
Run/Pass Commit In Madden NFL 13 - Make it More Realistic

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Old 06-11-2012, 11:36 AM   #1
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Run/Pass Commit In Madden NFL 13 - Make it More Realistic

In episode 230 of Madden Daily, Sgibs revealed that run/pass commit is in Madden 13. Check the video out here:

Also I've already submitted this to the appropriate folks at EA. But this is where the community comes in. If they don't see a big reaction they are not going to address it. So you guys need to chime in. I don't want the Run/Pass Commit in Madden 13 to be like NCAA which is an all or nothing affair and which also does not focus on gap control/force/containment. To me this is EA's chance right here to do something really great. To see run/pass commit in action in Madden 13 see this video: Browns vs Seahawks.

7:18 in this video you see run commit left. I don't like it like this. I don't like the complete nullification of the defensive play called and having everyone sell out. Here is what I sent to the devs.
Can you guys make the following tweaks:

1. The run commit only activates against run plays. This way it operates more like a run fit, which is more realistic than having complete sell outs against the run and plays into their read and react defense theme. Allow Play Recognition to govern whether guys bite on Play Action.

2. When committing left or right, edge defenders; DE's and 3-4 OLB should step up the field and set the edge.

3. All other defenders in the front seven, with the exception of the backside DE or OLB, should simply attack the next gap over.

4. Backside DE/OLB should step up field first as if he is looking for boot action or reverse, then trail the play.

So for the 3-4 for instance you would have something like this

In the above diagram you have the defense in the base 3-4 with the DE's in 5 and the NT head up center. As the diagram shows, all the guys are going to do is hit the next gap over. So if I go run commit right then the DLine should look like this from left to right. B A C. RDE takes backside B gap; NT takes right side A gap; LDE takes right side C gap. RILB has backside A gap, and LILB has front side B gap. Edge players step up and set on the right side; back side player steps into the back field checking for backside boot, reverse and playing cutback. So that would actually look like the following:

Notice the NT LDE and RDE. Based on their alignment they are only going to fire to the next gap over. Also whether the offense runs right or left, there will always be a backside player.

Let's take some other examples from the 4-3 Stack and Over

4-3 Stack

Run commit left here (might be different since the direction is based on looking at the screen and this diagram is at the back of the defense, but you should get the picture)would have Duckett/Seawright firing to C, Jospeh firing to A, Strahan stepping up field to set edge, Osi stepping up field backside looking for boot, reverse, if neither are there trail the play down the line. Pierce has left A then scrape, Arrington left B then scrape (I only advocate this for Madden since all they can probably do is get guys to fire to the next gap over. In real life Duckett Seawright would have B and Arrington would have C) Emmons backside B then scrape.

4-3 Over

Let's go run commit to the right from the backside of the defense. Strahan, backside contain player looking for boot, reverse and then just trailing play; Joseph to A; Duckett/Seawright to B; Osi Fire to C. Arrington checks C; Pierce Check A; In Madden Emmons would be on the line of scrimmage so, Fire up field and set edge.

I would also hope it is clear that run commit does not automatically mean that I stop the run even if I have the "right" fit call. It should mean a great deal given certain offensive plays. For tosses it should work great if I have the right call. But against a wide zone, it should be less automatic because if the linebackers run outta there too quick, cutback lanes should be there, especially if the back side guy over pursues.

This is very important. Please do not have the defenders just arbitrarily running right and left. Have them hit gaps, step up and set the edge, play backside contain, pursuit. This is a chance to do something really nice for run defense IMO.

Pass commit. Can this be used to change the rush angles and engage points of the DE's/3-4 OLB's with the OT's. Can we get the engage point much deeper and closer to the Qb as he is dropping?
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360

Last edited by LBzrule; 06-11-2012 at 11:43 AM.
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Old 06-11-2012, 11:52 AM   #2
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

I was hoping that the days of EA implementing features without setting the foundation was over. Ehh well for that.

About the only thing I liked in that vid at the 7:18 mark was that the defenders seem completed detached from the offense in that they had an assignment and went with it. But I can't think of a situation where an entire defensive front would bite on something that wasn't even faked. That reaction would be perfect if play action were run in that direction.

This looks like someone that doesn't understand the game trying to duplicate what they think they saw on TV.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:14 PM   #3
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

What exactly does pass commit do? Does it only effect the D-line? I am actually happy they added this back in.

I wish they would tune the pass commit to MAKE DE's aggressively rush up field. This would make the entire feature worth it IMO.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:17 PM   #4
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by BezO
I was hoping that the days of EA implementing features without setting the foundation was over. Ehh well for that.

About the only thing I liked in that vid at the 7:18 mark was that the defenders seem completed detached from the offense in that they had an assignment and went with it. But I can't think of a situation where an entire defensive front would bite on something that wasn't even faked. That reaction would be perfect if play action were run in that direction.

