
NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

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Old 08-23-2011, 03:07 AM   #881
stoncold32's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
After this year, NO EA football game is a day one buy for me. Never thought I would say that either.
When people such as yourself(and myself) and others who have been on this site for the better part of 10 years MAINLY due to NCAA football series, are saying things like this, it's really bad. I began viewing this site in '01 and joined in '02 for the sole purpose of this game.

EA's gonna learn you can only pull the wool over our eyes for so long. Once you tick off your longtime audience, you've done something really bad.
The only thing saving them is that this board, as big & important as it is, still doesn't make a dent in the public perception of this game.

We can't even trust EA when they say things are fixed now! WTH is up with that? It's one thing to simply not fix an issue....but to tell us something is fixed, and it's not, or it's fixed in a shoddy manner is poor business.
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Old 08-23-2011, 04:20 AM   #882
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by stoncold32
When people such as yourself(and myself) and others who have been on this site for the better part of 10 years MAINLY due to NCAA football series, are saying things like this, it's really bad. I began viewing this site in '01 and joined in '02 for the sole purpose of this game.

EA's gonna learn you can only pull the wool over our eyes for so long. Once you tick off your longtime audience, you've done something really bad.
The only thing saving them is that this board, as big & important as it is, still doesn't make a dent in the public perception of this game.

We can't even trust EA when they say things are fixed now! WTH is up with that? It's one thing to simply not fix an issue....but to tell us something is fixed, and it's not, or it's fixed in a shoddy manner is poor business.
Agreed. I try and defend this game because it's a part of my childhood. I have literally bought this game every year since it was released. What is that, 13 years? 14, 15? That's more than half of my life. Whatever it is, I've been there, most of the time on release day (12 AM), with my wallet ready to give my money to EA. I won't lie, I've never felt that I haven't gotten my money's worth from this game, but it is so incredibly disheartening to see the same issues year after year. Some years, I feel like I force myself to play it, and ignore all the bugs and glitches.

I guess as I've gotten older, I've accepted that games will not be perfect, nor will they ever fully meet my expectations. But when you see a game that has so much damn potential just sputter along, it really chips away at your desire to play. My gaming time is extremely limited now due to simply growing up and having a family, so it makes it that much harder.

There is no reason on why this game should not be a MONSTER when it comes to sales. College football is so popular in our country. There is nothing else quite like it... The rivalries, the bands, the atmosphere - but you don't ever really feel any of that with this game. We've had core features taken away from us that were on the old consoles. We are told things like, "Well, there's disc space issues..." But none of that adds up because there are things that we had then that we don't have now, and I thought improving technology would broaden the opportunities for games? I don't know, I just don't get it.

I'd rather buy my son $60 worth of toys than spend money on this game. At times, I want to defend this title to my death, but my mind tells me that I am simply being dishonest with myself. I haven't turned my 360 on in well over a week, and that is unheard of for me this time of year. Usually, I have at least one dynasty in the books by now, but I haven't even started one yet because I've heard of all the bugs. I just can't do it to myself.

I love immersing myself in this game. If you head over to the Dynasty HQ forum, you'll see I do some posting over there, but I've lost interest in it because I can't overcome the bugs. A 5-star QB coming in with 46 throw power? My 6'5" 225 pound QB can't throw the ball 40 yards, yet I was the highest rated incoming QB... I know there are point upgrades, but stuff like that just kills the experience for me.

I know I'm whining, but it just eats at me. It's not like I'm depressed, but I feel... cheated. Let down. It sucks, and I just hope EA rights the ship before it's truly too late and this title gets dropped. That might sound extreme, but so did not releasing an NBA game last year by EA.

We're getting an essential patch two months (or more) after the release date... That's nuts. Two months! People can't even play the game because of the freezing issues, and EA does little to address it, apologize, or keep us in the loop on when the patch might drop. I know giving dates is not standard business practice, but when you've let down so many, perhaps an explanation is in order.

Come on EA, so many of us have been loyal, to a fault even, and all we want is for you to step up and give us something to be excited about. You hype up and market this game so well, but you haven't been delivering.
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Old 08-23-2011, 08:18 AM   #883
patsfan1993's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Apostle
Agreed. I try and defend this game because it's a part of my childhood. I have literally bought this game every year since it was released. What is that, 13 years? 14, 15? That's more than half of my life. Whatever it is, I've been there, most of the time on release day (12 AM), with my wallet ready to give my money to EA. I won't lie, I've never felt that I haven't gotten my money's worth from this game, but it is so incredibly disheartening to see the same issues year after year. Some years, I feel like I force myself to play it, and ignore all the bugs and glitches.

I guess as I've gotten older, I've accepted that games will not be perfect, nor will they ever fully meet my expectations. But when you see a game that has so much damn potential just sputter along, it really chips away at your desire to play. My gaming time is extremely limited now due to simply growing up and having a family, so it makes it that much harder.

