
Run/Pass Commit In Madden NFL 13 - Make it More Realistic

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Old 06-11-2012, 04:53 PM   #41
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by OG_McNabb
Thanks........I thought it was something you created.
I have done some in Power Point. They don't look as good as the diagram though. LOL
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:57 PM   #42
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
No coordinator does that. What im just trying to say is that a feature like this should be a HR or a strikeout. In all honesty it should not even be in the game, because of what you stated. No one calls a defense like this. The thing is that it is in the game, so I just feel it needs to stay that way it is, so it does not get abused.

What you layed out was very intelligent, and well thought out, but to me everything should just be in your playcalling period, and not involve any other feature.

This whole commit feature is not accurate at all to the game, but I dont want to see something very nicely layed out implemented into it thus making playcalling not as important.

What you have makes the committ feature way to good, and too much of a aid for those that cant call of defense on their own.

You know the game without question, I just see it from a different prospective. Hopefully you can see where Im coming from. Im not down grading by any means what you presented here. I just dont want this feature utilized alot and the only way that can happen is by leaving it the way it is.

Again what you layed out will make this feature way too good. They should just remove the feature for Madden 14 or patch it out on 13.
Ok here is my question. How would you feel if the crash line left/right were exactly like run commit where the DL was not attached to the OL and the DLinemen hit the next gap over depending on which way you called the crash? I would prefer that actually to what I first typed out. Unfortunately, the crash left/right has no effect on run plays. But if this worked like I'm describing here then there would be no need for run commit IMO. It would simply duplicate what you could do with the crashes. I agree with you and Big. It should not be in the game. But if it is not going to be in the game, at least have the line crashes left and right have guys hitting the next gap over.
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:58 PM   #43
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by KBLover
I would argue the reverse. Get the technical aspects working, then vary the player's responses/execution based on traits in their DPP and ratings. Get the game "to think these terms" when it's resolving plays and the tendencies would be that much more impacting and meaningful while also allowing players who "play by the book" to execute more correctly as well.

Getting the front seven working and playing right would make the tendencies possible. Then when you see someone like Cole "playing 4-3" in a 3-4 scheme, you're compelled to either switch to 4-3, ship Cole off, or try him at 3-4 OLB or just deal with it and try to make it work in your own version of the 3-4. Maybe you'll have a way to make the MLB/Jack work like the 3-4 DE instead, scout bigger OLBs and work your scheme that way, etc.

Things like that are possible, imo, only when the foundation of the front seven is in place.

It'll also look more like a freelancer in the midst of a team-oriented scheme instead of just yet another example of bad gameplay.
Roger. Thats a good point but see, being an offensive coordinator in real life, I'd immediately want my offensive linemen to recognize that type of player and block him accordingly. We'd probably get into techniques and all that jazz eventually
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:01 PM   #44
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Here is a legitimate question - those of you who have actually been to Tiburon would hopefully be able to answer this. When they decide to add something like line crashes in the game, how do they go about designing it? Do they draw these up by talking with NFL coaches? Do they study film to understand how it is supposed to work?

In addition, how do they test it? Do they have people there who actually understand what the lineman should be doing for different fronts - or do they simply add the fronts as an aesthetic feature only?
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:04 PM   #45
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by speedy9386
Is it just me or does it seem like zone blitzes never work in madden?
Different topic but definitely worthy of discussion. I hope they work better this year without having all the set up jazz. All I know is if NCAA 13 is any indication then there is going to be a huge problem in online play. The demo of that game has blitzes on the level of Madden 08 and I'm not talking about legitimate blitzing either. The Spy Blitz is also in the demo. That's the benefit of playing tournament guys. You pick up the thinking and then when the next game comes out you can test for yourself if the game has progressed and I'm sorry to say NCAA 13, unless they patch and find things fast, GOOD LUCK to those who purchase the game and play online.
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:08 PM   #46
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by tazdevil20
Here is a legitimate question - those of you who have actually been to Tiburon would hopefully be able to answer this. When they decide to add something like line crashes in the game, how do they go about designing it? Do they draw these up by talking with NFL coaches? Do they study film to understand how it is supposed to work?

In addition, how do they test it? Do they have people there who actually understand what the lineman should be doing for different fronts - or do they simply add the fronts as an aesthetic feature only?
I'm going to hopefully answer part of your question w/o going to Tiburon.

Clint Oldenburg, a former NFL OL, is working on line play, at least OL. He redid the ratings for all OL this year and is tuning and tweaking OL this year. I would someone with a NFL background would be a plus.
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:10 PM   #47
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by LBzrule
Different topic but definitely worthy of discussion. I hope they work better this year without having all the set up jazz. All I know is if NCAA 13 is any indication then there is going to be a huge problem in online play. The demo of that game has blitzes on the level of Madden 08 and I'm not talking about legitimate blitzing either. The Spy Blitz is also in the demo. That's the benefit of playing tournament guys. You pick up the thinking and then when the next game comes out you can test for yourself if the game has progressed and I'm sorry to say NCAA 13, unless they patch and find things fast, GOOD LUCK to those who purchase the game and play online.
There is no way you can convince me the AI will be different in Madden than NCAA. I would be hard pressed to believe they have completely separate engines for the two games. This is not something that "Tuning" (everyone's favorite overblown word) will be able to fix. I think these topics are great, but I have little to no faith that anyone at Tiburon (short of maybe a couple of designers) is going to give a rat's *** about this. They will immediately be able to brush this aside as being too complex for the average player and not worth putting in the effort to implement. When you are the only NFL provider it's an easy decision to make and undoubtedly, this will be the direction taken by Tiburon. The guys writing the code have probably never even thought about this, nor do they think there is anything wrong with what they've got in there today. As a result, we end up with yet another year where everyone employs the same strategies on defense and makes the game incredibly stale after a short time. Blitz on every play regardless of personnel/play selection. Roam the middle manually with a fast middle linebacker or freelance with a safety who has high speed and agility.

That's the play combination for Madden ball. Someone taking the time to develop a sound strategy based on proper football fundamentals will be wasting their time.
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:11 PM   #48
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by LBzrule
Here is the thing, let's hammer out the premise and hidden assumptions here. I'm operating from the standpoint that it is rare that there are sellouts. Secondly, even a sell out is predicated on a read. The sell out is the reaction to the read. What are the premises under which you are operating here? I don't see selling out like it currently is implemented as fundamental defensive football. Secondly, the play calling alone does not deal with the defensive issues in the game. The run commit actually should be the default line crash left or right. Unfortunately that's not how they designed it. If the default crash left or right were like the run commit left or right where the DL was not tied to the OL we would not be having this discussion except for gaps.
I'm operating solely on the premise of what is possible based upon what we know EA football to be and ways to address some of its shortcomings in a way that regardless of its implementation nonetheless manifests itself in realistic outcomes.

So, if it takes me selling out (run commit) on a run up the middle on 3rd and short so be it. And I don't agree that selling out isn't fundamental to defensive football. It is fundamental. So much so that offenses are designed to take advantages of said aggressive tactics. Heck, if I'm getting run on I'm putting another defender in the box i.e I'm committed to stopping the run. In Madden bringing that extra defender doesn't really help because unless you're controlling that defender he will just be oblivious and retreat to his static start point before he carries out his assignment. So, run commit I hope would at least heighten the awareness of my defenders to play run.
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