
NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

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Old 08-23-2011, 01:07 PM   #905
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Phobia
I am eagerly waiting for FIFA 12 and I think from that point on it will be nothing but Soccer for me. Unless Madden really turns it around, I am done buying football titles. I will stick to the franchises who are doing their work, NBA2k, MLB The Show, and FIFA.
agree 2000%. that is my exact sentiment. i just cant support mediocrity any longer. i was a every yr madden purchaser til this gen came and i saw it take a left turn into a place that was very unfamiliar. hope they turn it around but im skeptical. honestly with all the other great, full fledged, finished titles in other genres who come with less game-breaking bugs and more content, i really just dont care as much. ncaa's saving grace was the online dyn. if it wasnt for that, i wouldnt even be playing ea football. now this yr it freezes so much i dont even know if ill make it thru my dyn game or even if i do, i still may get transfer failed like my last advance and lose stats and a school record and possibly lose the game during sim. i dont like playing a game with this in my mind the whole time.

Originally Posted by Bootzilla
However, faith that this company can deliver a product without terrible bugs and issues has dwindled to such a low that it has become harder and harder to justify these purchases. And the lack of communication to the loyal customer base is appalling. It's getting old and I'm getting sick of it.

I know it's ridiculous but, EA has me despising a guy I don't even know. I have to chuckle to myself but, every time I see Ben Haumiller he just seems greasier and greasier. Like a used car salesman, haha.
again i agree 2000%. i feel the same way. the money means nothing in the scheme, but its the principle. i cant justify buying broken bug filled games that are lagging behind the times as far as tech and innovation. why would i buy ncaa/madden when i can buy uncharted 3 or bf3 or rage or gears 3 or nba2k11/12 etc etc for the same price?

then when they do screw up, they dont even apologize and acknowledge the probs in a genuine manner. they stay silent forever, then show up to give patch notes after theyve talked down the probs as "not a big deal" or ppl are "freaking out unjustified and overreacting". BS!! then they talk down to the customer base or flat out lie and twist things as if we're stupid consumers who cant see a line of bs when we're given it.

im at the end of that ea tiburon rope....oh yea...the greasy line had me LOL'n!!!!
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:08 PM   #906
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by SECElite3
How do you feel about that?
a little frustrated, not angry yet, but somewhat depressed....
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:13 PM   #907
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by sniperscout75
Along with what others are saying I too am extremely disappointed on the lack of a patch as of almost 2 months after game release regarding several game breaking bugs. Im speaking first and foremost about online dynasties ending up halted or destroyed after much time invested.

I have always been a strong supporter of this game and have felt that the dev team in the past were a lot of the time unfairly criticized. This year however it is hard to make excuses for them. To have bugs that literally halt your game and do not allow one to play the feature that one loves most is unbelievable to me that a fix has not been implemented to this point.

The lack of communication from the dev team to any of the sites that they have close contact with is a big problem I believe. If they would simply come out and at least acknowledge the fact that there are MAJOR bugs in this game I believe that would at least make some happier (myself included). However all we are left with is quite frankly an interview on 8/18 and the bugs are almost an after thought as to the severity while I personally felt the issue was for the most part dismissed. (this is simply my impression of the interview)

My plan next year is to buy this game from ebay/person to person some time after release. Im not going to buy it used as this will still send in my revenue. I know that this will not in any way put any dent in their sales however it will make me feel better and lessen the extent that I feel as a consumer that im being looked over as currently this is how I feel with this years release.
This mirrors my thoughts perfectly. I feel that they did make a great game this year just the huge bugs with online dynasty make it possible for me to enjoy the game the way I should.
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:20 PM   #908
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

I would be extremely happy if NCAA13 had NO new features but everything worked the way it was supposed to and they just fixed the games issues. I don't need to see a Bulldog on the sidelines but i would LOVE to see someone cover a 4 vertical seam route, or play an Online Dynasty without having game results be changed once the week is advanced.......oh well, i guy can dream i guess.
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:46 PM   #909
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by ViLLiO
They won't release it until after Madden. Wouldn't want to affect their Madden sales.
Why would releasing it before Madden affect sales? If the patch doesn't work like it should people won't buy Madden?
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:58 PM   #910
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by w00dy Hayezz
I would be extremely happy if NCAA13 had NO new features but everything worked the way it was supposed to and they just fixed the games issues. I don't need to see a Bulldog on the sidelines but i would LOVE to see someone cover a 4 vertical seam route, or play an Online Dynasty without having game results be changed once the week is advanced.......oh well, i guy can dream i guess.

It's pretty telling that I have read this exact same post from people every single year, and every single year we're again bombarded with new features or 'improvements' that do nothing to fix the actual gameplay. When will they listen???
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Old 08-23-2011, 02:09 PM   #911
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Nice I can cut those 6'6 4 and 5 star receivers down to size... I mean look at all the awesome 6'6 receivers there are in NCAA and the NFL... maybe a handful, maybe
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Old 08-23-2011, 02:23 PM   #912
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by bfindeisen
It's pretty telling that I have read this exact same post from people every single year, and every single year we're again bombarded with new features or 'improvements' that do nothing to fix the actual gameplay. When will they listen???
They won't. Obviously their market research has told them to optimize revenue, they are better off adding new features and leaving broken features broken instead of investing the resources needed to fix reported gameplay issues.

Bottom line, if they fixed the gameplay to produce sim like stats, and play an all around better game of football, most of their fanbase wouldn't even notice.
A) What % of games call they 4 verticals 20 times per game and are proud of beating the AI?
B) What % of people want to just play online and have no penalties, fg's be automatic, and no QB overthrows?
C) What % of people want to exploit the game and win at all costs wheteher it be online of offline?
D) What % what a true sim like experience?

I don't have the numbers but I bet market research tells EA
A) 20%
B) 20%
C) 50%
D) 10%
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