There is no reason on why this game should not be a MONSTER when it comes to sales. College football is so popular in our country. There is nothing else quite like it... The rivalries, the bands, the atmosphere - but you don't ever really feel any of that with this game. We've had core features taken away from us that were on the old consoles. We are told things like, "Well, there's disc space issues..." But none of that adds up because there are things that we had then that we don't have now, and I thought improving technology would broaden the opportunities for games? I don't know, I just don't get it.

I'd rather buy my son $60 worth of toys than spend money on this game. At times, I want to defend this title to my death, but my mind tells me that I am simply being dishonest with myself. I haven't turned my 360 on in well over a week, and that is unheard of for me this time of year. Usually, I have at least one dynasty in the books by now, but I haven't even started one yet because I've heard of all the bugs. I just can't do it to myself.

I love immersing myself in this game. If you head over to the Dynasty HQ forum, you'll see I do some posting over there, but I've lost interest in it because I can't overcome the bugs. A 5-star QB coming in with 46 throw power? My 6'5" 225 pound QB can't throw the ball 40 yards, yet I was the highest rated incoming QB... I know there are point upgrades, but stuff like that just kills the experience for me.

I know I'm whining, but it just eats at me. It's not like I'm depressed, but I feel... cheated. Let down. It sucks, and I just hope EA rights the ship before it's truly too late and this title gets dropped. That might sound extreme, but so did not releasing an NBA game last year by EA.

We're getting an essential patch two months (or more) after the release date... That's nuts. Two months! People can't even play the game because of the freezing issues, and EA does little to address it, apologize, or keep us in the loop on when the patch might drop. I know giving dates is not standard business practice, but when you've let down so many, perhaps an explanation is in order.

Come on EA, so many of us have been loyal, to a fault even, and all we want is for you to step up and give us something to be excited about. You hype up and market this game so well, but you haven't been delivering.
Fantastic post. You summed up exactly where I am at with this title and how it fits in my life. It's so disappointing.
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Old 08-23-2011, 08:36 AM   #884
volstopfan14's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Apostle
Agreed. I try and defend this game because it's a part of my childhood. I have literally bought this game every year since it was released. What is that, 13 years? 14, 15? That's more than half of my life. Whatever it is, I've been there, most of the time on release day (12 AM), with my wallet ready to give my money to EA. I won't lie, I've never felt that I haven't gotten my money's worth from this game, but it is so incredibly disheartening to see the same issues year after year. Some years, I feel like I force myself to play it, and ignore all the bugs and glitches.

I guess as I've gotten older, I've accepted that games will not be perfect, nor will they ever fully meet my expectations. But when you see a game that has so much damn potential just sputter along, it really chips away at your desire to play. My gaming time is extremely limited now due to simply growing up and having a family, so it makes it that much harder.

There is no reason on why this game should not be a MONSTER when it comes to sales. College football is so popular in our country. There is nothing else quite like it... The rivalries, the bands, the atmosphere - but you don't ever really feel any of that with this game. We've had core features taken away from us that were on the old consoles. We are told things like, "Well, there's disc space issues..." But none of that adds up because there are things that we had then that we don't have now, and I thought improving technology would broaden the opportunities for games? I don't know, I just don't get it.

I'd rather buy my son $60 worth of toys than spend money on this game. At times, I want to defend this title to my death, but my mind tells me that I am simply being dishonest with myself. I haven't turned my 360 on in well over a week, and that is unheard of for me this time of year. Usually, I have at least one dynasty in the books by now, but I haven't even started one yet because I've heard of all the bugs. I just can't do it to myself.

I love immersing myself in this game. If you head over to the Dynasty HQ forum, you'll see I do some posting over there, but I've lost interest in it because I can't overcome the bugs. A 5-star QB coming in with 46 throw power? My 6'5" 225 pound QB can't throw the ball 40 yards, yet I was the highest rated incoming QB... I know there are point upgrades, but stuff like that just kills the experience for me.

I know I'm whining, but it just eats at me. It's not like I'm depressed, but I feel... cheated. Let down. It sucks, and I just hope EA rights the ship before it's truly too late and this title gets dropped. That might sound extreme, but so did not releasing an NBA game last year by EA.

We're getting an essential patch two months (or more) after the release date... That's nuts. Two months! People can't even play the game because of the freezing issues, and EA does little to address it, apologize, or keep us in the loop on when the patch might drop. I know giving dates is not standard business practice, but when you've let down so many, perhaps an explanation is in order.

