
NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:54 AM   #1169
okstate19's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

A few impressions off the top of my head:

Game "feels" better overall than '10. This is coming from someone who thought '10 was leaps and bounds better than 09. '10 had it's problems without a doubt, but I was still able to have some fun with it. (More than I can say for '09). As with any product, you should definitely try it out and form your own opinions.

Now..some random thoughts:

I hate this word, if nothing else because I've seen it used sooo much. In my opinion, locomotion is just a fancy term for stopping and starting, or cutting (i.e. acceleration). Players' acceleration in the demo is much improved from '10. Some movements are jerky but you can no longer be running full speed as soon as you press the sprint button, or cut and turn on a dime. This alone contributes to a much better representation of football. It increases the realism but more importantly, the fun factor.

Run Blocking: As someone who likes to keep the ball on the ground, this is what I was must concerned with. There is definitely an improvement in this area. Linemen pick up their assignments much more often than previous iterations, although you'll still see the occasional "wtf" moment where a blocker misses his man. This happens much less frequently though. I dare say EA did a GREAT job improving this area of the game. The only negatives here is that every so often your fullback will still not even come close to the man he needed to block.

Presentation: I'm mixed here. I love the addition of entrances and pre-game stuff, but I'm a little worried about the broadcasting booth. I was by no means a fan of Corso, but his absence leaves the commentary lacking. There's quite a few moments of "dead air" that takes away from the broadcast feeling in my opinion. Is it better than hearing the same tired lines (many of which are still present)? Maybe, but hopefully the commentary will be amped up for the retail version. Same for stat overlays. It's nice to see little things like kickers warming up or players congratulating their teammates, very "Madden 10". Presentation is still leaps and bounds the best on next-gen thus far, however, and I'm happy about the strides that were made this year.

Pass Blocking/D-Line Success:
Ugh. I'm not sure about this. I've read some impressions that say it's much improved, while others say it's mostly the same as last years. I definitely lean towards the latter. In my opinion, it's still very hard to garner any sorts of pressure with your front four alone. I've managed a few sacks, a few hurries, but in my opinion, nothing has really changed here. I'm hoping sliders will remedy this problem, but even they didn't seem to completely fix the problem of last year's version.

Now..some random thoughts:

The new catch and tackle animations are nice. It's nice to see refs on the field again. The replays, unfortunately, generally don't feel like "broadcast style" replays at all. The game planning feature is nice, but I still feel like the defense is underpowered. "Robo QB" will still present itself in some situations, although from what I've seen I believe it's been somewhat toned down.

I really enjoy the new no-huddle mechanic, but it is a bit disappointing that teams don't seem to look over to the sidelines for plays or anything of that nature. Once the cpu goes no-huddle, they go all-out. It definitely makes you pay more attention to the defense you call. For the user, it also adds a bit of challenge as you must choose your play relatively quickly. It's nice to see that it's no longer more beneficial to go the play select screen rather than the no huddle due to the time stoppage for the play screen vs. running clock for the no huddle.

Overall, the game is improved. But those who were not a fan of '10 may still have reservations about NCAA '11. The most important part is that you download it for yourself and check it out. I'm having a lot fun with it, but I don't see any revolutionary or groundbreaking additions that have completely changed the way EA football feels or works. The improved run blocking and presentation is great, though, and I think that the NCAA team is definitely headed in the right direction.

I'll still be buying on release day, but compared to most on this board, I consider myself relatively easy to please.

Last edited by okstate19; 06-15-2010 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 06-15-2010, 12:55 AM   #1170
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Okay, here we go. I hope this isnt too long

I just played a couple of Miami (me) vs OSU games on Heisman.

The game is a marked improvement over last year, and it has more of a NCAA 06 feel then all of the other next gen NCAA titles put together..and that is a definite good thing.

The good

1) I like to play with edge pass rushers as much as the game's AI will allow me to. I played with the impact player Right Defensive End all game and I gotta say that I was pleasantly surprised.

I felt free, the moves were more responsive, and I actually had an impact on the game. I wasnt steered into vortex blocks, and I sacked Prior once and I had some pressures as well. The AI behind me held up "ok"

The pass rush moves werent automatic success though. The RT is rated in the 90's and he knocked me on my butt a few times.