This looks like someone that doesn't understand the game trying to duplicate what they think they saw on TV.
Yeah that was the only thing I liked about it. The defensive players had an assignment (go left although it is arbitrary) and went there. My biggest problem was the assignments. They were not gap based. They just fired way too far out of the way. They just need to be simple and take the next gap over. Edge players need to step up and set it and back side guys need to look for boot/reverse then trail the play if it goes away from them. That play at the 7:18 mark just had guys arbitrarily running left with no gap assignments in mind and I do not like that at all.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:38 PM   #5
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

It should be an all out gamble. Not a contain every aspect of the run type scenario. Why because you can't do that in real life. Sure players can read and react, but that alone should net a positive gain for the run because the defense has to decipher what is going on. If olb's are playing the edge then then a play up the middle should net 3 to 5 yards because they don't get to help in time. I like the guessing game and strategy of letting it fly. Look at teams like the ravens or the steelers who play that type of defense. They target gaps and hit them hard. They are aggressive and pays out at times and they miss out at times. If you commit to the run it is no longer a read and react it is an attack. If you guess left there isn't a fail safe for just in case. You bet it all you should stand the chance to lose it all Just hope that the commit features are worth using and not over done. Where they dominate the game. Like if you pass commit it doesn't mean you have every route covered. It just means you are looking for that first. We will see what this year brings.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:39 PM   #6
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

@LBz-For the longest time, I wanted Madden to add in the NCAA system, because it seemed to be the only way to get the defensive ends to fire off the ball, but you are absolutely right in the point you've always held that this is a band-aide. I still think a feature like this has a place on a limited basis in that there are situations where I want my defenders to sell out, but my problem is that this just feels like users are going to use this as the foundation of their defensive scheme instead of focusing on making sound defensive playcalls. And that leads me to a bigger issue in that, as of right now, Madden seems to be content with that when I think it should be just the opposite. I think the game should be forcing its players to play smarter. Make us to learn where a Cover 2 defense's weakness is against certain runs and where the help is, instead of just calling anything and hedging your bets with a run commit.

When this topic came up a few months ago, I was hoping I would see a more comprehensive "grease board" type of feature similar to NBA 2K's clipboard where you could make real sideline adjustments to schemes. This is a little disappointing in that it feels a little too elementary to me. It feels like we should be pass this.

I'm down to give EA a piece of my mind on this. Who and where do I have to send my comments? Can you post the info LBz, or pm if that's cool.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:56 PM   #7
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by ch46647
What exactly does pass commit do? Does it only effect the D-line? I am actually happy they added this back in.

I wish they would tune the pass commit to MAKE DE's aggressively rush up field. This would make the entire feature worth it IMO.
In NCAA, I believe that it made the defensive backs less likely to bite on PA -- although I'm not 100% sure. I'm also not sure if it had any extra effects like making coverage more effective. I never saw any of that when I played, though.

What I know it did do on the defensive line was to make the linemen more likely to jump the snap and trigger an instant win against the offensive line. The problem I saw in NCAA was that it never really hurt me in the run game. Draws were still defended well, and the same for outside runs and screens.

I'm not quite sure how it would work in Madden since they took the jump the snap feature out years ago. Maybe they added it back in. I don't know. I like that there's a possibility that the 4 man pass rush would be more effective, but I HATE that something like this is necessary to do it.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:57 PM   #8
BezO's Arena
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by LBzrule
Yeah that was the only thing I liked about it. The defensive players had an assignment (go left although it is arbitrary) and went there. My biggest problem was the assignments. They were not gap based. They just fired way too far out of the way. They just need to be simple and take the next gap over. Edge players need to step up and set it and back side guys need to look for boot/reverse then trail the play if it goes away from them. That play at the 7:18 mark just had guys arbitrarily running left with no gap assignments in mind and I do not like that at all.
Maybe there's hope. If they can disconnect the defense from the offense like that, maybe they can do it for ALL plays and change the aim points so they're headed right for their gap.

What I'd like to see is run commit make d-linemen less concerned about rushing the QB and more concerned about manning their gap... basically read & react mode, waiting to use the disengage move that doesn't exist yet. If they offense passes, it should slow the rush, sort of like what they have now. Pass committ could do the opposite, have the d-linemen more concerned about getting up field, using pass rush moves, etc.

What they have for run committ now is more like a d-line slant that, like you said, goes too far out of the way, just like their stunts. I guess the same guy is programming both.

Run committ for LBs shouldn't do much since they're looking run 1st any way... maybe make them more susceptible to play action. Pass commit could put them in immediate read & react mode, not stepping up looking for the run but getting back into their zones quicker & less susceptible to play action.

Run committ shouldn't affect DBs much, maybe make the SS more susceptible to play action. Pass commit for DBs should do nothing since they're looking pass 1st.
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