
Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

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Old 12-12-2010, 10:16 PM   #153
N51_rob's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Just listened to the podcast. I think it's crazy to hear the stuff that was happening to Looman in his personal life because of a video game. People really need to get a grip and bring their priorties in line a little better. Having said that...

It's still to early for me to draw any conclusions about Madden 12. But I am a franchise gamer first and formost. I didn't buy 11, but in 10 I played a grand total of 8 games onilne. I did play in the OS Vets online franchise, but those were games against good guys. I don't play online, I don't play MUT. I play franchise. That is what I enjoy to do with the limited time that I have to play games. So personally for me the easiest way for EA to get my NFL gaming $$$ is to make a game the includes all the things that Happen Monday to Saturday. I want 53 roster spot and 8 practice squad guys. I want to only dress 45. (I loved having to make that call in HC09). I want to be able to really get into contracts. Being able to front load or back load a contract. I want the preperation, work, and gameplanning that I do during the week to matter. I want the scheme that I run to effect my players. (ex. Andre Carter is a terrible 3-4 OLB, but had a pretty good year last year as a 4-3 DE).

I understand that these things can't happen overnight or in a single development cycle. But I also know that I'm 29 years old, soon to be engaged and married after that. I am becoming more of an "adult" and won't have the time I used to and eventually won't really be a "gamer." I would hate to think that by the time Madden has the things that I want I won't care to play because life will be to time consuming.

Lastly, Ian mentioned something about casual gamers not really know all ins and outs of football as it relates to franchise mode. I would offer him MLB 10. They had a very good mode on the calender and in game that explained things that I was never familier with like the Rule 5 draft, and A and B level FA (or whatever they were). They also had a calender that was very helpful with all those things. I don't know how easy that is to implement but it can be done and can be very usefully for those that don't know that much about the sport.


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Old 12-12-2010, 11:52 PM   #154
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by N51_rob
Just listened to the podcast. I think it's crazy to hear the stuff that was happening to Looman in his personal life because of a video game. People really need to get a grip and bring their priorties in line a little better. Having said that...

It's still to early for me to draw any conclusions about Madden 12. But I am a franchise gamer first and formost. I didn't buy 11, but in 10 I played a grand total of 8 games onilne. I did play in the OS Vets online franchise, but those were games against good guys. I don't play online, I don't play MUT. I play franchise. That is what I enjoy to do with the limited time that I have to play games. So personally for me the easiest way for EA to get my NFL gaming $$$ is to make a game the includes all the things that Happen Monday to Saturday. I want 53 roster spot and 8 practice squad guys. I want to only dress 45. (I loved having to make that call in HC09). I want to be able to really get into contracts. Being able to front load or back load a contract. I want the preperation, work, and gameplanning that I do during the week to matter. I want the scheme that I run to effect my players. (ex. Andre Carter is a terrible 3-4 OLB, but had a pretty good year last year as a 4-3 DE).

I understand that these things can't happen overnight or in a single development cycle. But I also know that I'm 29 years old, soon to be engaged and married after that. I am becoming more of an "adult" and won't have the time I used to and eventually won't really be a "gamer." I would hate to think that by the time Madden has the things that I want I won't care to play because life will be to time consuming.

Lastly, Ian mentioned something about casual gamers not really know all ins and outs of football as it relates to franchise mode. I would offer him MLB 10. They had a very good mode on the calender and in game that explained things that I was never familier with like the Rule 5 draft, and A and B level FA (or whatever they were). They also had a calender that was very helpful with all those things. I don't know how easy that is to implement but it can be done and can be very usefully for those that don't know that much about the sport.
I completely agree here. Casual fans don't NEED to know the ins and outs (I'm one of those players), because if it's a GOOD franchise mode, that means we should be able to set things up so that the computer handles them and they are still done correctly; after all, that's what the non-human controlled teams are already doing.

I've been playing MLB The Show and the 2K basketball series for a few years now, and despite lacking the real knowledge to be a true GM, I still manage just fine leaving a lot of the work up to the computer, and jumping in when I see fit. The best part about it? There are OPTIONS for EVERYONE, no matter their game skill.
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Old 12-13-2010, 01:07 AM   #155
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

This post is an attempt to explain completely, thoughtfully and as respectfully as I can, my concerns/reactions from this podcast. It’s also pretty long.

The first part of this podcast dicusses MUT and it’s overall success. Having no interest in MUT, I found it somewhat irritating and here’s why. MUT from my perspective is a selective game mode. Many gamers ignore it, but it has received an excessive amount of attention because of the financial potential it provides to EA.

After talking about MUT, they later explain how Offline Franchise is a multi-year project. Now to clarify, I wasn’t upset that it would take as long as five years to get everything we want in franchise mode, that's a given, but at the fact franchise was almost completely ignored while the MUT building process was going on. In other words, I feel we probably could have had at least some of the franchise improvements last year or sooner, if not for MUT.

