Gen Football game??

Now really think about it before you answer the question… Think about how madden has been riddled with issues for so long.. Think about how this Madden game is compared to other current or next gen games.. Think about how long it takes for them to implement “truly” new innovation or technology.. Think about how many producers have come and gone.. Think about how long they have messed with football gamers by adding Gimmicks instead of really improving the real issues that plagued madden.. Last one, and this to me has be the most important.. Think about how a smaller company by the name of 2k sports put outa football game called 2k5 almost 10 years ago, that’s right almost a DECADE ago, still has more & better animations then Madden current Gen & even that Next Gen demo released.. How is that even possible?? How?? Here’s one example: CB/WR Jostling or Oline/Dline interaction animations.. Madden still can’t compete in those two areas of animations with what 2k5 did 9 years ago! This company EA & Tiburon are just finally doing something close to what 2k did with the Oline/dline interaction on their Next Gen Madden??! Just now??! Something a company did almost a Decade ago?? Something is not right.. We want to believe this company can finally make the change, but the proof is in the pudding! How can you trust this company?? What's sad is that there is no other choice...

Last edited by Papa D; 06-13-2013 at 03:17 AM.
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Old 06-13-2013, 08:23 AM   #50
TheBuddyHobbs's Arena
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Re: E3 2013: Madden NFL 25 Xbox One Hands-On

So this means EA sports is screwing over Playstation owners again? Not trying to start any console wars just generally curious. Because on this current gen the 360 always had a better game whether it be slightly graphically, less glitching or even freezing issues. Those are my main concerns.
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Old 06-13-2013, 09:18 AM   #51
The_Cane's Arena
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looks sick...can't wait.
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Old 06-13-2013, 09:23 AM   #52
ubernoob's Arena
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Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
So this means EA sports is screwing over Playstation owners again? Not trying to start any console wars just generally curious. Because on this current gen the 360 always had a better game whether it be slightly graphically, less glitching or even freezing issues. Those are my main concerns.
EA didn't scree over the PS owners. The cell processor was a pain for developers.

Both systems have similar (and pc-like) architecture this go round, so issues with ported games should be much fewer.
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Old 06-13-2013, 09:32 AM   #53
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Re: E3 2013: Madden NFL 25 Xbox One Hands-On

Originally Posted by ubernoob
EA didn't scree over the PS owners. The cell processor was a pain for developers.

Both systems have similar (and pc-like) architecture this go round, so issues with ported games should be much fewer.
Well I hope so, but I guess we will have to wait and see to be completely sure.
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Old 06-13-2013, 12:52 PM   #54
infemous's Arena
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Originally Posted by Papa D

Is this truly Next-Gen Football gaming??? Imo it didn't look like it.. The graphics may look like it, but it did not play like it..This is not a bash on Madden, this is reality..

This was my biggest fear.. EA & Tiburon would not have the talent to truly make a Next Gen Football game.. Right now Football gaming is pretty much dead thanks to EA.. How in the world could you Port your old game engine into the New Gen Consoles?? Not again.. It's getting pathetic now seriously.. Oh and they will probably say, “we build this game from the ground up” Yeah right, if this was built from scratch, why does it look and play similar to current gen Madden? Imo, if it was truly built from the ground up, tackling would look different, running would look different, and it would play much different! I think most people would agree.. Look closely at the Demo and you can see this Next Gen Madden plays very similar to current Gen just with better graphics and more power to add more canned animations.. Some of the animations are exactly like current Gen?? The tackling, the running, the gameplay, even the QB does the same signal call animation??!! They improved the Oline & Dline interaction animations because they have more power from the consoles to do it now? So that makes it Next Gen?? Leave it to EA & their Tiburon team to put this out and call it Next Gen Football??! It’s truly embarrassing and a smack on the face to us hardcore football gamers..

This is Pastapadre’s Quick Thought’s on Madden Next Gen, “Least impressive was Madden Football 25 which didn’t stand out as a huge leap over the current generation version which had been played earlier in the day. Before jumping to judgment keep in mind this comes from early in development and featured all 22 players on field but in a practice environment with only running plays as Adrian Peterson. Enhancements to the blocking were the focus here but it seemed like the current gen version had already showed a lot of it and the physics and animations were somewhat familiar. Madden just didn’t “pop” the way the other next-gen games on display did.”

I have a question for you football fans.. What makes you or anyone believe that EA & Tiburon can make a truly Next Gen Football game??

