
Fight Night Champion Video Preview (The OXM Report)

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Old 12-07-2010, 03:24 PM   #41
Vast's Arena
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Re: New Video on Xbox Live

Originally Posted by thorne666
I'll be quick with what I have to say.

1. How many times will we finance games that don't meet out expectations or suit our playing styles? EA does that same thing every go-round. They either can't or refuse to make a game that includes the boxing nuances that have been requested for years now. I, too, love my boxing games, but enough is enough! I'm now convinced that if EA is behind it, fight night will remain meretricious trash, looking the part but rotten underneath. This will no change until something hits them in their pocket - either a competitor who does well in sales with sim based offering, or FN is boycotted. Then and only then will there be a significant change in the FN engine.

2. Perhaps it is time to forgo this fiasco of licensing real fighters to be in the game. All it breads is imbalance and cheese anyway. The way CAF features are now, if you want a particular fighter in the game, make him. The money used to pay a guy for his image in the game can go a long way towards production, and finally getting the game we really want to play.
Good post.

I personally don't believe that the finances spent on licensing the boxers is the problem.
The engine looks to be top notch. The collision detecting much improved and the knockdowns are looking legit.

The gameplay and production values are high quality, very high quality. Its just the direction the producers and the company are trying to take this game. The destination they are trying to reach is well short of what we sim gamers would call home. They have the expensive mode of transportation, they just don't want to take us where we want to go.

Its just the little things that they refuse to implement.
How hard would it be to loosen up the footwork and make the boxers swift and agile?
To allow a boxer to temporarily become disoriented by a boxer who uses quick and smart footwork?

These are observations from watching a few seconds of footage. If these guys knew about boxing there is no way they wouldn't notice it and change it right away.

And i don't want to hear the excuse of EA big wigs interfering. Make the game SIM, add sliders and place sim and arcade defaults! Hell have seperate game modes for sim and arcade.
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Old 12-07-2010, 04:10 PM   #42
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Re: New Video on Xbox Live

Originally Posted by thelwig14
Seeing Butterbean has tempered any expectations I have for the game. I swear the FN crew just doesn't get it.
I think that's a little bit of an overreaction thelwig.

Originally Posted by LilLowe
Guess I'm the only one who thinks adding Butterbean is kinda funny? I wouldn't mind fighting with/against him a few times. I'm struggling to see the logic on how adding him takes away from the game.
I personally think it's a waste of CPU memory even if it accounts for 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of total space for all the fighters.

Last edited by JayBee74; 12-07-2010 at 04:13 PM.
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Old 12-07-2010, 04:14 PM   #43
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Re: New Video on Xbox Live

Originally Posted by Vast
Good post.

I personally don't believe that the finances spent on licensing the boxers is the problem.
The engine looks to be top notch. The collision detecting much improved and the knockdowns are looking legit.

The gameplay and production values are high quality, very high quality. Its just the direction the producers and the company are trying to take this game. The destination they are trying to reach is well short of what we sim gamers would call home. They have the expensive mode of transportation, they just don't want to take us where we want to go.

Its just the little things that they refuse to implement.
How hard would it be to loosen up the footwork and make the boxers swift and agile?
To allow a boxer to temporarily become disoriented by a boxer who uses quick and smart footwork?

These are observations from watching a few seconds of footage. If these guys knew about boxing there is no way they wouldn't notice it and change it right away.

And i don't want to hear the excuse of EA big wigs interfering. Make the game SIM, add sliders and place sim and arcade defaults! Hell have seperate game modes for sim and arcade.
I personally think it has to do with limitation of the punching engine.

You can't rotate your fighter to throw strikes in any direction. Instead your punches are always towards the opponent. Which of course is realistic because what fighter goes out there throwing punches 3 feet to the right/left of his opponent. So the system is designed to always have your punches go at your opponent.

The negative of this is footwork is impacted. Sure the slow footwork is most likely a design choice so people are not running all around the ring. Instead they are planted ready to punch.

Example below

The speed of the movement is more aesthetic. Because both fighters are moving at the same rate so that does not affect the gameplay. Sure it might not "look" 100% real but is fine in a gameplay sense.

