
NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

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Old 09-08-2011, 01:58 PM   #921
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

Originally Posted by BGarrett7
None of us who enjoy the game are trying to belittle or badmouth anyone who has been screwed over by EA's incompetence. We all agree EA has failed both in execution and communication here. That's one of the main reasons why it is getting so bland and repetitive around here, though. We all know what is wrong. We all know EA is going to remain silent. So what is the point of all the whining now?
I agree with all this. Big deal though is people that tell others to just shut up about it.

Everyone who posts about it has a voice and wants to be heard. Not deserves to be heard- well, read- but just wants to be heard. 97% of OSers have this mentallity IMO (of course, me being one of them).

But ppl just want their opinions read. I got no prob with that. Repetitive? Yeah, not denying that at all. But when ppl tell others to just basically shut up, I don't like that.

Edit: And not saying you did...

Last edited by C the Lyte; 09-08-2011 at 02:00 PM.
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Old 09-08-2011, 01:59 PM   #922
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

Originally Posted by NDAlum
So I'm an *** because I enjoy the game?

It was meant to be humorous. Sorry if that slipped past your ultra-sensitive nature. But... since you bring up the point, let me ask you some questions. Feel free to provide in-depth answers...

1: New feature Custom Playbooks - Broken - Now, perhaps you don't use a CP or perhaps you fill yours w/ 377 plays, but for those of us who wanted what we were told... ahem... CUSTOM PLAYBOOKS... meaning, I can customize it the way I see fit, then this feature is completely and totally broken. The only way to get CP is to fill it w/ formations and plays I will never use. Nice customization, huh?

2: Freezes - Speaking only OFF-line here, not On-line, but I've had 4 dynasties freeze up at various points and no matter how many times I try to play the game that freezes, it continues to freeze. Causing me to delete said dynasty and start anew. FOUR different times until I finally gave up 3 weeks ago.

3: Start-Up Menu freeze - Download a roster file from anyone and this is what will happen to you. Perhaps you play w/ the roster set the shipped w/ the game, but many of us don't.

4: Coaching Carousel - Another new feature many have expressed displeasure in for a variety of issues.

5: Unrealistic ability by the CPU... come on, join in... you know this song... Psychic DB's, Leaping LBers aka: Superman LBers, poor trajectory on passes... how many years in a row is this now?

6: Height/Weight matter not - Go to You Tube and find the video where the guy has changed all Notre Dame offensive linemen to 5'11" and 165 pounds. Now a 6'0" 300 pound DT should push the Center around like a grown man abusing a little 5-year old... but that doesn't happen. The little, skinny linemen handle the much larger/stronger D-line as if they're the same size. How nice.

7: Brain Dead WR's - Surely you've seen this... your WR is running a route, usually a crossing route, he's wide open, you throw to him and the ball hits him in the melon while he never even looks for the ball. Very nice one there, EA.

So... how can you sit here and seriously say you enjoy the game when these issues, which are massive and an integral part of the game, and many are so-called "new features," do not work?

If you enjoy the game, fine. Something tells me you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be reading the thread about the alleged "patch."
Dr Death
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:04 PM   #923
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

Wow.. i think the mods need to close this thread before world war 3 starts..
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:04 PM   #924
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Considering how flooded the market used to be, where anyone could get league rights, I'd say it's nowhere near some of the horrible games put out then.

When you factor in hype, at least on OS, it's been a huge trainwreck. Again, that is just the cross-section that is the internet, and we all know how skewed it can be.

Without knowing the masses opinion, it's all but difficult to say where, or if it even ranks.
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:06 PM   #925
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

Originally Posted by Dr Death
It was meant to be humorous. Sorry if that slipped past your ultra-sensitive nature. But... since you bring up the point, let me ask you some questions. Feel free to provide in-depth answers...

1: New feature Custom Playbooks - Broken - Now, perhaps you don't use a CP or perhaps you fill yours w/ 377 plays, but for those of us who wanted what we were told... ahem... CUSTOM PLAYBOOKS... meaning, I can customize it the way I see fit, then this feature is completely and totally broken. The only way to get CP is to fill it w/ formations and plays I will never use. Nice customization, huh?

2: Freezes - Speaking only OFF-line here, not On-line, but I've had 4 dynasties freeze up at various points and no matter how many times I try to play the game that freezes, it continues to freeze. Causing me to delete said dynasty and start anew. FOUR different times until I finally gave up 3 weeks ago.

