
Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

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Old 07-01-2011, 07:26 PM   #73
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by statum71
But to even fix your mouth to say its the same game is just ridiculous.
I wouldn't go that far.

There are so many perspectives of what looks/plays right and what's changed, there really isn't a right or wrong dealing with the game.
We're talking Millions of different perspectives.

We wouldn't be having many of these discussions if the game was more customizable.

Options, options, options.

I feel that's why so many agreed with Jayson's write-up, because there are no options or have very limited options that allow them to fix what they feel is wrong about their game.

No Recruit Editor eventhough every year, gamers run to the Forums looking for Slider/Re-Rated Rosters to help improve an aspect of Gameplay they don't like.

Again, so many perspectives, but limited options for Gamers to adjust to their own perspective, is what's driving much of the around here.

Life will go on though!!!

Last edited by khaliib; 07-01-2011 at 07:28 PM.
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Old 07-01-2011, 07:29 PM   #74
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

wait, positive impressions?

Steve, it's time to fire these clowns. That's not what we do here at OS. Your boys are stepping out of line.
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:16 PM   #75
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by statum71
Christian and Dustin......

BOTH of you guys told it just like it is!!!!!! I agree with every single word in this article.

And yes.....those in the impressions thread agreeing with Jayson are more than likely the type of gamers who will NEVER be pleased. Period!

Ok, I agree there are some people who do complain and expect more. But THIS is not a problem to me. Now it can get annoying from some people who complain about things that they have no clue about but for the others that do and just want the best football game possible, I see no problem with the critisism as long as they are acknowledging the good as well. The problem we have is NCAA and Madden are monopolies, they have no competition and the only thing they have to push them are our opinions/money, now I am not talking about the devs here, I think they are really starting to listen to the hardcore fans now, who are the minority. You can not "settle" that this is the best they could have done or they will only give you the same effort each time. They need to get better every year, I think some people are just soft or don't understand the importance of different opinions. But to categorize "It's people like this..." kind of pisses me off, although I'm sure there was no intention of offending anyone but its more that I'm pissed off of the idea that we've become a fanbase that has to be positive even when there are still plenty of negatives.

Its just like if you are a coach and your receiver makes a great catch but didn't run the route properly. You praise the receiver for the catch but you also have to get on him about running the route correctly or he'll do it wrong again.

That's my perspective.

Now I will still enjoy NCAA 12 and express how much I am enjoying it once I get the game, but at the same time I will point out the negatives as well.
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:34 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by sparkdawg777
Ok, I agree there are some people who do complain and expect more. But THIS is not a problem to me. Now it can get annoying from some people who complain about things that they have no clue about but for the others that do and just want the best football game possible, I see no problem with the critisism as long as they are acknowledging the good as well. The problem we have is NCAA and Madden are monopolies, they have no competition and the only thing they have to push them are our opinions/money, now I am not talking about the devs here, I think they are really starting to listen to the hardcore fans now, who are the minority. You can not "settle" that this is the best they could have done or they will only give you the same effort each time. They need to get better every year, I think some people are just soft or don't understand the importance of different opinions. But to categorize "It's people like this..." kind of pisses me off, although I'm sure there was no intention of offending anyone but its more that I'm pissed off of the idea that we've become a fanbase that has to be positive even when there are still plenty of negatives.

Its just like if you are a coach and your receiver makes a great catch but didn't run the route properly. You praise the receiver for the catch but you also have to get on him about running the route correctly or he'll do it wrong again.

That's my perspective.

Now I will still enjoy NCAA 12 and express how much I am enjoying it once I get the game, but at the same time I will point out the negatives as well.
I can agree with the example.

But if the receiver WAS running a bad route AND dropping the ball before........I can appreciate that he did do SOMETHING better. Though he still could be better.

To say he's doing the same thing he always does just wouldn't be fact.
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:41 PM   #77
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by statum71
I can agree with the example.

But if the receiver WAS running a bad route AND dropping the ball before........I can appreciate that he did do SOMETHING better. Though he still could be better.

To say he's doing the same thing he always does just wouldn't be fact.

I'm not trying to focus too much on the example I gave because obviously NCAA gets better each year. I'm just saying it is ok to praise something and point out the negatives at the same time. That's the main point of the example.

If you want to stick to the example, EA is the only receiver we have so if he's still doing something wrong we have to point it out, i.e. CPU TO A.I., no huddle too fast, etc. Fact is if it were not for the people who criticised the zone coverage being awful who knows if it would have been fixed. The CPU spread running game is still bad, there are still flaws along with the good.
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:52 PM   #78
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Without reading all of this - If one is to compare what NCAA 12, even 11, has done to NBA2K is WORK ON GAMELPLAY. I've said it several times about 2K going hard on icing and doing next to squat about the cake. They bank on the psychology that MANY, perhaps TOO MANY, of us are VISUAL BEINGS more than anything else. Think about how that comes to play with women and cars....

Yes, EA can do more with presentation but all that means nothing to me if gameplay isn't there and/or improves and this is why my 2K11 has caught early dust where as NCAA 11 survived MUCH longer with me.
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:58 PM   #79
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

I got my retail version in the mail today...downloaded the 1st tuner set and WOW! This game blows NCAA 11 to unrecognizable bits and pieces. Someone call a C.S.I. because NCAA 11 just got murdered!
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Old 07-01-2011, 09:02 PM   #80
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Re: Fact or Fiction: NCAA Football 12 Outlook

Originally Posted by Eski33
What other games, there has only been one. I would love to see multiple commentary teams but let's be realistic. Brad Nessler and Kirk Herbstreit arent doing this for free. Throw inone or two more commentary teams and there is additional cost.
Both FIFA and NCAA Basketball have used more than one broadcast team. That would be two games.

I don't know if you read my other post, but I think a lot of people would be willing to pay for some DLC that allowed us to download another broadcast team like FIFA did. Maybe like $3. And I am being realistic. They have said this is something they are looking into. I don't see what the big deal is that I'm asking that EA do something with their commentary situation?

I haven't trashed NCAA 12 at all, and I love everything they have done with the game. I loved the Demo and I'll be the first in line to pick the game up. But it is clear at this point that they need to take a new direction with the commentary. Whether it be Dynamic Commentary or multiple broadcast teams.
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