
Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

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Old 02-19-2010, 12:48 AM   #105
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by Smokez4DAyz
Since more than 90% of you are not experts on what has been improved or what you are actually seeing, I cant follow any of the 100 comments before me. You guys are making scared general statements, waiting for PastaPadre or someone to bash on the same video, and then you are all gonna look at it differently. Your honest opinions are very shaky right now, but after someone TELLS you how to FEEL, then you will all change your minds to be part of the crowd. MLB 2K9 was a very good game, more so than any of you will admit,and in a year's turnaround some of you are saying the graphics look better...same graphics, you dudes are just not leaders...wait till tomorrow. that little gameplay video looks better than a whole game of MLBTHESHOW.
I'm confused. Maybe you can tell me how to feel about your post. My lack of leadership prevents me from forming an opinion on just what the hell you're talking about.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:49 AM   #106
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Another thing, the 25 trolls who spend more time bashing a game their are not playing, are usually at home playing theShow on pro, talking about its the greatest thing ever. Step ya game up, in ya crib! Don't hate on one game and you play the other one on a sissy difficulty so it doesnt piss you off. I do happen to know some people who think theShow is stiff and boring...Wouldnt know that the way you guys coverup and overload on 2K baseball. thank god only a few hundred people follow the rants of these idiots, not enough idiots to break 2K in any way. So keep thinking you are doing a good job faithfully bashing MLB2K, It makes you sound real simple. Go die 20 times in MW2 please
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:50 AM   #107
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

The same goes for the bat and ball physics. They migth have made it better by making it so if you hit the ball at a certain point on the bat and the pitch is going certain direction the ball goes a certain way. But that doesn't mean it's perfect or as good as it could be. Yes they revamped to make it more realistic. You can see players go to the opposite field more realistically in that video. But it still doesn't mean it's perfect.

Cloth physics all of that has been improved.

2k did a ton of work here. Most every aspect of the game has been improved upon in some facet. Some things not as much and certain things probably weren't touched at all. For people expecting perfection in 1 year from where 2k9 was is asking a lot. This video shows how much work they did and they deserve a lot of credit for what they did. Certain things still need to be done, but this is basically year 1 of a complete overhaul. If they never fix this stuff in the next two years then that would suck. But they did a ton of work this year and in the right direction.

The whole reason these forums exist is so people can voice what they like and dislike and 2k can incorporate this stuff.

Last edited by kgisbeast; 02-19-2010 at 01:48 AM.
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:13 AM   #108
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by Smokez4DAyz
Another thing, the 25 trolls who spend more time bashing a game their are not playing, are usually at home playing theShow on pro, talking about its the greatest thing ever. Step ya game up, in ya crib! Don't hate on one game and you play the other one on a sissy difficulty so it doesnt piss you off. I do happen to know some people who think theShow is stiff and boring...Wouldnt know that the way you guys coverup and overload on 2K baseball. thank god only a few hundred people follow the rants of these idiots, not enough idiots to break 2K in any way. So keep thinking you are doing a good job faithfully bashing MLB2K, It makes you sound real simple. Go die 20 times in MW2 please
I get exactly what your saying. When people bash a game so much and they have hardly even played it, it gets people who play the game on a regular basis pissed off about the game and they no longer want to play it. Basically people ruin the game because they perhaps want to make sure that "The Other Game" stays on top of the baseball video game world by bashing the only other game available. It gets pretty ridiculous sometimes. I'm not saying everyone does it but a lot of people do. You almost have to stop reading the boards once you get the game because otherwise people will make you feel stupid for playing a game you enjoy. For the most part I just look for sliders on here once I get the game and don't read the board.

Anyway back to the game which IMO looks pretty good even though I need to see some more gameplay.
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:27 AM   #109
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Looking pretty good.
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:20 AM   #110
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

only problem I have is the jersey numbers are huge ...
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:28 AM   #111
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Glad the first and third base coaches go in after the side is retired.
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:29 AM   #112
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Why can't I see the video??
NBA2K is the standard of sports games period.
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