Come on EA, so many of us have been loyal, to a fault even, and all we want is for you to step up and give us something to be excited about. You hype up and market this game so well, but you haven't been delivering.
I agree 100%
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:08 AM   #885
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

This is the first year I haven't bought NCAA at launch since Bill Walsh Football. Fight Night Champion was the straw that broke this camel's back. Not only were there freezing issues and glitches at launch, they totally ignored them and patched and tuned the game from pretty decent to a pile of broken code removing things like cuts and swelling and totally frogging up the judging. They actually broke things that were working and removed items essential to a boxing game.

I remember NCAA last year, the qb accuracy was pretty good out of the box, 3 weeks later Robo QB was patched/tuned back in. On top of that there were so many other changes that the sliders I had worked on for weeks were no longer applicable.

I think that EA now caters to the online crowd. The online crowd tends to be "win at all costs" so they won't tolerate things like innacurate QB's or missing FG's. Actually alot of the offline crowd must be win at all cost too because little Timmy needs the 4 vertical bailout money play in case he is losing late. Its no longer about realism, its fancy graphics first and realistic play second.

Anyway, I have saved myself a ton of frustration by passing on this game this year. The best thing you can do is wait 3 or 4 months until they are done tuning and patching and come back here and ask a few trusted members what they think of the game or renting it. In the end, you will have saved time you can use productively elsewhere, saved money because its usually 39 or less after October, and if enough of us do this, it will put a blip on EA's radar that releasing buggy/glitchy products will not be beta tested for free and purchased at a premium.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:12 AM   #886
wepr3's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by fistofrage
This is the first year I haven't bought NCAA at launch since Bill Walsh Football. Fight Night Champion was the straw that broke this camel's back. Not only were there freezing issues and glitches at launch, they totally ignored them and patched and tuned the game from pretty decent to a pile of broken code removing things like cuts and swelling and totally frogging up the judging. They actually broke things that were working and removed items essential to a boxing game.

I remember NCAA last year, the qb accuracy was pretty good out of the box, 3 weeks later Robo QB was patched/tuned back in. On top of that there were so many other changes that the sliders I had worked on for weeks were no longer applicable.

I think that EA now caters to the online crowd. The online crowd tends to be "win at all costs" so they won't tolerate things like innacurate QB's or missing FG's. Actually alot of the offline crowd must be win at all cost too because little Timmy needs the 4 vertical bailout money play in case he is losing late. Its no longer about realism, its fancy graphics first and realistic play second.

Anyway, I have saved myself a ton of frustration by passing on this game this year. The best thing you can do is wait 3 or 4 months until they are done tuning and patching and come back here and ask a few trusted members what they think of the game or renting it. In the end, you will have saved time you can use productively elsewhere, saved money because its usually 39 or less after October, and if enough of us do this, it will put a blip on EA's radar that releasing buggy/glitchy products will not be beta tested for free and purchased at a premium.
I wish I had done what you did this year. I'm currently playing 11, but have held on to 12 to see what happens with the patches/tuning. If I'm not satisfied, I'll be following this advice next year.
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:15 AM   #887
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Originally Posted by fistofrage
This is the first year I haven't bought NCAA at launch since Bill Walsh Football. Fight Night Champion was the straw that broke this camel's back. Not only were there freezing issues and glitches at launch, they totally ignored them and patched and tuned the game from pretty decent to a pile of broken code removing things like cuts and swelling and totally frogging up the judging. They actually broke things that were working and removed items essential to a boxing game.

I remember NCAA last year, the qb accuracy was pretty good out of the box, 3 weeks later Robo QB was patched/tuned back in. On top of that there were so many other changes that the sliders I had worked on for weeks were no longer applicable.

I think that EA now caters to the online crowd. The online crowd tends to be "win at all costs" so they won't tolerate things like innacurate QB's or missing FG's. Actually alot of the offline crowd must be win at all cost too because little Timmy needs the 4 vertical bailout money play in case he is losing late. Its no longer about realism, its fancy graphics first and realistic play second.

Anyway, I have saved myself a ton of frustration by passing on this game this year. The best thing you can do is wait 3 or 4 months until they are done tuning and patching and come back here and ask a few trusted members what they think of the game or renting it. In the end, you will have saved time you can use productively elsewhere, saved money because its usually 39 or less after October, and if enough of us do this, it will put a blip on EA's radar that releasing buggy/glitchy products will not be beta tested for free and purchased at a premium.
I agree with ya big guy. I should have learned my lesson last year.
However, no worries here, because Forza releases in October and unless the patch works a miracle, I won't be looking back this year or next.

Last edited by SECElit3; 08-23-2011 at 09:18 AM.
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:24 AM   #888
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Originally Posted by SECElite3
I agree with ya big guy. I should have learned my lesson last year.
However, no worries here, because Forza releases in October and unless the patch works a miracle, I won't be looking back this year or next.
That's terrible news for stadium sounds. Lol

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