
Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

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Old 02-09-2011, 11:56 PM   #17
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by TracerBullet
Especially when you look at the abundance of people who complain about patches taking too long.
Bingo, I didn't even think of that end of it. Better customer relations to fix things quickly.
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Old 02-10-2011, 12:18 AM   #18
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
lets get the running, passing, blocking, coverage, tackling, hitting, catching right before we start worrying about things like surprise onside kicks. The passing styles and running styles still dont look great, hits and tackles need to look more realistic, coverage needs to be better. Give the defense some attention and make the defenses unique so the Jets 3-4 isn't the same as the Patriots 3-4 which isnt the same as the Steelers 3-4. Make punts and kicks actually blockable every now and then (this is more a problem in NCAA Football since it happens more often in college football instead of the pros).

The things like tuners and surprise onside kicks aren't the things that are going to bring back the hardcore Madden gamer that has been there since the early 90s. The guy who was loyal for so many years who now is tired of shelling out $60 each year for a roster updated gimmick game. NFL players are athletes. The way they move in real life, the speed, athleticism, agility, strength they show is missing from the game. When a guy is running full speed his feet are moving fast, his knees aren't 90 degrees the whole time. When a guy make a cut back its not just plant the foot and he's going the other direction. When a guy goes to make a tackles its not always a dive or suction like tackle where things stop and the guys just fall where they are. It depends on the speed both players are running, the angle, the size of each guy, the strength of each guy, does he run through the runner, does he bounce off the runner, does he stand the runner up as they fight for yards, does he wrap and roll, does he wrap and drive him down, does he just destroy the guy. You dont get real tackles in the game.

Get the football part of the game right and win back the fans and then you can worry about things like surprise onside kicks.
i agree totally with JerseySauve
i remember feening for new updates on madden 11 last year this time.
i sign in everyday to OS only to get banned. my childhood friend gets it early and we have been playing football games since tecmo bowl. we started up a game . he threw a pass to jamichael finely , i hit the hit stick only to start the weird hugging animation (pro tak) only to have the rest of my team to start this rugby scrimmish and to see his TE break all the tackles and jogged in for a touchdown oh by the way i had patrick willis!

c'mon son ! right then and there he turn to me said that is some bulls ish
but ill take it!!!!
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Old 02-10-2011, 12:59 AM   #19
JerseySuave4's Arena
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Originally Posted by roadman
Tuner sets are great news folks, especially if you are familiar with NCAA. Onside kicks was just an appetizer of what is to come.

We already knew they weren't touching franchise mode and I wouldn't expect any game play/presentation news.

Looks like we find out in a month or so a bit of new info.
wait theyre not touching Franchise mode AGAIN? They didnt touch franchise mode last year are they really not doing anything with it 2 straight years? If so then its an automatic no buy for me.
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Old 02-10-2011, 01:01 AM   #20
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
wait theyre not touching Franchise mode AGAIN? They didnt touch franchise mode last year are they really not doing anything with it 2 straight years? If so then its an automatic no buy for me.
I could be wrong but I think he was referring to the fact that we knew they wouldn't be mentioning anything about franchise in the halftime blog.
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Old 02-10-2011, 01:06 AM   #21
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by kehlis
I could be wrong but I think he was referring to the fact that we knew they wouldn't be mentioning anything about franchise in the halftime blog.
Kehlis is correct. No need to start a panic. Ian already said in a tweet franchise news down the road.

Yeah, sorry Jersey, I could have worded that better.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:49 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
lets get the running, passing, blocking, coverage, tackling, hitting, catching right before we start worrying about things like surprise onside kicks. The passing styles and running styles still dont look great, hits and tackles need to look more realistic, coverage needs to be better. Give the defense some attention and make the defenses unique so the Jets 3-4 isn't the same as the Patriots 3-4 which isnt the same as the Steelers 3-4. Make punts and kicks actually blockable every now and then (this is more a problem in NCAA Football since it happens more often in college football instead of the pros).

The things like tuners and surprise onside kicks aren't the things that are going to bring back the hardcore Madden gamer that has been there since the early 90s. The guy who was loyal for so many years who now is tired of shelling out $60 each year for a roster updated gimmick game. NFL players are athletes. The way they move in real life, the speed, athleticism, agility, strength they show is missing from the game. When a guy is running full speed his feet are moving fast, his knees aren't 90 degrees the whole time. When a guy make a cut back its not just plant the foot and he's going the other direction. When a guy goes to make a tackles its not always a dive or suction like tackle where things stop and the guys just fall where they are. It depends on the speed both players are running, the angle, the size of each guy, the strength of each guy, does he run through the runner, does he bounce off the runner, does he stand the runner up as they fight for yards, does he wrap and roll, does he wrap and drive him down, does he just destroy the guy. You dont get real tackles in the game.

Get the football part of the game right and win back the fans and then you can worry about things like surprise onside kicks.
Truest post I have ever seen on OS... kudos for pointing out flaws that inhibit realism. couldnt agree more!!
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Old 02-10-2011, 03:13 AM   #23
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Surprise onside kicks? They overlook the critical issues and add surprise onside kicks? And if you look at the video, the kick didn't even look realistic. Their was no contact or interaction between players and players didn't even run towards the football.

If you want to make special teams play a bigger part in the game just fix the blocking on returns and make it possible to block kicks. If you want to add some shenanigans just add some new trick plays, bobbled snaps, etc.

You complain about disk space, but you leave out important aspects of football that we see everyday(height and weight matters, realistic WR/DB interaction, realistic OL/DL interaction, realistic tackling, coverage, tendencies, jump balls, etc) and decide to waste space to add something that we see once per season. EA Sports makes zero sense to me.

Last edited by DavonBrown; 02-10-2011 at 03:22 AM.
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Old 02-10-2011, 03:56 AM   #24
PatriotJames's Arena
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Are the makers of Madden even NFL fans??? What a load of crap! I don't give a flying you know what about onside kicks and yes its great that you're putting in these "tuners" but I have a better idea, why not give US the tuner control? Maybe some people will like tuners one way and others another. The game is realistic to everyone in a different sense. They need to use these tuners as more "slider" like option for the user.

I want options. I'm so sick of this little kids game. I'm so sick of PG everything lately. WWE & NFL are my 2 favorite things and they are so PG its not even funny. I'm talking about the games and the sports/entertainment.

Options...Options...Options!!! If I wanna run a 60 team NFL league by expansion I should get to do so! IF I want to cut the roster size to only 24 players total on each team, I should get that option! I'm tired so my suggestions may seem strange so don't look into it too much. But everyone can use options that can be turned on or off. Give the casual gamer something else. Make a little kids NFL title again like Blitz or something. Madden should be sim and its so far off its not even funny.
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