
Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

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Old 06-12-2012, 02:02 PM   #417
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by Danimal
This doesn't effect me but I see how it does others. I'm not going to sit here and say it's important or not important because I believe we all make our own determination in "what we can deal with" when it comes to sports games.

Having said that what I find a bit disturbing is for years people have screamed for EA to innovate. Stop doing "roster updates" give us something new.

CCM is something new and almost no one has played it yet but some people have already deemed it a failure. That's just absurd logic IMO.

I want to try it see what is good and what is missing. Figure out what "I can deal with" and if I can play it going forward. No one is going to know how it tastes and what it delivers until we dig into it and I for one, well I'm ready to eat.
I think that many people are taking the dejected comments to mean that they don't like CC at ALL. That's not the case (at least not with me). I think many were EXTREMELY stoked by the news, and the revelation of RTP (I know I was, and I've been banned from playing any EA game online for 3 years). Many of us that can't play online for whatever reason had grown accustomed to making the game "more playable" by updating the rosters on our own, making our offline only franchises closely resemble what is happening at that current time, and fixing little mistakes the devs themselves overlooked or deemed "insignificant" (player numbers, names, uniform gaffes). The new additions can not and should not be scoffed at, but where does that leave the online deficient? Maybe CC and RTP would have been enough [for us] if only they had left us offline players some flexibility to play the game how we want (with at least the ability to edit within our offline CC), now we can only play the game the way it is programmed.
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Last edited by TreFacTor; 06-12-2012 at 02:04 PM.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:03 PM   #418
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by wheelman990
I was pumped up for Madden 13, but this editing thing has me wondering if I should stick with Madden 12 another year and go to Madden 14.
don't play Madden 13 then.. cause after that, i went back and played 12 and spent the rest of the day...

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Old 06-12-2012, 02:03 PM   #419
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Here is my issue:

I see a TON of people in this forum saying "CCM is great" "Its so innovative" etc but hardly any of you have actually seen or played this mode. You are all going off of blogs and impressions by Game Changers. Even the GCs only saw a offline version of this mode in May. So what exactly are you basing this optimism on?

On the other hand, we have several people who are down on the mode. The difference is they have legitimate reasons to be down on the mode. They have confirmed that there is no editing, no multi team franchise, no NCAA import and very limited control over rosters. These things have been confirmed. But all I hear is "Give the mode a chance" "You wanted improvements and now you are complaining" "You are complaining before actually playing the mode".

The people who are down on the game are actually more justified with their complaints than the people who are positive right now. Why? Because the complainers know that key components of the game (to them) are missing. The praisers of the mode are going off of blogs and impressions (pretty much EA advertisements because of who they are coming from) to base their excitement.

I'm not gonna knock any one who is excited about this mode. I hope just as you do that the mode is going to be bug free and have intelligent AI. But dont knock me for being skeptical based on the Madden team's track record and the missing features.
This is a very fair and legitimate post. That's exactly how I feel about Madden's gameplay. Also, you are right about CCM, as none of us have actually been able to try it. I based my opinion off of EA's presentation. No offense to anyone, but I don't put any stock in gamechangers or other folks' "reviews". Everyone has an opinion. I saw Looman's blog and I was impressed. This, like everything else, depends on if it actually works.

In short, I agree with everything you just said, and I can completely relate because that is EXACTLY how I feel about gameplay.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:05 PM   #420
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Here is my issue:

I see a TON of people in this forum saying "CCM is great" "Its so innovative" etc but hardly any of you have actually seen or played this mode. You are all going off of blogs and impressions by Game Changers. Even the GCs only saw a offline version of this mode in May. So what exactly are you basing this optimism on?

On the other hand, we have several people who are down on the mode. The difference is they have legitimate reasons to be down on the mode. They have confirmed that there is no editing, no multi team franchise, no NCAA import and very limited control over rosters. These things have been confirmed. But all I hear is "Give the mode a chance" "You wanted improvements and now you are complaining" "You are complaining before actually playing the mode".

The people who are down on the game are actually more justified with their complaints than the people who are positive right now. Why? Because the complainers know that key components of the game (to them) are missing. The praisers of the mode are going off of blogs and impressions (pretty much EA advertisements because of who they are coming from) to base their excitement.

I'm not gonna knock any one who is excited about this mode. I hope just as you do that the mode is going to be bug free and have intelligent AI. But dont knock me for being skeptical based on the Madden team's track record and the missing features.

Personally, I don't care about the edits because I don't have OCD when it comes to retired numbers and the other concerns -- I mean, I wish it didn't happen but I can live with it.

From the outside looking in, if they had to take away features to make this work, why not hold off a year to at least keep most of the editing features in?

I hate to say it but it seems like they needed a 'gimmick' to go along with the new engine. Thats what it seems to boil down to.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:06 PM   #421
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by bichettehappens
And ok, let's double the results of that poll, 0.06% is not going to hurt their wallets. The fact remains that unless a much larger portion of the community voices their frustration, they won't be forced into doing anything about it immediately.
This is what I mean be being realistic. The 10% or 15% or whatever of gamers who might care about editing shoes and armbands are going to shrug their shoulders, but will still go out and buy the game. This is not a big issue for most gamers.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:06 PM   #422
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I'm still standing by my question....

What makes Donny moores rosters SO magical that HE can edit rosters that CAN be used in CCM and we can't?

It's the EXACT SAME THING! He will be changing ratings, equipment and numbers.... Just like we want to. It's the same thing, ZERO difference.

I just don't get it.

I'll rent ... At some point.

I will also like to state this.... I guarantee the XP thing will be an annoying number crunch of a feature and I'm betting the majority skip it after just a season. Why? How annoying is it going to be to practice each week. Every week? Sure some might like it, but the majority of EAs target ONLINE audience probably has no interest in grinding XP. So they in turn will just opt for the CPU to do it.

All in all. Those missing features and I'm mainly talking editing the basics not ratings, will lead to frustration. CPU roster management WILL be a mess just based on every madden prior and I'm betting CCM will have its fare share of issues.

We will find out soon enough.

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Old 06-12-2012, 02:08 PM   #423
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Everyone not interested in madden don't purchase this year was looking like another skip year also. I don't roster edit but I do enjoy using different rosters from other people until i find one I enjoy. Anything from EA is no longer 1st day purchase anymore. I do want to see how this new career mode will play out. However EA isn't breaking new ground with the rpg element. NBA 2k/The Show had it for it a while along with the experience points to upgrade attributes you get cash to purchase new abilites. I'll rent and try demo whenever it releases. If it gets great reveiws i will buy it. Good reviews maybe a Black Friday purchase. Bad reviews no purchase at all. I am a die hard football fan and need my virtual fix but want toss out 60 dollars for an average product that has been lagging behind other Major sports titles. I will wait until the game is out before i give praises if its good or none if its bad.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:08 PM   #424
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by JerzeyReign

Personally, I don't care about the edits because I don't have OCD when it comes to retired numbers -- I mean, I wish it didn't happen but I can live with it.

From the outside looking in, if they had to take away features to make this work, why not hold off a year to at least keep most of the editing features in?

I hate to say it but it seems like they needed a 'gimmick' to go along with the new engine. Thats what it seems to boil down to.
I will say this, I find it interesting how Madden seems to get away with removing so many things that the game once had. I mean, in my experience you are constantly trying to build on top of previous releases. Taking features away is a pretty big no-no. However, it's easier to do when you don't have to worry about the competitor doing it. Remember in 2004 when EA did not have online leagues for madden? A month after 2k announced their full support for it, magically Madden had them shortly after. They scrambled to do it. You can do whatever you want when you are the only one making the games.
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