Now really think about it before you answer the question… Think about how madden has been riddled with issues for so long.. Think about how this Madden game is compared to other current or next gen games.. Think about how long it takes for them to implement “truly” new innovation or technology.. Think about how many producers have come and gone.. Think about how long they have messed with football gamers by adding Gimmicks instead of really improving the real issues that plagued madden.. Last one, and this to me has be the most important.. Think about how a smaller company by the name of 2k sports put outa football game called 2k5 almost 10 years ago, that’s right almost a DECADE ago, still has more & better animations then Madden current Gen & even that Next Gen demo released.. How is that even possible?? How?? Here’s one example: CB/WR Jostling or Oline/Dline interaction animations.. Madden still can’t compete in those two areas of animations with what 2k5 did 9 years ago! This company EA & Tiburon are just finally doing something close to what 2k did with the Oline/dline interaction on their Next Gen Madden??! Just now??! Something a company did almost a Decade ago?? Something is not right.. We want to believe this company can finally make the change, but the proof is in the pudding! How can you trust this company?? What's sad is that there is no other choice...
Need to co-sign this so fully.

This is not a new engine in the sense that we'd hope for.

The game is STILL being layered upon mountains of redundant and broken code.

If they can prove to me that a 0 STR, 0 PBK and 0 RBK OL will be obliterated by a good or decent DLman, or if a Kicker can still do something to deny even an average DL then I will continue to hold my hopes back.

They need to publish an exhaustive list of what each rating actually DOES and likewise with each and every slider.

A 'next gen' game built on PS2 principles (which is what current gen is STILL based off of) will continue to fail to deliver what we are owed.
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Old 06-13-2013, 12:57 PM   #55
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Re: E3 2013: Madden NFL 25 Xbox One Hands-On

Originally Posted by Papa D

Is this truly Next-Gen Football gaming??? Imo it didn't look like it.. The graphics may look like it, but it did not play like it..This is not a bash on Madden, this is reality..

This was my biggest fear.. EA & Tiburon would not have the talent to truly make a Next Gen Football game.. Right now Football gaming is pretty much dead thanks to EA.. How in the world could you Port your old game engine into the New Gen Consoles?? Not again.. It's getting pathetic now seriously.. Oh and they will probably say, “we build this game from the ground up” Yeah right, if this was built from scratch, why does it look and play similar to current gen Madden? Imo, if it was truly built from the ground up, tackling would look different, running would look different, and it would play much different! I think most people would agree.. Look closely at the Demo and you can see this Next Gen Madden plays very similar to current Gen just with better graphics and more power to add more canned animations.. Some of the animations are exactly like current Gen?? The tackling, the running, the gameplay, even the QB does the same signal call animation??!! They improved the Oline & Dline interaction animations because they have more power from the consoles to do it now? So that makes it Next Gen?? Leave it to EA & their Tiburon team to put this out and call it Next Gen Football??! It’s truly embarrassing and a smack on the face to us hardcore football gamers..

This is Pastapadre’s Quick Thought’s on Madden Next Gen, “Least impressive was Madden Football 25 which didn’t stand out as a huge leap over the current generation version which had been played earlier in the day. Before jumping to judgment keep in mind this comes from early in development and featured all 22 players on field but in a practice environment with only running plays as Adrian Peterson. Enhancements to the blocking were the focus here but it seemed like the current gen version had already showed a lot of it and the physics and animations were somewhat familiar. Madden just didn’t “pop” the way the other next-gen games on display did.”

I have a question for you football fans.. What makes you or anyone believe that EA & Tiburon can make a truly Next Gen Football game??

Now really think about it before you answer the question… Think about how madden has been riddled with issues for so long.. Think about how this Madden game is compared to other current or next gen games.. Think about how long it takes for them to implement “truly” new innovation or technology.. Think about how many producers have come and gone.. Think about how long they have messed with football gamers by adding Gimmicks instead of really improving the real issues that plagued madden.. Last one, and this to me has be the most important.. Think about how a smaller company by the name of 2k sports put outa football game called 2k5 almost 10 years ago, that’s right almost a DECADE ago, still has more & better animations then Madden current Gen & even that Next Gen demo released.. How is that even possible?? How?? Here’s one example: CB/WR Jostling or Oline/Dline interaction animations.. Madden still can’t compete in those two areas of animations with what 2k5 did 9 years ago! This company EA & Tiburon are just finally doing something close to what 2k did with the Oline/dline interaction on their Next Gen Madden??! Just now??! Something a company did almost a Decade ago?? Something is not right.. We want to believe this company can finally make the change, but the proof is in the pudding! How can you trust this company?? What's sad is that there is no other choice...
Great F'N POST MAN! I agree with 100% of what you said.
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Old 06-13-2013, 04:14 PM   #56
BIGE888's Arena
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as long as they get the next gen gameplay right i'm not going to b and moan about how the graphics aren't up to par. i mean, isn't that what we have pc gamers for?? i kiiiid i kiiiid!!
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