
Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 02-02-2011, 01:32 PM   #145
acarrero's Arena
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One thing that needs to be re-worked, and I think can still be improved before the release, is that aside from flash KO's, it seems that getting up from a knockdown is always the same pattern - the first time it's easy, second time not as easy, third time is hard. I would like more variety. If you get caught with a flurry of hard punches and go down early in the fight, it shouldn't always be equally easy to get up from. This pattern is unrealistic and has gotten old.
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Old 02-02-2011, 01:38 PM   #146
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

The controls for FN4 are ingrained in my muscle memory so I'm having to think about what I'm doing now as I learn the new controls. But I like it.

Didn't think I'd like the one button blocking, but it's growing on me.

After 2 or 3 matches, I finally managed to beat Pachio (sp?) in a decision, just trying to box with some strategy. I think I'm going to like this one.

Only thing is, even the cpu is throwing 80-90 punches a round. Isn't that a little unrealistic? If so, hopefully we can turn that down via sliders in the final release.
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Old 02-02-2011, 01:39 PM   #147
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by allBthere
It's a punch used everyday in boxing. Do you watch the sport? If you're in the ring you're not forced to throw a hook with your arm perfectly parallel to the floor. I guess you've never seen an overhand right either.

I've heard the term used many many times on TV - and I'm glad I can throw the punch now, in fact it's always been one of my fav's.

ps. I'm having next to no problem with the controls, the only thing I do occasionally is throw a lead overhand while wanting a hook, but it doesn't happen too often.
Do I watch boxing yes I do it's the only reason I have hbo right now. I love boxing I have watched every televised match on hbo the last few years and I have never heard of a hookercut. It doesn't even sound right how can you throw a hookercut and not hit the guard or body? Controls still suck by the way why not hold a bumper too do modified punches like a overhand or a "hookercut"
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Old 02-02-2011, 02:20 PM   #148
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

I am finally getting used to the new punch system. I was throwing a lot of punches in fights. 400+ because my hands were still used to the FN4 punch system. I would go to throw a hook, by swinging the stick around and I would throw a hook, overhand and jab inadvertantly. Same for upercuts. That was causeing me the biggenst issues, leaving myself open to being countered and the like. I am enjoyng the demo for what it is. There are some things tha I hope get tightened up, but all in all I like the improvement I've seen over FN4 and will probably pick this game up release day, if not before.


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Old 02-02-2011, 02:42 PM   #149
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Someone please tell me why this is rated M?

I'm seeing less blood than FNR4.
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Old 02-02-2011, 02:45 PM   #150
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Hova57
Tcrew to really base public opinion on OS you should look at the post of those who been in the forum on a regular basis , not those who maybe read and not posted . I can honestly say the guys who been here for awhile in this forum like the game even some who maynot have liked it at first. Nothing against the guys who disagree, but Creep, Mo, Phobia, Money,JayBee, Dave, Shakurr, Sausage, BQ and couple other guys I would look to see how they feel about the game.
I played about 5 or 6 matches last night. Couple offline to get my bearings with the game again since I been playing Fight Night 4 since I got back. Then I played Matt and Meth online for some matches.

While I was again struggling with the controls it had NOTHING to do with the configuration as tony01313 keeps reiterating. It had way more to do with the fact since I just got off FN4 that I kept hold RT and flicking up or down on right stick, thus resulting in me throwing punches when I did not want.

After a couple rounds I was good to go and got right back into it.

I HONESTLY don't see how anyone can say this is a rehash of FN4. I have been playing the hell out of it the last few weeks and then switching to the FNC demo is completely different.

First thing I noticed different from community day is the speed of the combos is much quicker. Also the footwork is drastically faster.

Remember guys, "sim presentation" combined with WIDE camera angle equals to a wonderful experience. Which was the first thing I tried to change when I got on, but the demo does not allow you.

Personally, I LOVE the demo. I tried to be as realistic and honest in my assessments from community day. They have improved the sim aspects since RD4, if you don't see that then I don't know what to tell you.....maybe go design your own game to meet your needs.

I think it still needs some tweaking in many areas, but across the board I think it is a wonderful step up over the horrible RD4.

Originally Posted by tony01313
man everything is way too close together you can't even put a proper combination together with out throwing the wrong punch most the time. Also Hookercut I mean what the hell is that.

Also it felt tactical with TPC flicking the stick up for the jab and throwing a hook in a hooking motion. BUT THE AUTO BLOCK is really the deal breaker for me, I mean really AUTO BLOCK
Have you ever seen a boxing match where it takes a pause of a sec or two between punches for a boxer????? There is a video out with Pac throwing out like 6 punches in 1 sec. That is literally impossible with RD4 and the control scheme.

The flick system is extremely easy and YES I can throw what I want when I want. You want to throw a jab, left hook, right upper cut combo. Flick up, left, right down. Just like a real boxer, his punch form won't always be perfect. So he might be throwing a uppercut but it has a slightly kicked out angle between a hook and uppercut. It is the exact same way with the controls. You might not throw the perfect jab, left hook, then right uppercut. But it will be very close, like a right hookercut or looping left hook. This does NOTHING different for gameplay.

On to the auto block. Do you realize that a real boxer is watching center mass and can see the slightest twitch of the shoulder muscles to see when a punch is coming and from what hand. We as gamers don't have that luxury, so our delay from the time the punch is thrown to us seeing it THEN trying to apply it on a controller would mean you are getting hit in the face unless you GUESS before the punch is thrown.

Plus with the increase of combo speed in FNC it would be flat out impossible to block left high, body right, right high, etc. In quick combination. So the auto block is need drastically. Hell I don't even see how you can complain about this when punch accuracy is still to high in the 50% range often.

Longer you hold block the more punches will be able to get through, so chosen when to block, when to weave, and when to let the hands fly are all key parts of the boxing experience.

My perception by your post is you are frustrated by the controls because you have not put enough time in to fully learn them and you are venting here plus writing the game off.

Originally Posted by allBthere
It's a punch used everyday in boxing. Do you watch the sport? If you're in the ring you're not forced to throw a hook with your arm perfectly parallel to the floor. I guess you've never seen an overhand right either.

I've heard the term used many many times on TV - and I'm glad I can throw the punch now, in fact it's always been one of my fav's.

ps. I'm having next to no problem with the controls, the only thing I do occasionally is throw a lead overhand while wanting a hook, but it doesn't happen too often.
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Old 02-02-2011, 02:45 PM   #151
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by ps3veron
Someone please tell me why this is rated M?

I'm seeing less blood than FNR4.
Wait till you get into champion mode and the f bombs are flying out everywhere THEN you will see
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Old 02-02-2011, 02:47 PM   #152
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by ps3veron
Someone please tell me why this is rated M?

I'm seeing less blood than FNR4.
Listen to the game's soundtrack. Also, the content of the story mode has adult themes.
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