
NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

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Old 02-12-2010, 10:09 AM   #105
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by dickey1331
You obviously should play the game since you are very wrong about it. It is night and day to NCAA BB 09.
It definitely is way better then 09. That's why I give EA credit they completely overhauled it this year. Made a real effort to push this game, and now it's gone. Down goes the best CBB Game ever made.
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Old 02-12-2010, 12:40 PM   #106
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

One reason for the "happiness," besides negative EA bias, may be that some people believe their is now more potential for another company to decide to make a better NCAA Basketball game.

What they fail to realize is that this occurrence will actually deter other companies from trying this genre. If EA, a massively successful corporation that has been dominating sports gaming since forever, can't get enough profit out of this exclusive title, then who can?

Our best hope as gamers is that the CLC significantly lowers the price of their license and both EA and 2K find it in their best financial interests to give this genre another try. If that doesn't happen, we will be stuck playing an updated CH 2K8 for a long, long time.

Last edited by whittleboy615; 02-12-2010 at 12:46 PM.
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Old 02-12-2010, 01:53 PM   #107
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Will 2K College Hoops please stand up!
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Old 02-12-2010, 02:00 PM   #108
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by Behindshadows
My problem isn't with 2k! My problem is with negative / bias 2k fans, and yeah there has been post, and the mods have been deleting them little by little.

But from some of the post that remain, people's comments are very bias. If I had a beef with 2ksports, I would be spending hundreds of hours updating 2k8.

But some people have come to the conclusion that they can do no wrong. And continue to overlook that Take Two, is killing their sports genre, 1 game at a time. Almost 1 game each year. Minus 2008 where it was 2 games. But can honestly come in here and be glad that EA is canceling this titles. Look at the polls above the forums and look at the good bye and who cares votes.

I mean as a College basketball fan, no one should ever choose that option.

As a sports gamer, they should never choose that answer, it was obviously because of their hatred for Electronic Arts as a whole, not as a development team.

People are so negative and constantly creating the come on EA threads, when no one read into the fact they laid off 1700 + employees and shifted the remaining. Just their own selfish post to make everyone else miserable who are enjoying the game. Just to point out flaws that a lot of others are seeing or experiencing.

I love 2ksports as a company, I love Visual Concepts, because of their talents and level of details they put into anything they lay their hands on. But I'm also mad at all the flaws their games have had over the last 2 seasons. And the outdated gameplay engine they've had since Dreamcast and Original Xbox and PS2.

But I don't make threads every 15 minutes encouraging consumers to run them into the ground, write them a letter, calling out Rob Jones and others.

I blame Take Two, for the lack of financial backing to get the 2k series where it should be, and for canceling a college series at it's greatest year.

Overall, my problem is with negative / bias 2k fans and people who have the nerve to honestly think that EA's decision to cancel this series is a good thing.
Okay, I understand what you are saying now.

*And yes Take-Two has been ruining the 2K brand for a while now.
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Old 02-12-2010, 02:03 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by whittleboy615
One reason for the "happiness," besides negative EA bias, may be that some people believe their is now more potential for another company to decide to make a better NCAA Basketball game.

What they fail to realize is that this occurrence will actually deter other companies from trying this genre. If EA, a massively successful corporation that has been dominating sports gaming since forever, can't get enough profit out of this exclusive title, then who can?

Our best hope as gamers is that the CLC significantly lowers the price of their license and both EA and 2K find it in their best financial interests to give this genre another try. If that doesn't happen, we will be stuck playing an updated CH 2K8 for a long, long time.
I don't think a company will be detered upon realizing the crappy college experience EA put out in comparison to it's 'competition' prior to exclusivity rights. Basically, any company willing to purchase the exclusive rights should also be committed to designing a functional basketball game that does more than JUST represent NCAA college basketball.

2K's College Hoops was a great title, with depth and many facets of the college hoops world at hand. It seems EA thought they could put a lesser product out and monopolize the genre by purchasing the exclusive rights. When actually the consumer spoke here, did not purchase their game, and EA found that college hoops gamers are not like Madden gamers. College Hoops gamers won't just go out and purchase a title because they "NEED" that sport's title; that's evident of the masses who still play 2K8 college hoops.

I think what we have here is a company realizing their failures and trying to cut losses to allocate more resources to say Madden or a 'like' title.

I guess what happens from here? Does the NCAA revoke the exclusive rights from EA, and allow 2K to step in? Surely they want their product represented in the video game community. I think this is the best occurence us gamers could've gotten regarding college hoops video games.
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Old 02-12-2010, 02:26 PM   #110
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by JBH3
I don't think a company will be detered upon realizing the crappy college experience EA put out in comparison to it's 'competition' prior to exclusivity rights. Basically, any company willing to purchase the exclusive rights should also be committed to designing a functional basketball game that does more than JUST represent NCAA college basketball.
The fact that 2K dropped College Hoops because the game didn't earn enough to profit to justify the CLC licensing costs completely ruins your argument. It was a quality game (NCAA 10 was close to achieving their level by the way) that couldn't survive in this environment.

These business failures weren't caused by lazy game designs or poorly planned buyout attempts at a monopoly. They had to do with high CLC costs and a small customer fanbase.
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Old 02-12-2010, 02:39 PM   #111
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by Behindshadows
You have a true statement here my friend!

Reading others post for the last few pages, just shows me why we are in the situation we are in now as consumers.