3: Start-Up Menu freeze - Download a roster file from anyone and this is what will happen to you. Perhaps you play w/ the roster set the shipped w/ the game, but many of us don't.

4: Coaching Carousel - Another new feature many have expressed displeasure in for a variety of issues.

5: Unrealistic ability by the CPU... come on, join in... you know this song... Psychic DB's, Leaping LBers aka: Superman LBers, poor trajectory on passes... how many years in a row is this now?

6: Height/Weight matter not - Go to You Tube and find the video where the guy has changed all Notre Dame offensive linemen to 5'11" and 165 pounds. Now a 6'0" 300 pound DT should push the Center around like a grown man abusing a little 5-year old... but that doesn't happen. The little, skinny linemen handle the much larger/stronger D-line as if they're the same size. How nice.

7: Brain Dead WR's - Surely you've seen this... your WR is running a route, usually a crossing route, he's wide open, you throw to him and the ball hits him in the melon while he never even looks for the ball. Very nice one there, EA.

So... how can you sit here and seriously say you enjoy the game when these issues, which are massive and an integral part of the game, and many are so-called "new features," do not work?

If you enjoy the game, fine. Something tells me you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be reading the thread about the alleged "patch."
Spot on Death! Spot on.
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:07 PM   #926
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

Originally Posted by NDAlum
I'm in your boat.

Is the game enjoyable? Absolutely

Am I pissed about the patch not being out 2 months after release? Of course


I will say that I'm strictly offline this year. I think the online dynasty folks who bought the game solely for that feature have gotten a raw deal.

It's a pet peeve when people paint everything with a broad paintbrush though.
Offline still has serious issues.

The reason the broad brush is being used is because there are issues across the entire spectrum of the game. The gameplay on the field is a solid B or B+ this year IMO but that doesn't factor in the constant freezing issues. Outside of that most every other mode in the game is broke in some way or to some extent. Hell, EA couldn't even get the player edit feature right this year.
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:07 PM   #927
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Originally Posted by Dr Death
It was meant to be humorous. Sorry if that slipped past your ultra-sensitive nature. But... since you bring up the point, let me ask you some questions. Feel free to provide in-depth answers...

1: New feature Custom Playbooks - Broken - Now, perhaps you don't use a CP or perhaps you fill yours w/ 377 plays, but for those of us who wanted what we were told... ahem... CUSTOM PLAYBOOKS... meaning, I can customize it the way I see fit, then this feature is completely and totally broken. The only way to get CP is to fill it w/ formations and plays I will never use. Nice customization, huh?

2: Freezes - Speaking only OFF-line here, not On-line, but I've had 4 dynasties freeze up at various points and no matter how many times I try to play the game that freezes, it continues to freeze. Causing me to delete said dynasty and start anew. FOUR different times until I finally gave up 3 weeks ago.

3: Start-Up Menu freeze - Download a roster file from anyone and this is what will happen to you. Perhaps you play w/ the roster set the shipped w/ the game, but many of us don't.

4: Coaching Carousel - Another new feature many have expressed displeasure in for a variety of issues.

5: Unrealistic ability by the CPU... come on, join in... you know this song... Psychic DB's, Leaping LBers aka: Superman LBers, poor trajectory on passes... how many years in a row is this now?

6: Height/Weight matter not - Go to You Tube and find the video where the guy has changed all Notre Dame offensive linemen to 5'11" and 165 pounds. Now a 6'0" 300 pound DT should push the Center around like a grown man abusing a little 5-year old... but that doesn't happen. The little, skinny linemen handle the much larger/stronger D-line as if they're the same size. How nice.

7: Brain Dead WR's - Surely you've seen this... your WR is running a route, usually a crossing route, he's wide open, you throw to him and the ball hits him in the melon while he never even looks for the ball. Very nice one there, EA.

So... how can you sit here and seriously say you enjoy the game when these issues, which are massive and an integral part of the game, and many are so-called "new features," do not work?

If you enjoy the game, fine. Something tells me you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be reading the thread about the alleged "patch."
Not to mention online dynasty doesn't work
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:09 PM   #928
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

At this point I'd much rather hear that Haumiller got fired than hear that a patch is dropping.
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