
NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-15-2010, 02:31 AM   #1209
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Day One Purchase! Hopefully earlier.

Graphics are the best ever for a football game,Top Notch Presentation,and very good gameplay.

Only negative I have so far is stopping the run and pass rush,maybe it's just my defense.

I hated Ncaa 10 because it was just like 2009.Well 2011 is a new game.It feels like football,can't describe it really but I sense playing a physical sport.

Good job EA
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:32 AM   #1210
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Krebstar's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

One small graphical thing I've noticed, is how the fields are different. For example, the grass at the Cotton Bowl looked different than the grass at Doak Campbell. Nice touch.
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:32 AM   #1211
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Ruff Ryder
One thing that's very irritating to me is when the CPU runs hurry up offense, your defensive playcall menu BLOCKS the entire field. You cannot see what they're lined up in so your best off guessing what they have on the field.
Yea they should probably put that at the top of the screen so you can see.
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:32 AM   #1212
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

So after playing the demo I've come to the conclusion that the game isn't the problem.....I am.

I just can't seem to get excited about these games anymore, and I really think that's just about any sports video game, not just NCAA. I mean whether it's Madden, NCAA, NBA, whatever, it all just feels like I've done it a million times over and there's just not enough "new" stuff in the game to make me want to keep coming back to it. I played the demo for maybe 10 minutes, and I was done with it. Just didn't feel like continuing because I feel like I've seen it all a million times before. Same camera angle, same type of gameplay, announcers saying the same stuff, and it goes on and on.

It's not even that I think it's a bad game, because it's not. It's just......I've seen it before. For A LOT of years now. And I just can't bring myself to enjoy it for any long period of time.

I'm sure I'll rent it, and probably enjoy it for the week I have it. But I think my ship has sailed on paying $60 for sports games. I just can't do it anymore. I guess this genre has just passed this gamer by.
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:37 AM   #1213
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Idk about other members on here but it doesn't seem like I get to see the whole field when I am passing the ball I want to spread it around more, but I feel limited and I cant change the camera angle
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:37 AM   #1214
wrigleyville33's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Just got done playing all 4 demo match ups on the ps3 (which took forever to download)


1. The espn presentation is very good eye candy. Replay swipes, touchdown graphics, etc are a good touch.

2. The crowd looks HORRIBLE. Seems like this year they made the crowd even worse. College fans should be full of atmosphere and variety, with shakers, etc.

3. The run blocking is much improved, however with pass blocking after the catch, not so much. I run a screen, he catches it with two blockers in front, and the both literally let the defender run right between them without even attempting to block him.

4. The replays are pretty bad imo, and I don't know what they were going for. Their "impossible awesome angles" are so close, I can't even get a good view of an awesome play I had. Why not use the angles we see in real life telecasts? Makes no sense. They should have included replays in a broadcast angle (aka from the sideline booth view), and mix it in with some sky cam and other dynamic replay angles. But instead, they wanted me to see the qb get hit EVERY TIME, and not let me re-watch the entire play unfold.

5. It seems it will once again be impossible to block punts and field goals. I didn't even get close for blocking either. I do however like the new punting and kicking camera angles. In the Mizzou Clemson game, in the final minute after I scored a touch down, I did an onside kick, and I got it. Which amazed me in the raining conditions, I kicked a grounder which the defender couldn't handle, and I recovered it. I eventually fumble it, and they score on 70 something yard pass. Now they are ahead even more. I return their kick back for a td... time for another onside. This time I want to pop the onside kick up... which I don't and results in a grounder like the first one, and the same exact result happened. Can you not pop the ball up in the air for onside kicks? And is it just my luck that I recovered it twice? beats me. In kicking field goals, I really like how weather actually affects the kicks and the ranges of the kickers, no more robo kickers.

6. Locomotion is awesome. Noticed it the first play I ran. Acceleration finally means something with fast backs and slow linemen.

7. I can't tell if progressive lighting changes ever quarter or what. Seemed very noticeable by quarters in the Mizzou Clemson game. Can anyone clear that up?

8. Overall, I like the game play speed. It's a little faster then madden. People don't seem to realize football is a very fast sport. This game represents it very well.

9. Players finally run like humans, not robots.

10. There are too many dropped balls imo. It seems like 95% of the times a receiver gets hit, they can't hold onto the ball, regardless of the degree of the hit. I also like how we actually have a shot of throwing a deep ball, as does the cpu.

I'm leaning towards buying regardless of some issues. I'm really hoping we can edit entrance music, and I'm hoping that VT's entrance is awesome.

Last edited by wrigleyville33; 06-15-2010 at 02:45 AM.
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:45 AM   #1215
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Ok, after FINALLY getting the demo around 7-8p tonite when I got back home, I played continuously, only taking food and bathroom breaks and the like - I dig it. Reminds me of Madden 10. Not sure if I'm truly seeing the locomotion engine in effect, though, unless Madden 10 had it, too, the NCAA 11 demo doesn't seem any different. I played each match up once and each time, the demo felt longer than 2 min qrts, to me, for some reason.
That being said:

Presentation - Like it and I do like the replay angles but need more variation such as with "real life replay" replays. Play call screen I dig, too, because it's similar to Madden 10's, which took me a lil bit to get used to, but NCAA 11 improves on Madden 10's play call screen. Nice.

Audio - Still out of place commentary and some of the crowd effects sound really canned and "out of place", at times, as well.

Gameplay - It's Madden 10. I like that but this new locomotion engine doesn't really seem to be there, to me. Maybe I need more time to see the nuances and/or go back and check Madden 10 out, again, then play this demo some more. Kinda reminded me of my previous car having a V-Tech 4 cycl. engine then I got a V6 loaner and initially couldn't tell the difference. BOY, was I wrong with my first impressions of that V6. LOL. Blocking is great, though. I see the fixes with that.
I think I was also under the impression that this game would have the new stick control that Madden 11. I may have confused that. Took away some of the "umph" of the demo, in the beginning.

That's about it. Some quirky and buggy stuff in there but, eh, I'll let the NCAA 11 bug forum handle all that.

OH, the lighting can be a bit irksome. Doesn't look quite right, to me, but I still dig it, overall. Could just be cuz IT'S A DEMO, IT'S A DEMO, IT'S A DEMO, IT'S A DEMO...
Just cuz you pour syrup on ish....

Last edited by TreyIM2; 06-15-2010 at 02:51 AM.
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Old 06-15-2010, 02:51 AM   #1216
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

I blocked an extra point in one of the games I played. I had the ROLB (left side of the screen) and just by chance i circled him to the right side of the screen and timed the snap... I ran in and tackled the holder and i wasn't offsides. perfect timing I guess. I only mention this cause I just saw someone say that you can't do it.
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