A lot of haters, and 2k fanboys hear this announcement and just laugh and rejoice. And just get ready to pull out their, I hate EA tablets and get to reading pages and posting the words in this thread.

EA sux, forever 2k, blah blah blah!

First off as a gamer and a sports gamer, this is a terrible day. You can swing on 2k's ..... all day! But they left on their own, just as majority of their other titles did.

But instead of lashing out on Take Two, you blamed EA, and started making up false accusations about a NCAA License deal, etc.

I mean grow up already and re-direct your ignorant blame on 2ksports / Take Two. I think it's highly sad and pathetic, that you can seriously celebrate that we are losing this series.

Because in the end, fact is 2k dropped out first, and now EA is doing the same, mainly because they still tried to make an effort, and you can say it was for profit, all you want! But a lot of the ideas put into NCAA Basketball 10 were for us, to have a current game and try to give us the presentation and gameplay mechanics they thought we'd enjoy.

Small amount of people had a freezing issue, and a few issues with things that could have been patched, but the game sold so poorly, they just gave up on the title, plus EA as a corporation overall were doing some shifting in employees and having major layoffs. In return we got burned on any chance of updates.

The game is still enjoyable and playable, it wasn't nearly as bad as complete closing doors on future projects. Especially when some of the things are the best we had in years.

But if you think your celebrating, constant bashing and ignorance towards this company is hurting them, then your wrong. It's hurting us as gamers. Because now, the 1 company who at least decided to stay in the race, are now dropping off as well.

Majority of you were knocking this game even before a release, just because EA sports published it. Not everyone at EA is a dick or an ***. But you all judged them all equally, even the ones who were trying to give us a fun and enjoyable experience.

They lost sales for many reasons, not because of the lack of interest in NCAA Basketball or College Basketball....however you want to label it.

They lost sales for lack of marketing, lack of consumer interest, due to biased opinions of EA as a whole. And they lost sales due to lack of content in stores. This game was scarce and bare at almost every retail location. Same as NCAA Basketball 09.

Then you have the thousands of biased fanboys, just like in OS. That were seeking nothing but flaws, when there is so much done right. Then you have Lamestop employees telling customers that this game is bad, because EA made it. I mean I got that from 9 different locations in Dallas alone. With the whole I heard it from a friend story. And I'm sure that's a nationwide thing at all locations.

But again, to celebrate at this news is insulting and just down right childish. No matter what your problem is with this series or what your issue is with EA sports. At least they were trying to give us a game.

And now it looks like College Basketball games are dead in the video game market.

Again we all lose in this news! And for anyone to be happy is just wow!!!!

We lose! We lose! Get it through your skull! WE LOSE!!! GAMERS LOSE!!!
This post is completely ridiculous, and I can't believe people are actually buying and reading into this type of useless rhetoric. It's funny how you ignore the overall overwhelming theme of this thread in favor of calling out "2k fanboys" (by the way, since there are in your words 2k fanboys in this thread, exactly what does that make you with a post like this?); majority of the people in this thread have expressed their disappointment that their won't be an NCAA basketball game being released in 2010, and even if the comments haven't all been positive, or haven't shared the same sentiment, that still doesn't equate to anyone in here being a 2K fanboy.

The fact that there won't be an NCAA basketball game released in 10, is not a good thing for THIS year, but the ramifications of this move is endless. The best case scenario being that the NCAA, and its committees coming to the realization that their asking price for it's license and its likeness is far too high seeing the amount of sales accumulated over the past few years. That way, both EA and 2K can get back into the frey, and start making college basketball games. I will say that this situation in regards to garnering the license doesn't look good for any of the parties involved; 2K sports loses another critically acclaimed series and is reduced to one critically acclaim series (NBA), EA loses a title that's been a staple for over a decade, and NCAA basketball becomes the most notable sport to not have any sort of new representation on a year to year basis. And for that reason, I believe this situation will be resolved one way or another. Its unrealistic to say that there won't ever be another college basketball game ever made because to be frank, there NEEDS to be one (more than one actually).

As for people "bashing" this game, I haven't seen it in this thread, and I'd venture to say that from the threads that I've read in this forum, the criticism has been constructive especially given the circumstances surrounding this game and the series entirely. People that have played this game and have enjoyed doing so have been left to ponder whether they'll be a patch, or rather the series is dead up until now. I haven't had any freezing issues with this game, but put yourself in someone elses shoes that is dealing with this issue (then again if you were having this issue, I'd doubt if you'd let it be known). You now know that there most likely won't be a patch for this game, so now you as a consumer are forced to do exactly what the devs did with this game, and that's abandoned it, regardless if you're enjoying the game.

You're using words like "2k fanboys" and "lamestop", and "bashing" (when the word doesn't applying to this situation), and yet you're calling people "childish"? Hyperbole at its finest.

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Old 02-12-2010, 02:40 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by whittleboy615
The fact that 2K dropped College Hoops because the game didn't earn enough to profit to justify the CLC licensing costs completely ruins your argument. It was a quality game (NCAA 10 was close to achieving their level by the way) that couldn't survive in this environment.

These business failures weren't caused by lazy game designs or poorly planned buyout attempts at a monopoly. They had to do with high CLC costs and a small customer fanbase.
-High CLC costs and a small customer diminishing fanbase due to the game's quality.

...my reasoning for 'diminishing' fanbase comes from not being a fan of Live and therefore not trusting EA w/ making a capable basketball game to my liking (much less a capable football game).
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