2) Pryor scrambled on me a few times..and did it in realistic situations.

3) The AI QB attacked me deep! Robo QB seemed tamed.

4) Run blocking. Better. not perfect, but better.

5) No more hit sticking at will. I didnt land a single one.

There's still a noticeable amount of 'Same Ol EA" though

1) The CPU still cannot run a screen pass from under center, without getting the QB destroyed.

2) Pressure still doesnt effect throwing accuracy. I smacked Pryor with the Right Defensive End on his release and he threw a dart, across his body right into the endzone for a TD

3) the middle of the field is still a smidge easy to exploit..but it appears that the closing speed of the hook and robber coverage is bit better..which will save my sanity.

4) I was able to pull off a seamless shimmy, with Cooper, for a TD without losing any speed or momentum that I could notice.

5) Deep ball may be a smidge easy too pull off on the default AA levels.

All things together, it is a very noticeable improvement.
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Old 06-15-2010, 12:56 AM   #1171
Michgantown's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by davep
So after watching some videos...I'm not sure I'm seeing a year's worth of presentation upgrades other than the wipes and entrances? Also the commentary sounds exactly the same. Am I missing something?
I don't think they put all the presentation in the demo
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Old 06-15-2010, 12:59 AM   #1172
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Also saw something cool i've only seen once in the demo. FSU/Florida and i'm UF on D. Ponder completes a deep pass in the corner of the endzone against one on one coverage. the SU WR lands on his back with possession and before he even gets up he flips the ball away and points to the sky with both hands while on his back celebrating the TD. I was so mad i couldn't replay it even though it was a score on me.
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Old 06-15-2010, 01:00 AM   #1173
okstate19's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by bcruise
Did NCAA not have that last year? I know it was in Madden - I scored a few TD's with it in the OS Vets franchise.

I think the requirement for getting the fall was at least 5 defenders in stance on the LOS (goal-line formation, in other words). If there were less than that the QB would just run.
Yeah it was definitely in last year's version. I think the defenders are what triggered it. Sometimes the qb would just dive forward, while other times you could take off right up the middle.
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Old 06-15-2010, 01:01 AM   #1174
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Why does the game seem MUCH easier for me on Heisman than it is on AA? Like for real! Was playing vs Ohio State, got beat like 21-7 on AA. Played on Heisman (accidentally) and ended up winning like 28-14.... 2 TDs in AA game were on turnovers.... one a "fumble" when I was trying to pass, another on an option pitch pic (WEHN I WAS INSIDE THE 5, ABOOUT TO SCORE WTF!!! ARGHHHHHH). just saying.
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Old 06-15-2010, 01:01 AM   #1175
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

1. Best player models in a EA football game yet.
2.Locomotion helped the game greatly. Feels between Madden and apf2k8
3.The varsity difficulty level wasnt to bad. Easy for me and some others, but many will like that setting because the stats are some what acurate if you are playing 3-4 minute quarters or less.
4.A few good presentation upgrades from past NCAA games.

1.I find the lighting to be very sad. After playing BB I realize just how far behind EA's football games are in graphics
2.Crowds, sidelines, and stadiums. Horrible! Are you kidding me? I honestly felt like I was playing on the standard xbox. Sure, up close the players look good, but at the current camera angle, everythings bland. The crowd is as bad as any crowd Ive ever seen. Terrible! I dont know how mlb the show and bb do it, but the enviroments just kill EA's attempts.
3. Presentation looks very repetitive
4.Announcers are stale and boring. Not as bad as hammond in Madden, but still doesnt add to the game IMO
5. Game still just feels a little blah. Gets old after a while. Nothing really keeps my interest like some of the best games do. After one game, I'm ready to quit.
6.Still see skating and sliding going on. Suction blocking may have been better, but still feel like Im getting pulled into annimations.

I'd rate this game a 7-7.5 based on the demo, and the features we know are in the game. Some great improvements for ncaa

Last edited by wheelman990; 06-15-2010 at 01:07 AM.
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Old 06-15-2010, 01:02 AM   #1176
theant1h3ro's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Alot of the people saying they are experiencing a bunch of jerkiness should turn auto sprint on.....it really makes it look alot smoother imo....
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