
Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

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Old 12-11-2010, 10:42 AM   #73
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by green94
This. NBA2k11 set the bar of what can be done in "One" cycle.
2K is working with same code as last gen. That makes a huge difference..
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Old 12-11-2010, 10:42 AM   #74
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Flamehead
The other variable in all of this is their marketing department. It's been implied that dept. plays a significant role in the planning of new features. There was a quick reference to marketing in this podcast as well.

If true, that is VERY disappointing. It begs the question: are they making the game for their marketing department or the consumer/Madden fan?

Are they basing design decisions to make someone's job in marketing a little easier, i.e., "hey guys, give us something we can use! We gotta put SOMETHING on the back of the box!"?

I raise this point because it's all about priorities. You MAKE time for what's important to you. Is franchise mode more important than a marketing idea that they want developed instead or vice-versa?
You raise a very good point.

The only thing I add is that I feel the developers are making a game for the consumer/customers, but must work within the framework of their company structure.

Last edited by roadman; 12-11-2010 at 10:49 AM.
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Old 12-11-2010, 10:53 AM   #75
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

From the podcast I sensed that the direction is really that they want to go in all directions in an attempt to satisfy both the designer's as well as the top management's agenda.

As someone mentioned in this forum a while ago it seems like Tiburon doesn't know what it wants Madden to be. A card (Ultimate Team) game, a facebook game, a smartphone game, a football game, a manager game, an online game or something completely different.

Regarding franchise mode in the podcast, I was a bit disappointed in hearing that the developers believe they might have a great franchise mode 3 or 5 years from now if they find the time. Personally I just want a simple streamlined franchise mode as Ian mentioned, because I've played soccer managerial games for years and in the most recent once you can easily spend a couple of hours on your team and not even have played a single match yet.

While Donny and Josh's overall goal was to create an immersive franchise mode, I am a bit in the opposite ditch. A brand new and fantastic franchise mode would be worth little to me if the gameplay isn't immersive. Immersive gameplay makes me want to spend hours playing a game (Red Dead Redemption, FIFA, NHL, Call of Duty etc.), but Madden hasn't had immersive gameplay since last-gen, IMO. Putting too much emphasis on franchise mode without making strides in gameplay would only be a quick fix.
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Old 12-11-2010, 12:13 PM   #76
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Flamehead
The other variable in all of this is their marketing department. It's been implied that dept. plays a significant role in the planning of new features. There was a quick reference to marketing in this podcast as well.

If true, that is VERY disappointing. It begs the question: are they making the game for their marketing department or the consumer/Madden fan?

Are they basing design decisions to make someone's job in marketing a little easier, i.e., "hey guys, give us something we can use! We gotta put SOMETHING on the back of the box!"?

I raise this point because it's all about priorities. You MAKE time for what's important to you. Is franchise mode more important than a marketing idea that they want developed instead or vice-versa?
This year marketing went with cutting game time in half. So we got gameflow. We also got a broken game clock that speeded up the game and a lack of defense which speeded it up even more. I think the game is made to fit the slogan rather than coming up with a slogan to fit the game.
Ian kind of let it slip in that podcast that gameflow was purely to make things easier for casual gamers.
I just think if that (HC09) was to drop into Madden it would need a little bit of a growth area. I think most of the people would figure it out but you would probably need some way to get people kind of, what is a restricted free agent? Alot of people have trouble learning those things. I don't think you need to go to crazy. You don't need a gameflow but you do need something there to help people with their football terminology.
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Old 12-11-2010, 12:29 PM   #77
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by rooney8
This year marketing went with cutting game time in half. So we got gameflow. We also got a broken game clock that speeded up the game and a lack of defense which speeded it up even more. I think the game is made to fit the slogan rather than coming up with a slogan to fit the game.
Ian kind of let it slip in that podcast that gameflow was purely to make things easier for casual gamers.
That quote of Ian's that you posted resonated with me. I hate to bring up "the other game", but I remember that it had a glossary of terms on the disc. I would imagine something like that would help teach people what those terms are if that was a concern.
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Old 12-11-2010, 12:36 PM   #78
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Too many statements regarding time restraints, an too much info, and questions taken on MUT and online, not enough info on F&SS-modes. I know that you can't go into specifics, but I have the same feeling in my gut about M-12's Offline modes, that I have had ever since Madden went next-gen.

Ever since I found out what "streamlining" a mode really meant (when they stripped all of the fun out of Madden 09' Superstar Mode). So it makes me cringe when the Development team states that any portion of Madden 12' will be "streamlined". It reminds me of the bad-ol'-times that Ortiz used to say that progression/regression was "fixed", and it would be more craptastic each year.

In my personal opinion, MUT is a waste of time, resources, and space. You guys need to let Josh free from the MUT chains, and let him focus on F-Mode. Especially progression/regression, making it occur at least every 4 weeks (weekly would even be better), and have it more dynamic so that a poor performance could carry on to the following week (creating hot/cold streaks). And either dump the potential rating, or at least have it editable (on a 1-99 scale) for existing players. A functional IR, and expanded rosters would also be nice.

Last edited by Reejer; 12-11-2010 at 12:39 PM.
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Old 12-11-2010, 12:40 PM   #79
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Josh Looman was interesting on the podcast. I loved the newspaper-radio of Madden 2005. That was a great feature that added to the franchise.

Head Coach implementation is about what I expected. They did hit the two things that I thought mattered. 1) Gameplay was not fun. 2) Immersion. That was what made Head Coach great.

Overall ratings should be customizable (I value awareness more than speed or big power backs over shifty scat backs).

And if you can create an option that removes overall.....why not create it? An option. Appease those of who want it, don't assume what else we want or don't want. Step one, give us the option if it is that easy. It is an option.

Draft classes. At least give us the ability to create players in franchise!!! How about down-loadable content? Charge us $10 to use our "own" draft classes. We go to the website and create our spreadsheet/draft class file. You have a check system before we can save it to prevent the file blowing up the game. Teambuilder, use that concept more please!
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Old 12-11-2010, 12:45 PM   #80
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by rooney8
LOL. You thought that first quote was Josh from the podcast. That was him two years ago just saying the same thing we heard today.
And yeah that was Phil commenting on M11.
LOL, I did. I didn't notice that it said Josh Looman on Madden 10.
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