
Breaking Down Backbreaker

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Old 01-14-2010, 12:06 AM   #65
Triathlete_201's Arena
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Originally Posted by superstarshad
Anyone who buys this game over Madden is foolish.
And anyone who judges a game before actually playing it is foolish..
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:56 AM   #66
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

Originally Posted by bukktown
Are you arguing some semantic point about what 'ratings' means? APF did not have ratings. They had animations that were tied to abilities. If you didn't have the 'ability', then you could not trigger that animation.
Did the game have zero ratings at all or where they all just hidden from the user?

If players without any speed abilities ran at different speeds, there was some sort of rating in place making that difference. Otherwise, they'd all be at the same speed.

Even if it's just tied to the position, there's still a base rating and then position is a modifier and any speed abilities is another modifier. The game has to know what the base speed is to make any adjustments to that speed - or the player is given a totally new speed rating, which means he moves faster or slower on the screen.

All of this could be done invisibly to the user - you just see guys going faster or slower, but that doesn't mean there's necessarily no rating at all.
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Old 01-14-2010, 03:52 AM   #67
geezmeister's Arena
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Im gonna try it out....... but im just not sure about it yet
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Old 01-14-2010, 07:07 AM   #68
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

Originally Posted by KBLover
Did the game have zero ratings at all or where they all just hidden from the user?

If players without any speed abilities ran at different speeds, there was some sort of rating in place making that difference. Otherwise, they'd all be at the same speed.

Even if it's just tied to the position, there's still a base rating and then position is a modifier and any speed abilities is another modifier. The game has to know what the base speed is to make any adjustments to that speed - or the player is given a totally new speed rating, which means he moves faster or slower on the screen.

All of this could be done invisibly to the user - you just see guys going faster or slower, but that doesn't mean there's necessarily no rating at all.
Exactly. You don't need visible ratings, but you need some form of rating system.

As I've said before I'm in favour of a mixture between numerical ratings and APF style "attributes".

On the subject of numerical ratings, if I was doing it the ratings would be basically 1-100, but could be more than 100 in exceptional circumstances (for example, Peyton Manning for coverage reading).
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Old 01-14-2010, 09:29 AM   #69
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

I didn't care for APF's attempt with the attribute-only system. I think a mixture of some type is better.
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:05 PM   #70
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Has anyone noticed that there isn't anything on the sidelines ( backups, coaches, people, etc. ). Wasn't Blitz that way? Just thinks it adds more realism to have players and coaches there.
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:57 PM   #71
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

Originally Posted by Cryolemon
Exactly. You don't need visible ratings, but you need some form of rating system.

As I've said before I'm in favour of a mixture between numerical ratings and APF style "attributes".

On the subject of numerical ratings, if I was doing it the ratings would be basically 1-100, but could be more than 100 in exceptional circumstances (for example, Peyton Manning for coverage reading).
Yeah, I think easily scouted stuff should be visible number ratings. Things like speed, agility, strength, throwing power, kicking power, anything you could just put the player on the field in isolation or tests (like the combine) and say "do this" and watch how well he does it.

Others should be initially hidden (unless your scouts are good, perhaps) and then appear over time as abilities (good cover corner, ball hawk, hard hitter, elusive runner, power run blocker, etc)
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Old 01-14-2010, 01:14 PM   #72
bill2451's Arena
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

Originally Posted by KBLover
Yeah, I think easily scouted stuff should be visible number ratings. Things like speed, agility, strength, throwing power, kicking power, anything you could just put the player on the field in isolation or tests (like the combine) and say "do this" and watch how well he does it.

Others should be initially hidden (unless your scouts are good, perhaps) and then appear over time as abilities (good cover corner, ball hawk, hard hitter, elusive runner, power run blocker, etc)
personally, I'd perfer a system where you scouts dont reveal numbers, rather the numbers (or letters, or whatever it may be) are always visible, but may not be completely accurate... like the way baseball mogul works

the more you pay your scouts (aka the better/more scouts you get), the less deviation there will be in "scouted' numbers and "actual" numbers

so I may see that Joe Blow has a short throw accuracy of 75, but if my scouts have a +/- of 15 then I'm really left in the dark... instead I'll have to rely more on stats to point me in the right direction (I imagine players on your team would be "scouted" more accurately, so you'd see the numbers more closely to what they really were, but you still wouldnt know exactly what they were)

imo it would only work this way for players currently in the league... then obviously amature scouting would work differently (for amature scouting I'd love a more CH2k8 approach, where you have a certain amount of hours, and you can get game tape of specific players, watch practices/games of them, invite them to your pro day, etc, and depending on what you choose to do you'd learn different things about certain players)... and again nothing you learn would be 100% accurate. The more time you spend scouting a player though, the closer to 100% accurate it gets (so in amature scouting you'd be revealing numbers and getting more accurate with those numbers, whereas for ppl already in the league all the numbers are already revealed, and you're just trying to get more accurate numbers on them by getting better scouts)
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