
NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

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Old 04-22-2012, 01:29 PM   #49
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

David or Shaun, does the CPU controlled RB's make special moves like jukes or spins or do they mainly just hit the hole and run straight forward?
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:32 PM   #50
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

Originally Posted by adfletch71
Big I think it was discussed with the developers? If they can't add animations too help with the transitions of OPI/DPI, then at least make the slider more sensitive at 100. There is no reason that a OPI/DPI isn't called in 10-15 games of playing. they said they improved pass blocking but still no double-team pass blocking. So there is no RISK/REWARD in the passing game again and u can bump and jump all over the receiver for the ball.
You are preaching to the choir about that stuff because I completely agree and I think the CD attendees in this thread do too. However, I keep thinking you are implying that there is something more the CD attendees could do to get things to change and I don't agree with that.

I think we all sometimes feel that there is something different we could do if given the chance but at the end of the day we are not EA football devs and the only difference in posting opposed to actually going to Tiburon is, we know for fact they heard us if we go.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:34 PM   #51
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

Originally Posted by illwill10
How do you feel the rotations are for RBs? Can I have my 2nd and 3rd RBs in the game consistently without my 1st RB being out for the rest of game?
It has changed every build I've played.

In March it was too drastic, this time it wasn't enough...my feedback was that it should be in the middle of the two builds.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:37 PM   #52
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

Originally Posted by Vaporub83
It seems like it is still damned if you do damned if you don't. They have said that real physics won't/can't happen in this generation of games. Yet that doesn't stop people from wishing each year and complaining when it doesn't happen. Plus PI is something you don't realize isn't there until you hear about it. Basically EA doesn't want to bring that to the casual gamers attention.
Come on man. PI is a HUGE part of football. There is absolutely no reason PI isnt called ever in Ncaa. If they say real physics cant happen in this generation, and they cant implement PI in the game, then lower the damn price. And a quick question. Why have a defensive and offensive pass interference slider if it doesnt work at all? Is it for a placebo effect?
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:38 PM   #53
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

Originally Posted by ShaunLMason
It has changed every build I've played.

In March it was too drastic, this time it wasn't enough...my feedback was that it should be in the middle of the two builds.
I just want to run a RBBC system like LSU.
I dont want it to be too drastic or to infrequent.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:40 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by ShaunLMason
When I was there Pass Interference still wasn't working, but it was a topic of conversation. It was pretty fun to try to just destroy receivers in the air trying to get it to trigger, LOL.
PI not working is just mind blowing and not a game killer but certainly a changer. Previous Madden games had it right, even back to Sega Genesis games. Why can't this be fixed?? It has been 3 years plus since we've seen any hankey's for mauling wideouts.

Besides this, sounds like a summer to look forward to!
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:41 PM   #55
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

Originally Posted by adfletch71
Well ryno, if that is the case and u are going too these community days and interacting with the dev team. Then why are fundamentals still missing like for 7 years now double- team pass blocking and OPI/DPI calls? I'm curious too why these aren't in and is it because EA still are catering too the tournament/casual gamers? There is no RISK/REWARD for passing even with these improvements. Somebody from game changers need too tell EA this and let them know that this is fundamentals of football and there is no excuses that it can't get in, because ALLPRO2k8 had both and that's a next gen game. So please let a brotha know something.
1) This is really our first cycle with the game. RynoAid works on Madden, we have four guys who work on NCAA, all of whom started this release cycle.

2) I don't believe that EA is catering to online/tourny players. Almost to a man the guys in the Game Changer programs want Madden/NCAA to resemble actual football.

3) We can't actually make changes ourselves, obviously. There are some things that I honestly don't feel that are possible (with a reasonable time investment from the development team). I realize a lot of people don't understand the balance of time vs payback in the development cycle (I'm a software developer in "real life") and being told something isn't going to happen irks people, but it's a reality.

I've asked hard questions about specific mechanics I think should be represented and have been told it isn't going to happen this year. I understand WHY it isn't going to happen because they explained it to me, but for obvious reason's I'm not going to delve into those issues here, because nothing positive is going to result from it.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:43 PM   #56
shaunlmason's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Hands-On Gameplay Impressions (Tradition Sports)

Originally Posted by Vechi8
PI not working is just mind blowing and not a game killer but certainly a changer. Previous Madden games had it right, even back to Sega Genesis games. Why can't this be fixed?? It has been 3 years plus since we've seen any hankey's for mauling wideouts.

Besides this, sounds like a summer to look forward to!
They know it isn't working and are working on it. They actually made changes to it while we were there so we could test it. Apparently it's a pretty tough challenge to fix completely.
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