
NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

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Old 02-12-2010, 02:41 PM   #113
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by whittleboy615
The fact that 2K dropped College Hoops because the game didn't earn enough to profit to justify the CLC licensing costs completely ruins your argument. It was a quality game (NCAA 10 was close to achieving their level by the way) that couldn't survive in this environment.

These business failures weren't caused by lazy game designs or poorly planned buyout attempts at a monopoly. They had to do with high CLC costs and a small customer fanbase.

Thats because the NCAA up the price on the license, which now results in NO game representing College Basketball...

Maybe the value on the license will drop once EA is done with it???
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:37 PM   #114
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by JBH3
-High CLC costs and a small customer diminishing fanbase due to the game's quality.
Go look at some sale numbers from VGChartz. College Hoops games sales combined have never ever been in the same category as NCAA Football. The customer fanbase is smaller by default for sport popularity reasons, not quality.

XBOX 360 Comparison of NCAA Football 08 vs. CH 2K8 vs. MM 08:

In fact NCAA Basketball 10's sales suggest that the fanbase has slightly increased over the past few years.

XBOX 360 Comparison of NCAA Basketball 10 to vs. NCAA 09 vs. MM 08:
XBOX 360 Comparison of NCAA Basketball 10 vs. CH 2K8 vs. MM 08:

Last edited by whittleboy615; 02-12-2010 at 03:53 PM.
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:38 PM   #115
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by Jukeman
Maybe the value on the license will drop once EA is done with it???
That's our only hope for a bball gaming future.
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:02 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by JBH3
I don't think a company will be detered upon realizing the crappy college experience EA put out in comparison to it's 'competition' prior to exclusivity rights. Basically, any company willing to purchase the exclusive rights should also be committed to designing a functional basketball game that does more than JUST represent NCAA college basketball.

2K's College Hoops was a great title, with depth and many facets of the college hoops world at hand. It seems EA thought they could put a lesser product out and monopolize the genre by purchasing the exclusive rights. When actually the consumer spoke here, did not purchase their game, and EA found that college hoops gamers are not like Madden gamers. College Hoops gamers won't just go out and purchase a title because they "NEED" that sport's title; that's evident of the masses who still play 2K8 college hoops.

I think what we have here is a company realizing their failures and trying to cut losses to allocate more resources to say Madden or a 'like' title.

I guess what happens from here? Does the NCAA revoke the exclusive rights from EA, and allow 2K to step in? Surely they want their product represented in the video game community. I think this is the best occurence us gamers could've gotten regarding college hoops video games.
This had to happen.
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:33 PM   #117
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)


This could mean.......


I have a feeling we are headed for this..No way EA is just going to sit on the license and no way The NCAA will let them...

Sad day for us ALL

I can hear Vitale now....


Sad this had to happen, March Madness 2000 was a game I played everyday and this was before we got spoiled with all of the "realism" and dynasty mode stuff...Casual gamers basically have the same enjoyment with NCAA 2010 as I had with March Madness 2000, All EA had to do was fix the bugs...I only played the demo but from a casual gamer perspective it was a pretty good game.....Sad this had to happen, EA got full of themselves and the joke is on The NCAA for upping the price but sadly WE fell the pain

Last edited by Jukeman; 02-12-2010 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 02-12-2010, 06:29 PM   #118
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by Epiffani
This post is completely ridiculous, and I can't believe people are actually buying and reading into this type of useless rhetoric. It's funny how you ignore the overall overwhelming theme of this thread in favor of calling out "2k fanboys" (by the way, since there are in your words 2k fanboys in this thread, exactly what does that make you with a post like this?); majority of the people in this thread have expressed their disappointment that their won't be an NCAA basketball game being released in 2010, and even if the comments haven't all been positive, or haven't shared the same sentiment, that still doesn't equate to anyone in here being a 2K fanboy.

The fact that there won't be an NCAA basketball game released in 10, is not a good thing for THIS year, but the ramifications of this move is endless. The best case scenario being that the NCAA, and its committees coming to the realization that their asking price for it's license and its likeness is far too high seeing the amount of sales accumulated over the past few years. That way, both EA and 2K can get back into the frey, and start making college basketball games. I will say that this situation in regards to garnering the license doesn't look good for any of the parties involved; 2K sports loses another critically acclaimed series and is reduced to one critically acclaim series (NBA), EA loses a title that's been a staple for over a decade, and NCAA basketball becomes the most notable sport to not have any sort of new representation on a year to year basis. And for that reason, I believe this situation will be resolved one way or another. Its unrealistic to say that there won't ever be another college basketball game ever made because to be frank, there NEEDS to be one (more than one actually).

As for people "bashing" this game, I haven't seen it in this thread, and I'd venture to say that from the threads that I've read in this forum, the criticism has been constructive especially given the circumstances surrounding this game and the series entirely. People that have played this game and have enjoyed doing so have been left to ponder whether they'll be a patch, or rather the series is dead up until now. I haven't had any freezing issues with this game, but put yourself in someone elses shoes that is dealing with this issue (then again if you were having this issue, I'd doubt if you'd let it be known). You now know that there most likely won't be a patch for this game, so now you as a consumer are forced to do exactly what the devs did with this game, and that's abandoned it, regardless if you're enjoying the game.

You're using words like "2k fanboys" and "lamestop", and "bashing" (when the word doesn't applying to this situation), and yet you're calling people "childish"? Hyperbole at its finest.
Glad you read, what you wanted to read and tried to make a longer post!

BTW!!! I'm a 2k fanboy! I really am! Check my history back to 2004! And look at all the wonderful 2k projects I've made and continue to make into 2010.

But I'm also a gamer! I give credit where it's due! This series doesn't deserve to fade off!

And Gamestop is Lame! So they are lamestop, majority of the people in Dallas / FTW area calls them that. Even some of their employees. We laugh about it all the time.

And people are childish, not just this thread. Look at all the other threads that have been created too this announcement. Have you been in the 2k threads. And the 2k forums!

Have a nice day! BTW!!! I'm a 2k fanboy for life! And I'm almost 34! I guess I'm a 2k fan man now!!!
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Old 02-12-2010, 07:02 PM   #119
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Thumbs down Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by Jukeman
Thats because the NCAA up the price on the license, which now results in NO game representing College Basketball...

Maybe the value on the license will drop once EA is done with it???
Yeah that's going to be the real interesting thing to see. Would the CLC rather have no college basketball game than give in and lower the licensing cost?

Personally I think the CLC could care less and we're screwed. I think NCAA '10 is the last college basketball game we're going to see for a long time.
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Old 02-12-2010, 07:05 PM   #120
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Re: NCAA Basketball 11 Cancelled, Future in Doubt (Gameinformer)

Originally Posted by whittleboy615
Go look at some sale numbers from VGChartz.
The craziest thing that people always seem to forget is that March Madness 08 outsold CH2K8 despite the fact that MM08 may be the worst sports game ever made for the current gen of consoles and 2K8 may be the best (though The Show is pulling away these days).
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