
Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

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Old 01-31-2011, 12:49 AM   #97
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

Originally Posted by JayBee74
The stamina I'm not as concerned about. You have 3 round fight with the likes of Ali and Pac (high stamina probably) so 90-100 punches per round for that duration probably wouldn't tell the whole endurance story.

Unless the blocking and overall defense takes getting used to I'm not happy with what I'm seeing in terms of connection percentages. I'd like to see the majority of percentages from 20%-45%. I don't want easy defense, just the ability to execute a great defense.
maybe ..my first fight as tyson vs ali i was 92/208 44% and he was 142/258 55% 44 of 99 jabs and was effective with it. he was 49 or 82 with the striaght right which was too high imo. He droped me twice once right away (fine fluke) and another time in the 3rd which concerned me because he's not that powerful. I cought him a couple of times where I feel he should have stumbled.

overall only one fight. I'm impressed and feel like the single player will be nice because I'm liking the moment to moment action in the ring.

3 things that would make me a lot happier would be

1) no cutscenes at all or replays during a round, make it like ufc knockdowns and just get up and don't break the action

2) some knockdown punches for some reason completely halts the followthrough of the punch. a big culprit is the closer range short right straights the punch stops dead at the head and doesn't drive through making the actual knockdowns at times seem strange since other non-kd punches look way more viscious - however this isn't universal

3) bit less accurate with punches would be nice a little more randomness to the flight path of punches. AND fiddle with the stopping power a bit. Many people complain there is not enough, but it was out of place for ali to drop me like that...he DID however hurt me twice and move in for the kill, but I just doubt tyson folds like that so soon in a fight.
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Old 01-31-2011, 01:53 AM   #98
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

Originally Posted by Motown
An impression from the EA forum:
"My jaw just hit the floor when in the third round of my offline fight i was cotto vs pacman, i was dropped in the 1st with flash kd`s, then in the second i started landing some decent combo`s, in the third i buzzed pac and was repeatedly hitting him with combos when out of nowhere the ref jumped in and stopped the fight!!!

That was FreaKin awesome, the ref stopped the fight due to pac not fighting back and taking to much, he didnt go down once, just took like 15 - 20 punches without landing or barely throwing, in jumps the ref and off goes Joe telling me that cotto has won via a tko as pacman could not protect himself and was taking a beating!!!" This is cool as hell
I saw this as well. I was fighting tyson w ali and the ref stepped in. the damage to tyson's face was ridiculous just swollen and cut up. he just couldn't close the gap, and kept getting hit. lol
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Old 01-31-2011, 02:41 AM   #99
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

had an interesting fight with tyson as Ali. I won 10-9 all rounds all judges. 128/232 for 55% Tyson a more modes 83/221 for 37% only 34% to the head. What he did do is land 42/102 to the body and me only 21 shots .... so it could have been an interesting fight getting later on.

I think clinchig should happen naturally or be easier or something. When's the last time you've seen a boxing match, especially heavies without a clinch in a whole round? It's a big reason the punch outputs are so high...because it's a game is one reason, but also because there's no sloppy stuff and time wasting things like getting tied up.

overal It's a gigantic step forward from round 4. I actually enjoy this.
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Old 01-31-2011, 03:21 AM   #100
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

Originally Posted by Hova57
someone mentioned flash ko punch needs to be a attribute, it is not all guys will have it some will be higher and some will be low. I'm not basing my judgement on this game based on video without my actual hands on it . I'll wait till Wednesday.
flash K.O. is an attribute, if a fighter has a rating of 20 (max rating) in a particular punch then it's possible they can get a fight ending K.O. with that punch

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Old 01-31-2011, 09:53 AM   #101
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

Originally Posted by Hova57
someone mentioned flash ko punch needs to be a attribute, it is not all guys will have it some will be higher and some will be low. I'm not basing my judgement on this game based on video without my actual hands on it . I'll wait till Wednesday.
Hey it would help if you used punctuation and people would understand you. Goof ball.

Yea Vis that's what I was trying to say.
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Old 01-31-2011, 04:02 PM   #102
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

I played quite a few fights offline and then 2 online. I lost both online fights, which I'm not surprised because I was more or less experimenting.

I like what I see and come away feeling like the game has made a step in the right direction but still seems like it is lacking in fulfilling its potential. First off, graphically the game gets an A+. I was even able to put enough right hands on Cotto that by the third round he had a nice bump above his left eye. Blood was also trickled along his and Manny's chest. Everything looks rich and deep with the graphics.

