
Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

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Old 02-19-2010, 12:20 AM   #97
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
The graphics engine apparently was rebuilt from ground up...at least according to simballer from VC who came by a few times last year. I don't see why he'd make it up (not saying you're implying that!) so I guess I'll take his word for it. I think the stadiums are good evidence of it though.

I would think the animations are a different animal and they admitted that they got virtually zero attention last year.

I do agree that it's odd that many of the same visual issues still occur, however.
I see. Still odd how it looks identical, with identical quirks, only textures and lighting seem to change. But the core look seems identical.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:21 AM   #98
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Anyone notice the field degredation?(dont know if it was mentioned b4)

I like what I saw and to top things off full customization has been brought back so that should help with the cosmetics this year.

The other game has field degredation and I think its real nice that vc got it in this year. Also is it just me or do the cubs cleats look like verderos?
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:27 AM   #99
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by kgisbeast
I think the overall look and feel of the game as far as sound and lightning and physics is very good. You can see a huge overhaul in that area. At least I can. The player models and stadiums and overall look and the way players animate is much improved at least from a pitcher and batter perspective. That's first glance. As far as aethetic stuff and attention to detail maybe not. People are right about the numbers and letters not being sewn on and being too big. That's aethetic stuff though. The bat sounds are also the same like people are saying. We didn't see a whole lot there from an AI perspective either. I'm not saying that stuff doesn't add up either and isn't important. You can end up witha very nice looking game that ends up being fairly shallow that way. I do think they did overhaul a lot of the big things though.
Yeah, I can agree with most of this. I forgot to mention the lighting in my "Pros" (I'll fix that!) it is clearly improved.

Player models look about the same to me. That's not bad (aside from the monster legs...lol...but that's extremely minor to me), just not improved IMO.

As for the AI/Gameplay vs visuals, I agree. That's why I said I can't really know much until I get my hands on the game. I guess I was just hoping it would shine through more when watching than it did for me. As I said, I can easily get past pretty much my entire "con" list if the nuts and bolts equal good baseball.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:31 AM   #100
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I see. Still odd how it looks identical, with identical quirks, only textures and lighting seem to change. But the core look seems identical.
I agree. I only know this because I didn't believe it when I was told last year...lol. Simballer (he's on the NBA 2K10 dev team primarily) gave some info about it though and confirmed it.

I also wished I kept his PM answering my question about animations and such...he kind of explained how certain issues might have carried over with the new build. He made it sound like the core of the 2K series was sort of built really haphazardly...lol.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:33 AM   #101
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Yeah, I can agree with most of this. I forgot to mention the lighting in my "Pros" (I'll fix that!) it is clearly improved.

Player models look about the same to me. That's not bad (aside from the monster legs...lol...but that's extremely minor to me), just not improved IMO.

As for the AI/Gameplay vs visuals, I agree. That's why I said I can't really know much until I get my hands on the game. I guess I was just hoping it would shine through more when watching than it did for me. As I said, I can easily get past pretty much my entire "con" list if the nuts and bolts equal good baseball.
People throw around the word new physics engine when it's not as simple as that. Sleepytercel is a mod and probably not that in depth as far as the overall design. He is right in what he is saying in some regards. They did overhaul the game from the ground up. They also used similar animations and portions of the engine is the same. They didn't completely scrap the game. It's 2k, no matter what they do there are going to be similarities unless they erase the game and start from scratch. They rebuilt certain aspects of it. From the ground up in a lot of ways. The player models themselves are completely revamped and brought up to speed with their other titles. I dont knwo what they are using but the technology to animate is definately different as far as their models. It's a different skeletona nd they can pull strings on a lot more aspects of that skeleton as far as facial movement etc.. Revamping is probably a better term. The stadiums are also completely reworked. Physics is one thing. MY concern is the underlying AI wasn't touched as much. From the looks of taht video there still appear to be issues with how IE is integrated as well as player ratings and tendencies not being balanced correctly. They also from the looks of it didn't revamp the fielding and baserunning so much. A lot of how the fielders and baserunners react and how the physics are set up is the same. It's smoother at least and there seem to be alot of new animations, but it's still horky. It's lacking polish underneath and also from an aethetic standpoint. This is the difference between a good game and a great one.

Last edited by kgisbeast; 02-19-2010 at 12:45 AM.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:35 AM   #102
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by kgisbeast
People throw around the word new physics engine when it's not as simple as that. Sleepytercel is a mod and probably not that in depth as far as the overall design. He is right in what he is saying in some regards. They did overhaul the game from the ground up. They also used similar animations and portions of the engine is the same. They didn't completely scrap the game. It's 2k, no matter what they do there are going to be similarities unless they erase the game and start from scratch. They rebuilt certain aspects of it. From the ground up in a lot of ways. The player models themselves are completely revamped and brought up to speed with their other titles. I dont knwo what they are using but the technology to animate is definately different as far as their models. It's a different skeletona nd they can pull strings on a lot more aspects of that skeleton as far as facial movement etc.. Revamping is probably a better term. The stadiums are also completely reworked. Physics is one thing. MY concern is the underlying AI wasn't touched as much. They also from the looks of it didn't revamp the fielding and baserunning so much.
Quote the wrong post?
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:41 AM   #103
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Since more than 90% of you are not experts on what has been improved or what you are actually seeing, I cant follow any of the 100 comments before me. You guys are making scared general statements, waiting for PastaPadre or someone to bash on the same video, and then you are all gonna look at it differently. Your honest opinions are very shaky right now, but after someone TELLS you how to FEEL, then you will all change your minds to be part of the crowd. MLB 2K9 was a very good game, more so than any of you will admit,and in a year's turnaround some of you are saying the graphics look better...same graphics, you dudes are just not leaders...wait till tomorrow. that little gameplay video looks better than a whole game of MLBTHESHOW.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:44 AM   #104
Animal Liberation
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 Gameplay Video (Mets @ Cubs)

Originally Posted by kgisbeast
People throw around the word new physics engine when it's not as simple as that. Sleepytercel is a mod and probably not that in depth as far as the overall design. He is right in what he is saying in some regards. They did overhaul the game from the ground up. They also used similar animations and portions of the engine is the same. They didn't completely scrap the game. It's 2k, no matter what they do there are going to be similarities unless they erase the game and start from scratch. They rebuilt certain aspects of it. From the ground up in a lot of ways. The player models themselves are completely revamped and brought up to speed with their other titles. I dont knwo what they are using but the technology to animate is definately different as far as their models. It's a different skeletona nd they can pull strings on a lot more aspects of that skeleton as far as facial movement etc.. Revamping is probably a better term. The stadiums are also completely reworked. Physics is one thing. MY concern is the underlying AI wasn't touched as much. From the looks of taht video there still appear to be issues with how IE is integrated as well as player ratings and tendencies not being balanced correctly. They also from the looks of it didn't revamp the fielding and baserunning so much. It's lacking polish underneath and also from an aethetic standpoint. This is the difference between a good game and a great one.
Thanks for the explanation, that makes more sense. I was thinking of it as this way as well.

I think a lot of the inconsistencies with animations are just the new ones not really syncing right with the old ones that are still there. Over time hopefully this will be remedied when they add more of their own new ones, and remove the old ones.
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Last edited by EnigmaNemesis; 02-19-2010 at 12:50 AM.
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