
Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

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Old 12-10-2010, 08:31 PM   #57
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by 31
I wish they would stop talking about what they can't do, and start talking about what they can do.
This. NBA2k11 set the bar of what can be done in "One" cycle.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:06 PM   #58
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Finally got a chance to actually listen to the podcast and my reaction is the same.

1. A lot of time talking about MUT, which I have never tried and care nothing about.

2. Time talking about how it takes time to get features from ps2 to current systems. Madden 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11....and there hasn't been enough time??

3. Online franchise looks like it's getting virtually ignored. They discussed how they had other priorities set for madden 11 and now have the priorites in place for 12 so it doesn't look good short term. This is the biggest headscratcher of all to me. If you have a good online franchise, it kills 2 birds with one stone because most offline guys are still connected and could use it by themselves. Also, this was supposedly set up so that additions and fixes could be done "from the server side" so going with that statement it should be the easiest mode to add to.

I guess after these podcasts, it just looks to me like Madden isn't gonna be a game I'm gonna ever like on these consoles.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:35 PM   #59
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
Finally got a chance to actually listen to the podcast and my reaction is the same.

1. A lot of time talking about MUT, which I have never tried and care nothing about.

2. Time talking about how it takes time to get features from ps2 to current systems. Madden 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11....and there hasn't been enough time??

3. Online franchise looks like it's getting virtually ignored. They discussed how they had other priorities set for madden 11 and now have the priorites in place for 12 so it doesn't look good short term. This is the biggest headscratcher of all to me. If you have a good online franchise, it kills 2 birds with one stone because most offline guys are still connected and could use it by themselves. Also, this was supposedly set up so that additions and fixes could be done "from the server side" so going with that statement it should be the easiest mode to add to.

I guess after these podcasts, it just looks to me like Madden isn't gonna be a game I'm gonna ever like on these consoles.
I understand some people like love the online franchise part of the game. But I feel the love should go to offline franchise mode more then anything first off. Most people love to play offline franchise instead of online. Online franchise is so hard to keep going when people can't play all the time. But anyway I understand Ian and crew can't add everything from HC 09 into madden 12. But please add some good things that is worth using in franchise mode. Like a working IR where once a player goes onto IR it will open a roster space so you can hire a FA without having to releasing another player. Things like that.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:37 PM   #60
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EA might as well start being very transparent with their approach to games. It only makes sense. Why wait until its too late to change a game that no one will buy ( NBA ELITE) Why does upper management not want consumers to know whats going on? Are they waiting to surprise us with things none of us care about? Sure of course theres a business model in there somewhere and im ignoring it but hey its only been 3 years since the Madden team started saying they needed time whats another two more? Oh no wait i know, its too much.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:42 PM   #61
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by Legend Killer
I understand some people like love the online franchise part of the game. But I feel the love should go to offline franchise mode more then anything first off. Most people love to play offline franchise instead of online. Online franchise is so hard to keep going when people can't play all the time. But anyway I understand Ian and crew can't add everything from HC 09 into madden 12. But please add some good things that is worth using in franchise mode. Like a working IR where once a player goes onto IR it will open a roster space so you can hire a FA without having to releasing another player. Things like that.
If online was really good, you could play it just like it was offline. It would be the same thing, and you wouldn't have to have other people join your franchise if you don't want anyone else in the league.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:45 PM   #62
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Sounds like people want to know what going into the game for 12 and it's only December. SB and beyond is when the new will start to trickle out.

11 is still in a selling mode.
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Old 12-10-2010, 10:36 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by roadman
Sounds like people want to know what going into the game for 12 and it's only December. SB and beyond is when the new will start to trickle out.

11 is still in a selling mode.
I believe this is the issue in regards to the "Heat" released in gamer's feedback.

Many are turning into Rent first gamers because of their history with prior Madden purchases.
EA is not in place were they can follow the same format of old, especially in today's finacial climate.

As far as 11 still selling. I see many trade-in copies sitting on Game Stop/Blockbuster shelves.
That's not good to see so much dissatifaction on the shelves at the cost of $63 a wop.

That's why I believe you here so much pressing about information at this time.

"Empty Wallets" tend to force you to say things when there is little satisfaction!!!
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Old 12-10-2010, 10:47 PM   #64
Senator Palmer's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Someone needs to sell the suits on pushing the release date back in the name of releasing a truly complete game if we are going to stay on the yearly cycle, because as it is now, the past few years we have not been getting a really polished product until all of the patches are released. I know I'm dreaming, as I don't see them costing themselves a chunk of a fiscal quarter, or the ability to pump the interest during the season, but I could stand waiting for a holiday rollout of a finely tuned game that maybe only needs a roster update or two, and a live tuning update.
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