
OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

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Old 08-17-2012, 01:49 PM   #137
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
But Madden is also a "good" game by the majority of subjective standards.

Even OS' more discerning critical opinion hasn't scored a console release Madden game lower than a 7.5 out of 10, and it's metacritic ratings have consistently fallen right around the 80 range. Me personally, I've found each Madden significantly better than the previous one, with admission that any next-gen Madden games before Madden 09 weren't really worth playing.

But to the point, Madden hasn't exactly reinvented itself either. Simulation sports games can't really, they are consistently bound by the rules and laws of the sport they are attempting to simulate.
The whole Madden is the same thing seemed to be with Madden NFL 06-08 because they were all bad, and then it lingered because either people gave up and now don't know what they are talking about or they simply are tired of the same old legacy issues.

To the Bold: There are ways to reinvent the games of the Madden series. For example, take advantage of the buttons we have on current consoles. 2K's shot stick could be an example. If EA implementing the Vision Cone was an example of reinventing the game (but they didn't even try to improve it or make sure it was usable). I remember how one guy said they should use the right stick as a way to aim then pull the RT/pull R2 to throw. That's an example of reinventing.
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Old 08-17-2012, 02:00 PM   #138
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by Dogslax41
Aww man you can't cut Brooksy. He was one that I hated to see the Bengals get rid of. I knew he was going to turn into a contributor. Not a pro bowler by any stretch but man I loved watching him thump. But I hear you on that. I just recently, couple years ago, stopped putting myself in my franchise or else I would probably be right there with you.
Actually wasnt going to cut him this time. Was gonna keep him as a backup/ST player. Just for depth. But still....Kinda suck not being able to do that now.
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Old 08-17-2012, 02:04 PM   #139
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by StrawHat Patriot
The whole Madden is the same thing seemed to be with Madden NFL 06-08 because they were all bad, and then it lingered because either people gave up and now don't know what they are talking about or they simply are tired of the same old legacy issues.

To the Bold: There are ways to reinvent the games of the Madden series. For example, take advantage of the buttons we have on current consoles. 2K's shot stick could be an example. If EA implementing the Vision Cone was an example of reinventing the game (but they didn't even try to improve it or make sure it was usable). I remember how one guy said they should use the right stick as a way to aim then pull the RT/pull R2 to throw. That's an example of reinventing.
Putting passing on the right stick and ditching icon passing would be reinventing the game, yes.

The vision cone, however, didn't reinvent how one played the game; it was a redundant command that forced me to confirm something my brain had already processed, that being that I the user see a guy open. I shouldn't have to confirm that he's open and that I'd like to throw to him to throw him the ball. That half second is the difference between a sack and a first down.

If pre-snap reads and identifying a hot / primary receiver based on information gathered before the snap were more important in Madden, then I could see some form of the cone coming back and being a good gameplay mechanic, but there aren't enough ways to gather a tell from a coverage pre-snap, there aren't defensive tendencies that we can scout from how the AI plays with which to gather these tells, and there aren't enough options for the defensive playcaller - user or AI - to disguise his coverage.

I think that, to the end of limiting the effectiveness of the passing game, the dimming receiver icons is a much better mechanic, as it passively interferes with the user's ability to succeed at passing, rather than actively as the cone did.

All my opinion, of course.
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Old 08-17-2012, 02:08 PM   #140
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I think the presentation of Naantz/Simms was great, but call me crazy if the gameplay just felt like typical/normal Madden from yesteryear.... No?

I played as San Fran on default All-Pro.
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Old 08-17-2012, 02:27 PM   #141
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by JBH3
I think the presentation of Naantz/Simms was great, but call me crazy if the gameplay just felt like typical/normal Madden from yesteryear.... No?

I played as San Fran on default All-Pro.
Not sure how it could have. New pass trajectories, new catching animations, infinity engine and read n react defense.
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Old 08-17-2012, 02:34 PM   #142
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

I totally agree with the article...great write up
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Old 08-17-2012, 02:40 PM   #143
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The demo is fun and the visuals, especially the fields compared to NCAA, look great.

The game feels familiar but so does every other title on the market. I withhold my trie judgment until I can play the full release next Friday.
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Old 08-17-2012, 03:45 PM   #144
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by hurdinator
The Camera view during the extra point is comic. Welcome back to the 90's!!!! It is such an arcade style look with lack of depth perspective or realism.Poor, very poor....
Actually it's a very realistic looking camera angle in regards to what is shown on TV. I wish they'd adopt this for NCAA, looks awesome IMO
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