My second issue with the podcast was that Online Franchise is a long term goal, but not necessarily a Madden 12 goal. I know many on here care nothing about online franchise, but I have been an online franchise guy since the days of the EA lockers on the PS2 and a solid online franchise would be my mode of choice. Considering there was a time online franchise was touted as easily improved with “server side fixes” , I’m disappointed in not at least having contracts and a salary cap added to the mode and was/am hoping for improvements like setting it to 8,12 and 16 team leagues to make them more managable and eliminate the need for so many cpu teams. My feeling after the podcast is this mode will not receive any attention.

My other big disappointment is Ian’s response to a question about ps2 adjustments. He said he wasn’t “gung ho” about adding them because they were unsim. My reaction to that lead Ian to correct me by pointing out he liked those features and actually designed many of them. None the less, I felt after those reponses that it was unlikely they would make madden 12 and I was accused of sensationalism by stating I already doubt madden 12 will be the game for me. Now to understand just how important these adjustments are to me, feel free to watch this video I produced for Madden 10….


I don’t want to exaggerate or sensationalize the importance of these adjustments for me again so I will just say this.. if I have to donate my right testicle to get them in, I will do so.

Finally a concern that these podcast left me with is that only franchise mode is going to get the upgrades. I hope that isn’t the case. I believe upgrading superstar mode some and/or the minigames so that we can have challenges like “swat ball” and “pocket presence” instead of the bench press, 40 yard dash, and the current DB drill that requires no skill would offer gamers a way to enjoy Madden without commiting to it for an hour or more and has the benfit of improving the gamers “on the field” skills. In other words, the more enjoyable modes madden 12 has, the better overall game imo.

I understand many of my concerns aren’t what the majority wants, but I hope now that I have laid it all out on the table, both the devs and fellow Osers will understand my initial responses were not meant to attack the devs personally or blindly bash Madden just for the fun of it. It may be December, but I have genuine concerns for the future of this franchise and simply attempted to voice those concerns. I also stand by my earlier statements, I will not respond to any additional podcasts without concrete info to respond to.

Thanks for reading and sorry if I wasted your time.
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Old 12-13-2010, 02:16 AM   #156
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

I like and enjoy the podcast and all but I just wonder if there will ever be a separation from those who listen and "all is well" and those who listen and "post every negative thing they can think of"

I just can't believe these things get out of control over 10 negative comments when 100000000 (exaggerated) buys madden and probably a 3rd of that listens to the podcast and enjoys them and can comprehend what is being said without it being said.

It seems to me we often times all get grouped in together...

Sidenote: The hateful tweet of the week had me rolling....lol
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Old 12-13-2010, 03:05 AM   #157
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

I didn't anticipate this podcast going south with the community. I'm guessing a lot of the Madden community doesn't listen to a whole lot of podcasts. Generally, it's just a few people sitting around in a recording booth shootin' the sh*t. That's pretty much what this podcast has been, but all in subject to Madden.

I've enjoyed them, and hope that you guys continue to make them. Maybe not on a weekly, or even bi-weekly basis. But checkpoint podcasts would be cool. They'd be even more worthwhile listens post-blog, when that time comes.

Also, this is just a thought... kill the hateful tweet of the week. You're just encouraging those people.

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Old 12-13-2010, 03:47 AM   #158
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

I kinda skipped around the podcast a little because I didn't care so much about MUT as I did about franchise mode. It was cool hearing all the talk about HC09 seeing as how that was one of my favorite games that I've played.

I always assumed that moving all of those features to Madden would probably never work due to the disc space, but for me, the few features from HC09 that I would die to have are:
The Draft
Free Agent Bidding
Contract Negotiations
Pre-season (by this, I mean figuring out rookie's ratings after each game, making cuts each week, etc.)

If this takes 5 years to get all of these things in the game then so be it, but those are the 4 features from HC09 that I most want to see in Madden soon, and in that order.

Also, I'm not sure if it would save disc space or not, but with features like Adam Schefter being in HC, perhaps if Madden just had an NFL.com or something similar to what NBA 2k11 has and Schefter could have some notes on different rookies on one of the pages. I don't know if that would save space instead of having the actual Schefter head talking or not, but if it would, I would totally support that.

I'd also like to say that I appreciate the time that Ian, Donny, Josh, and all the other guys put into making this game. I think Madden is finally going in the right direction again, and hopefully we'll get back to having great franchise mode and gameplay like we did in the Madden/2k days.
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Old 12-13-2010, 09:30 AM   #159
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It's unbelievable, but most people here criticize
ian and EA. they do their best to make to the hottest football game ever.
It is also quite unfair only to do everything down what ian says.

he does not have to upload Potcast ... he does it to let us know about it. and we have just december ok, I mean you expect the Madden 12 is already finished? madden is released in August 2011, but as times keep the ball flat ian, and let ea and work.

oh by the way it is no wonder that some people from his twitter ian list removed when he was only criticized. for that is totally unnecessary!

are rather glad that it is possible to comunicate with him or EA!

I for my part, can not wait, that madden 12 is finally released, and I also hope that this year it will finally be available in Germany.
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Old 12-13-2010, 11:24 AM   #160
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

I like the podcasts...I don't listen to them for features that are coming up, I just like hearing the dudes talk about the game , and the behind the scenes stuff. It's like a "making of Madden" extra feature on a DVD.
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