
PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

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Old 05-27-2013, 06:00 AM   #9
fearwhatnow's Arena
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Re: PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

Originally Posted by ubernoob
PC sales charts don't take digital downloads (steam, origin, etc.) into account.
PES 2013 became available on Steam 19/03/2013 and there was no other digital download version (maybe I'm mistaken and there was one at Gamersgate). Still the difference between console and pc sales is huge for PES 2013.
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Old 05-27-2013, 09:20 AM   #10
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Re: PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

Originally Posted by fearwhatnow
PES 2013 sold 1.36m on consoles and 0.04m on pc (May 11th 2013 global sales summary). So, KONAMI should stop releasing the game on pc... Oh wait!We're lucky we still have companies releasing games on pc.
Exactly my point, look at those numbers. The discrepancy between console sales and PC sales for both companies is enormous. So yes, we should consider ourselves lucky both companies still release these games on the PC. People here and on other sites are concerned it may take 3-4 years for FIFA PC to get the Ignite engine. But based on sales numbers and EA's history of discontinuing PC sports titles (Madden, Tiger Woods, NHL), I'd say there's a better chance EA will simply discontinue the PC version altogether in three years time when they stop making PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game.

Last edited by Yeats; 05-27-2013 at 12:24 PM.
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Old 05-27-2013, 12:23 PM   #11
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Re: PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

Originally Posted by ubernoob
PC sales charts don't take digital downloads (steam, origin, etc.) into account.
Where are you getting your info, do you mind providing a link? Here are the actual sales figures: http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=fifa+13

FIFA 13 sold 12 1/2 million units worldwide. PC sales accounted for 290,000 of that total. Regardless, and if what you say is correct, you're talking a fraction of a percentage in additional PC sales. You can see where things are headed with Xbox One. All-in-one style entertainment systems will be replacing the home PC over the next decade. And game developers will be plenty happy to jump onboard the console gravy train and ditch the PC platform. People being hooked up to the internet 24/7 means more opportunity for developers to peddle their DLC and so forth. That's been happening slowly over the last few years of course. But Xbox One represents the floodgates bursting wide opening for mass-commercialized console/online gaming and entertainment.

I played PC sports games going back to Hardball in the early 90s. PC sports gaming has been dying for two decades and, from what I see, this next generation of entertainment systems quite probably represents the final nail in the coffin.

Last edited by Yeats; 05-27-2013 at 12:59 PM.
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Old 05-27-2013, 01:16 PM   #12
ubernoob's Arena
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Originally Posted by Yeats
Where are you getting your info, do you mind providing a link? Here are the actual sales figures: http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=fifa+13

FIFA 13 sold 12 1/2 million units worldwide. PC sales accounted for 290,000 of that total. Regardless, and if what you say is correct, you're talking a fraction of a percentage in additional PC sales. You can see where things are headed with Xbox One. All-in-one style entertainment systems will be replacing the home PC over the next decade. And game developers will be plenty happy to jump onboard the console gravy train and ditch the PC platform. People being hooked up to the internet 24/7 means more opportunity for developers to peddle their DLC and so forth. That's been happening slowly over the last few years of course. But Xbox One represents the floodgates bursting wide opening for mass-commercialized console/online gaming and entertainment.

I played PC sports games going back to Hardball in the early 90s. PC sports gaming has been dying for two decades and, from what I see, this next generation of entertainment systems quite probably represents the final nail in the coffin.

PC gaming "has been dying" for two generations, yet sales are stronger than ever. As a PC gamer, I know the whole sky is falling song and dance you ate performing well.

You talk about being hooked up top the internet 24/7... PCs aren't? Where do you think "DLC" originated? Oh, you mean they are just digitally released expansion packs? Hmm...

It's a widely known fact that digital sales haven't ever been tracked (they just get reported to devs and pubs). The best vgchartz can rely on are surveys.
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Old 05-27-2013, 02:00 PM   #13
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Re: PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

Originally Posted by ubernoob
PC gaming "has been dying" for two generations, yet sales are stronger than ever. As a PC gamer, I know the whole sky is falling song and dance you ate performing well.
I said PC sports gaming. No more PC baseball games when there used to be several (another one bit the dust this year). No more PC golf games when there used to be several (talking about games you can customize on your pc, not the commercialized online-only games). No more PC football games when there used to be 2-3. No more PC hockey, hasn't been a game for years.

Used to be dozens of PC sports games, now there's only two left. That's not dying you're right; that's pretty much dead as a doornail.

Originally Posted by ubernoob
It's a widely known fact that digital sales haven't ever been tracked (they just get reported to devs and pubs).
It's chatboard rumour and gossip unless you provide a link as I did, sorry. Regardless and as I said, with console sports games outselling their PC counterparts by more than 100 to 1, it's only a matter of time before EA pulls the plug on FIFA PC. And if that wasn't the case, they would still be developing Madden for the PC.

Last edited by Yeats; 05-27-2013 at 02:09 PM.
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Old 05-27-2013, 02:09 PM   #14
ubernoob's Arena
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Re: PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

Originally Posted by Yeats

It's chatboard rumour and gossip unless you provide a link as I did, sorry. And as I said, with console sports games outselling their PC counterparts by more than 100 to 1, it's only a matter of time before EA pulls the plug on FIFA PC. And if that wasn't the case, they would still be developing Madden for the PC.

I didn't know we were specifically talking about sports games. I don't play much of those, sorry.
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Old 05-27-2013, 02:12 PM   #15
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Re: PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

Originally Posted by ubernoob
I didn't know we were specifically talking about sports games. I don't play much of those, sorry.
When I wrote "PC sports gaming has been dying for two decades" I was referring to sports gaming. Should have made that clearer, sorry.

Yeah, I don't know anything about other types of games, but FPS and RPG games seem to be thriving somewhat on the PC, you're correct.
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Old 05-27-2013, 02:39 PM   #16
ubernoob's Arena
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Re: PC Version of FIFA 14 Won't Get Ignite Engine

Originally Posted by Yeats
When I wrote "PC sports gaming has been dying for two decades" I was referring to sports gaming. Should have made that clearer, sorry.

Yeah, I don't know anything about other types of games, but FPS and RPG games seem to be thriving somewhat on the PC, you're correct.
I read it on tapatalk as just "gaming has been dying for two decades. That's my bad :P

Pretty much every genre but sports (and JRPG) thrives on PC. Even then, text sims thrive on PC with Football Manager and OOTP doing well enough for themselves.
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