I like the new controls but played so much of FN4 that I was missing punches and throwing too many punches because of extra movement on the right stick. There is no sluggish feeling in throwing punches and body movement is done well. I really like the ability to step from side to side and in an out with a flick of the stick. Footwork in the sense of circling the ring is still sluggish but that step maneuver really adds to the footwork's quickness. Saying they didn't touch footwork would not be true. It's quicker and the ability to make your opponent miss is greater.

As far as stamina goes, I really feel like it's ok. Punches slow down and at the end of just 3 rounds fighters are losing a good amount of stamina. 10 rounds is going to be a big revealer, and I look forward to seeing how stamina runs in that long of a fight.

Presentation is rough. There are times when Joe and Teddy are silent and out of the blue Joe asks Teddy an obscure question that isn't even relevant. The fighter entrances are bad and the way this game closes out the fight is a mockery to the sport. They still do that flash to each fighter's expression, and I'm pretty sure it's so repetitive that we will be able to see who won before they actually announce it. It just adds to the already dull feeling the presentation gives.

One last thing I'll add is how they handle illegal blows. Unfortunately, the dev team must think it's cute to map a button so you can throw a headbutt or low blow. They did improve the way it goes about so that the fighter doesn't get stunned. I did one where Manny threw the headbutt and then raised his arm up. It's like there's an added animation in there so you can't directly throw a punch after you headbutt. So, I suppose you can excuse it.

Anyway, the demo leaves a positive feel for me. It's definitely a great looking game and should be a lot of fun.
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Old 01-31-2011, 04:32 PM   #103
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

Originally Posted by DaveDQ
I played quite a few fights offline and then 2 online. I lost both online fights, which I'm not surprised because I was more or less experimenting.

I like what I see and come away feeling like the game has made a step in the right direction but still seems like it is lacking in fulfilling its potential. First off, graphically the game gets an A+. I was even able to put enough right hands on Cotto that by the third round he had a nice bump above his left eye. Blood was also trickled along his and Manny's chest. Everything looks rich and deep with the graphics.

I like the new controls but played so much of FN4 that I was missing punches and throwing too many punches because of extra movement on the right stick. There is no sluggish feeling in throwing punches and body movement is done well. I really like the ability to step from side to side and in an out with a flick of the stick. Footwork in the sense of circling the ring is still sluggish but that step maneuver really adds to the footwork's quickness. Saying they didn't touch footwork would not be true. It's quicker and the ability to make your opponent miss is greater.

As far as stamina goes, I really feel like it's ok. Punches slow down and at the end of just 3 rounds fighters are losing a good amount of stamina. 10 rounds is going to be a big revealer, and I look forward to seeing how stamina runs in that long of a fight.

Presentation is rough. There are times when Joe and Teddy are silent and out of the blue Joe asks Teddy an obscure question that isn't even relevant. The fighter entrances are bad and the way this game closes out the fight is a mockery to the sport. They still do that flash to each fighter's expression, and I'm pretty sure it's so repetitive that we will be able to see who won before they actually announce it. It just adds to the already dull feeling the presentation gives.

One last thing I'll add is how they handle illegal blows. Unfortunately, the dev team must think it's cute to map a button so you can throw a headbutt or low blow. They did improve the way it goes about so that the fighter doesn't get stunned. I did one where Manny threw the headbutt and then raised his arm up. It's like there's an added animation in there so you can't directly throw a punch after you headbutt. So, I suppose you can excuse it.

Anyway, the demo leaves a positive feel for me. It's definitely a great looking game and should be a lot of fun.
Yea I am excited to get my hands on the demo this week and break the game down with some videos. I plan on sending some video footage of the issues to the devs.

My only big concern is punch accuracy. I can clearly see it is way higher than the community day build. A 6 to 7 punch exchange in the community day build was a LOONG exchange and your fighter would be spent. You would then be forced to back off and regain your breath.

I am not so worried about PERM stamina, I think it looks fine. But I think TEMP stamina needs to drain much faster.
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Old 01-31-2011, 04:36 PM   #104
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Re: Fight Night Champion Demo Gameplay Videos, Including Online

Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
Yeah, that was my issue. My son was in the back of the room playing. Just didn't get the point of having that in the game. Or at least have an option to turn it off. I have no problem it being in the story like I said, I know it's there and expect it there so would play it after hours if I got the game. But having it outside of that mode is unacceptable to me.

And I realize I'm in the minority here.
No, you are not. I have an 8 year old son and now I can play a mode until after dark.
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