
Five Things EA Sports must do for Success in Madden NFL 13

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Old 01-25-2012, 08:42 PM   #41
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Good morning all. The dev team should put up a banner in all of their cubicles which states " NCAA/Madden is to football what forza is to racing" . Everything under the hood should mimick the real life counterpart as close as it can possibly get. Player movement is the base of it all at the moment.

I honestly would be content with NCAA and Madden with all of the bugs if the ingame players simply moved like people are supposed to move while accelerating, decelerating, turning while running, etc. They stripped every last bit of heft and weight from the player models thet we already had on the ps2.
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Old 01-25-2012, 08:47 PM   #42
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Re: Five Things EA Sports must do for Success in Madden NFL 13

If there aren't some serious, real changes to the on-the-field gameplay, than I'll be skipping Madden once again, unfortunately. I'm not going to support what I feel is mediocrity.

Last edited by TheTruth437; 01-25-2012 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 01-25-2012, 08:47 PM   #43
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If I wanted the midnight club or Mario cart of the football video game world, I'd buy tecmo bowl or blitz gentlemen. Please ensure the player movement is corrected. Thank you.
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:04 PM   #44
SkillzKillz719's Arena
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I think you guys are ALL missing a HUGE point.

Okay so we all get our wish (mine included) about how everything ON THE FIELD gets upgraded and reworked, which would quite honestly be amazing. But what really, really, really takes me out of the game is the lack of emotion. Why can't they literally make the Super Bowl feel like the Super Bowl? Where's all the pregame up to the game? I want every game to make me feel like I actually have to put in a gameplan (maybe not literally, but where I have to think about what type of opponent I'm facing) and have some sort of planned attack to my opponent. I want the game to feel like a game. I want 3rd down to matter. I want the quarterback's body language to show if I should run and easy screen or draw, or if he's just had an off game but we've built a strong relationship (someone like Drew Brees and Sean Payton) where I have 100% trust in him.
If I'm in Superstar Mode I WANT IT TO ALL MATTER. Like I said, sure we can talk about how real the play on the field is and whatnot, but if I feel like I'm just in a game, it oddly enough, stops becoming fun. I want total immersion. What type of car I drive (confidence), who I'm friends with (chemistry), and chose how I spend my time (leadership). When I go to the film room all it could be is 5 plays, but then I get quizzed over them. And the plays could be ones that the coach will use FOR SURE the next game depending on the opponent.
I want there to be consequences if I audible the play to some other than what the coach wants. Where he could call runs more or make a statement to the press. I want there to be questions like how there is in 2k12 almost exactly. They do it amazingly. I also loved how Fight Night Champion went the single player route.
I just don't get it.
I want there to be acradey-like moments that change a game. I can send a link of a trailer Madden did that reminded me of it. It was the one of Eli Manning and I think Mario Manningham (? One of his receivers) and it showed Eli's confidence and Mario's(Do you guys know what I’m talking about?). Why can't they do that mid game? Make a PLAY feel important.
Haven't any of you ever been to a game, and what the camera doesn't show on tv is how after gaining 6 yards a RB will get up and do a motion with his hands to his mouth like he's feeding himself. He wants the ball to be feed to him. Keep it up. His emotional want to get the ball and run over everything in sight should factor into it.
People like Ray Lewis should have moments in game where it's 24-7 in the middle of the 3rd quarter and he gives his defense is playing very blah, and no one’s up for the game as much as they should. So he gives them a pep talk. Gets them emotional and raises everybody up. You should have motivators on the team and ones that make everyone better because of them. Cam Newton getting the crowd pumped up I think sometimes pushed his team to be better at Auburn. Maybe not so much in the NFL, but the crowd should actually get into it. Get loud of defense. Affect the play on the field. Have players hate certain stadiums because they played poorly there as a rookie.
Competition drives everything. I sat for about 2 years silently disagreeing with you guys about competition. I thought it was your guys' way of saying "Blah blah I want 2k because I had good memories about them." but it's actually true. Madden (Not EA. They produce many other good titles other than Madden) needs competition. It's all about Signals, Incentives, and Information. We're sending the wrong Signal by buying the game. The wrong Incentives are created by the developers because they know they can get away with it (Not like evil people who are greedy, but rather like a kid who tries to copy some one's homework, gets away with it, and then continues to do it because there are no consequences for his actions, and he can continue to do it without doing any work.) They need the right Information by looking at these forums. Seriously. Read feedback. How do they honestly read what people are saying, not update what pisses us off the most, and honestly go on a video and say we've listened to the community? I know I couldn't do that. Triple digit income or not. Whatever happened to taking pride in your product? The more risks they take by adding new stuff, there becomes a higher chance of being more successful.

And this is tame compared to what lacks in NCAA Franchise. College football is almost ALL about the emotion of the game. Honestly I wouldn’t mind them doing a drastic change by taking all playable teams and doing almost an exclusive single player only game where you sign with a university and the colleges ((Real colleges, like Oregon State University showing off that they're a small Agriculture/Science school with a college town feel)) so they can literally show off what they have at their schools (science halls, rec centers, and academic opportunity) It's like a built in ad for the university, so most would likely sign on. And then all those attributes could boost thing like: decision making (science/math) and fan support (college town atmosphere).
Hell, put us on the plane on our way to go play rival opponent and see how much swag our team's got that day. Let us watch College Gameday if we so wish to see what everyone's saying about us.


The dev's NEED inspiration. Desperatley.
MMChris S wrote something like that around NCAA 12's demo saying it had okay gameplay, but lacked any sort of inspiration. Or something to affect like that. And also another off the top of my head when he said he turned on NCAA 12 early in September and he shut it off because it was so far off the real game. Everything.
Adding a cutscene for 30 teams pregame entrance does not make me feel like I'm there. It makes me feel like there's some importance for literally my first game there and that's it.

If I was a dev and I was reading this I probably would be offended. (What! I lack inspiration!?! WTF! We don't need competition!) But really? I think your product would speak for yourself by now.

Now if Madden or NCAA did anything along those lines, I think I would literally buy 2 copies.
No, make that 4. I'd be the biggest spokesman ever.

95% of you on here are lucky. I'm only 18. All I've had to play is monopoly's. I don’t even have the good ol' days to remember.
But I know how good it could be.
They have so much potential.
They need a dreamer in there developing games.
They have no idea how much they would get rewarded for that.
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:30 PM   #45
jsquigg's Arena
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So you want real time physics but also more animations. Isn't that a mutually exclusive wish? You are upset with "canimations" (who isn't?), but you want them to expand on the already built animation engine? Also, having every call in the game like the real NFL is a tad optimistic. The challenge system might not ever work since there are built in right and wrong calls and the CPU will never challenge wrong because it's the computer and knows what challenges it can win and can't. It seems like it would be too complex to have the coaching AI be realistically fallible. Until it's done right the challenge system should be scrapped like it used to be.
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:39 PM   #46
sactown_13's Arena
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Gameplay gameplay gameplay. I do not wanna hear about presentation Madden cards and all that other stuff. Give me a game that doesn't feel scripted and predictable after 2 weeks
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:58 PM   #47
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Yea JaySmooov you hit it right on with the pass trajectory. It would even make passing ratings more of a factor. Its kinda ridiculous when every qb plays the same on madden.. Every running back plays the same.. Every wr plays the same.. And so on.. Unacceptable
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Old 01-25-2012, 10:01 PM   #48
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So much needs to be fixed or added that i dont know if there is any hope for the madden franchise at this point though. The whole gamplay engine needs to be revamped
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