
Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

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Old 02-10-2011, 10:31 AM   #33
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by jjsmitty34
I'm sorry but a special about On-side kicks... Uggg, it would be like if The Show did a special on their new bat boy animation.
Sounds like your expectations were high on the initial blog, but for the past two years, this has been how the information has been given out.

Tuner sets is an advantage, but some people are glossing over that.

Need to wait for the bigger guns.
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Old 02-10-2011, 10:37 AM   #34
mm boost's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Here is a legitimate question for Ian:

With this new surprise onside kick mechanic, did you guys actually fix the ball physics?? Right now in all of the Maddens, the ball is filled with lard, and soon as it hits the ground it either spins 100 times while laying in place on the ground, or it hits the ground and never bounces (soooo unrealistic). This has been one of my biggest gripes for a long time. 2k sports got their ball physics damn near perfect, I'd love to see EA fix this. This could be huge in onside kicks, fumbles, tipped passes, punts inside the 20, etc. This is a huge thing that should be fixed going forward in both NCAA and Madden.
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:13 AM   #35
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by roadman
Need to wait for the bigger guns.
What were the bigger guns last year? I really hope they've got a lot bigger ones in store this year.
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:18 AM   #36
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by EddieV
What were the bigger guns last year? I really hope they've got a lot bigger ones in store this year.
I hope so too, but to answer you question, that question is subjective. If I shout out an answer, I'm sure it will be debated by someone who didn't care for that feature or feels it should have been in the game when Madden first came out in 1989.
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:24 AM   #37
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by roadman
I hope so too, but to answer you question, that question is subjective. If I shout out an answer, I'm sure it will be debated by someone who didn't care for that feature or feels it should have been in the game when Madden first came out in 1989.
Like Gameflow? Here's a link to the "first details and screens" that IGN ran last March 23rd -- which focused on a new Catch Debugging Tool.


My only point is, maybe it doesn't always pay to say we're still a long ways from launch and to just wait on the bigger guns. Sometimes, we can get an idea early what's in store (or not).
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:32 AM   #38
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Originally Posted by EddieV
Like Gameflow? Here's a link to the "first details and screens" that IGN ran last March 23rd -- which focused on a new Catch Debugging Tool.


My only point is, maybe it doesn't always pay to say we're still a long ways from launch and to just wait on the bigger guns. Sometimes, we can get an idea early what's in store (or not).
I guess I still don't see your point??????

First of all, that article is 6 weeks away from being a year old. Secondly, most of the things in that article of the catch debug tool I've seen in Madden 11.

Sideline awareness, toe tapping in the end zone, Driver and Jennings leaping for the ball, etc.....

It's up to anyone if they want to judge early on a nugget of info in February.
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:44 AM   #39
BezO's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Interview with Ian Cummings - SOK and Tuner Sets (ESPN The Gamer)

Tuner sets sound great. Never against avoiding bureaucracy.

I like not having to select surprise onside in the hudle since your opponent can see your plays. Glad they thought about the off-line gamer for once.

But it already sounds like too many limits for onside kicks. As an off-line gamer, I could care less about someone cheesing online. What's with these universal limits? How about letting us set the limit? Or how about implementing a limit for online games only? Or, how about using the new tuner sets if someone finds an exploit? Isn't this exactly what it's for?

Here's my scenario: I or the CPU surprise onside kicks at the half a la the Saints. Later in the game, I or the CPU is down by 4 with 4 minutes left. The opponent may be expecting me to kick away & play defense. But me or the CPU can't surprise onside because we used it at the start of the 3rd qtr.

And I hope they consider my retier for offense/special teams play calling. We need a personel selection first. Regarding kick-offs/returns, it would allow us to choose hands or normal. With the hands team, we could still kick away. And with the normal team, we could surprise onside kick.
Shout out to The Watcher! Where you at bruh?
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Old 02-10-2011, 12:16 PM   #40
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For those saying it's too early.

Well it's not too early to address the issues that the community has found through rating/slider testing.
It's not to early to address whether those things found have been dealt with.

The pase TWO years such statements have been made, and everytime 1000 of post are don about those issues that should've been addressed before release.

This is a FACT!!!

They could at least address what they've done about the issues found that gamers spend hours testing to find.

Let me show you this is not some fly-by statement made in the air:
1) Superman Jump by LB's preventing throws over top. Noted 2 yrs ago, still in the game!

2) Flash Gordon field coverage by 2 Safeties that cover the entire field downfield. Noted 2 yrs ago, still in the Game!

3) Psych Corners running WR routes before they do. Noted 2 yrs ago, still in the game!

4) High Player Recognition creating Super DLine accross the board. Noted this year, history says it will be in!

5) Suction Blocking noted like 10 years ago, still in the game!

The list could go on and on.

These are not new features we're talking about, these are issues that gamers have noted that have been killing gameplay year after year. (key words "Year After Year").

So are you guys saying its too early to address that these issues have been dealt with?
Let me guess, you think Tuner Sets will address these?

Well let's see how EA has used Tuner Sets thus far.
NCAA team got community excited thinking these would be implemented as we found the "SAME" issues popping up.

Well they made there tweaks/adjustments, and forced them down the communites throat. Gamers didn't get to chance to chose if they wanted them.

Their tweaks in the end just Broke the Game even more, then they just the left the community High and Dry.

Funny thing is the same process has/is being said pertaining to NCAA Football the past 2 years.

"It's way too early for information"

When will it not be too early to respond to the issues that hindered the last release?
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