The issue with the footwork from a gameplay perspective, you have no way of creating angles and forcing your opponent to turn his body to meet yours. Thus forcing him to re-plant his feet to throw strikes with any kind of power.

Instead the punch engine will rotate the boxer at the same moment you are sidestepping around him. Thus causing all his punches to go straight down the pipe and basically giving you no reason to side step. There lies the issue with the footwork.

That is just my opinion on the reason why it is the way it is.

Last edited by Phobia; 12-07-2010 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 12-07-2010, 04:23 PM   #44
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Re: Fight Night Champion Video Preview (The OXM Report)

See to me phobia the re plant is just a re shifting the feet to be a little inside the stance in relation to your power hand or away from there power hand. that creates the angles . you know what i mean you can't fight someone with your lead foot outside there stance you want to be inside there stance,but your body not square if they could figure out how not to totally square up the upper body i think the footwork would be able to follow, you can't punch someone in the back of the head , but lateral movement and the backing out is what needs work
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Old 12-07-2010, 04:29 PM   #45
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Re: Fight Night Champion Video Preview (The OXM Report)

Originally Posted by Hova57
See to me phobia the re plant is just a re shifting the feet to be a little inside the stance in relation to your power hand or away from there power hand. that creates the angles . you know what i mean you can't fight someone with your lead foot outside there stance you want to be inside there stance,but your body not square if they could figure out how not to totally square up the upper body i think the footwork would be able to follow, you can't punch someone in the back of the head , but lateral movement and the backing out is what needs work
With independent leg and arm stamina implemented, you would think "footwork would get a rework". For example Ali shuffling around on his toes one minute and the next fighting flatfooted to conserve leg stamina.
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Old 12-07-2010, 04:51 PM   #46
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Re: Fight Night Champion Video Preview (The OXM Report)

Originally Posted by Hova57
See to me phobia the re plant is just a re shifting the feet to be a little inside the stance in relation to your power hand or away from there power hand. that creates the angles . you know what i mean you can't fight someone with your lead foot outside there stance you want to be inside there stance,but your body not square if they could figure out how not to totally square up the upper body i think the footwork would be able to follow, you can't punch someone in the back of the head , but lateral movement and the backing out is what needs work
yea I agree. They could even leave the same "rotating" of the lower the way it is now and just slow the twisting of the torso on up to simulate someone using angles.

There should be a way to implement that.

Originally Posted by JayBee74
With independent leg and arm stamina implemented, you would think "footwork would get a rework". For example Ali shuffling around on his toes one minute and the next fighting flatfooted to conserve leg stamina.
Yea that would be nice but the current system "looks" like FN4. But there is just more under the hood ratings that affect these things. They were not displayed in animation form in the build we got to play.

but the torso stamina, arm stamina, and stamina in general all had animations tied to those under the hood ratings. So maybe the footwork will see animations tied to it by release point. Lets hope
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Old 12-07-2010, 05:07 PM   #47
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Re: Fight Night Champion Video Preview (The OXM Report)

Thats why they implemented the side step move in FN4. Its the closest they could get to representing the angle with the current engine. Have you guys forgotten about the sidestep?

I've used it plenty of times. You can side step left and right to dodge punches. Double tap up or down, also double tap back to hop back. Works fine.
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Old 12-07-2010, 05:08 PM   #48
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Re: New Video on Xbox Live

Originally Posted by LilLowe
The only thing I'm really mad about is the footwork. Even Prizefighter had better footwork than this game. The thing that makes Pacman great is that his side to side movement is so great. He'll throw two punches, step right, throw another, step left, throw two more. It doesn't look like this will be represented in this game at all. It's a shame.
Co-sign. It looks garbage from a footwork standpoint yet again. Even UFC has better footwork..
EA and 2k have the unfortunate task of trying to balance on a tightrope of fun and sim while trying not to fall 10,000 feet to their death. Instead of a safety net waiting down below there will just be angry customers quick to move out of the way and talk of their failure.
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