
Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team

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Old 09-02-2009, 07:19 PM   #177
TeamBuilder's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team

Originally Posted by AlphaTrojan
They can at least patch so that in offline franchise people can enjoy the wildcat.
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:27 PM   #178
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team

will the stats overlays and huddle sequence be fixed. I really don't see to much information when overlays are displayed. Nothing like yearly stats, cb and rb comparisons and the like. Also will the cutscreens sequence be fixed and huddle sequence. If the broadcast cam is implemented, it will damage the immersion the way the game plays out now.
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:28 PM   #179
King Gro23's Arena
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**Four big factors**
- Franchise Stats (Mainly Lower QB Stat/ Inflated TD Numbers)
- Broken Tackles, I think there are way too many Broken tackles (even with Break tackle sliders even on "0") They need to be lowered dramatically
- Crossing & underneath routes need to be addressed,
- Poor Play Calling too many passes inside goal situations. (Stronger Adaptive AI) Use The Entire Playbook more for both Defense & offense
Will these be fixed?
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:34 PM   #180
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Re: Q&A blog with the dev team

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
What's wrong my fellow Tennesseean?

This thread is perfect for what I need. A one stop shop for the top questions. I'll answer them in a blog that we release next week.
My question is are these problems even patchable? I really don't want to wait for your blog to say that you can't fix the big issues like flats and qbs not taking sacks.

Originally Posted by RMoody
When did / does working on M10 patchable items stop, so that focus can start on M11?

What plans are in place to fix outstanding issues with M10 that carried over from M09, to ensure they dont get into M11?

Finally, I would just like your thoughts.

To some M10 did not live up to what you build it up to be with your posts, blogs and tweets. Much of that is derived from core gameplay issues from prior Maddens appear re-appear frequently in M10. What would you say to those people who have a hard time dealing with that?*

*Please dont tell me you dont see or think the issues exist. Humor me in the fact some people do and those issues impact the progress your team tried to make.
I would like to know this as well. While I don't agree with the reviewer or the score on Gamespot, their initial premise was correct. It is a great game but the legacy issues have taken away from its fun factor and its own success.

Also, from what I've seen from playbooks, the Wildcat isn't nearly as thorough as I'd like it to be. And I haven't been able to put Vick as the initial receiver of the snap for the Eagles' playbook. Can you remedy this? Can you make playbooks fuller and with more plays?

Also, I am a hardcore, diehard Madden fan (sometimes I wonder why but w/e). My thing is this though, what is up with the playbooks? The game gets so dull because I'm just running the same plays again and again and again ACROSS PLAYBOOKS! SD's 3-4 playbook is no different (except with a few formations) than Dallas's or any other 3-4 playbook.

Also, why provide the type of DLC that you guys did? Why not just put them in the game? Or with things like asking for a player to not retire; why does that cost money? Why can't it just be free DLC?
Why can't you constantly upgrade the game?

If I were the Lead Designer I'd take a note from Burnout (AN EA GAME) and continue to upgrade the game. I know you have to create the game over again every year but honestly, I'd like it if EA Sports just steps up to that plate. It seems like you (personally you, Ian) have the potential to.

Why can't things like playbook creator be DLC? For free? or a new stadium creator mode? or Superstar mode?
Why can't we have these kinds of DLC?
Why, instead of allowing us to purchase DLC that changes the potential of a rookie or player, we can't just sign a good coach that'll do it for us in franchise?
Why, in franchise mode, can we only get one trainer for one position?
Like I got a trainer to help my young NTs (3-4 Chargers). But that means I can't get a trainer for injuries and such. Why is it that most trainers that help with stamina and injuries only help out one position?
What sense does that make?
Why can't I see the ratings and philosophies of the Coaches in the Off-Season?
All I can see is their bonuses. But I can't see anything else. Why is it that if my player makes it to the Pro-Bowl, those corresponding ratings don't increase to a Pro-Bowl level? Why is it just based on Potential?
Why can't older players Progress? LT's ratings were decreased this year because he had an off-year last year and I respect that. But if I run for 1700 yards and record 15 TDs (Which I did in my first year of franchise) he doesn't return to the 97+ he once was? (That question might not make sense since he's old, but what if he still has 3 or 4 years left in him?) I mean, Brett Favre was only 10 years pro in Madden, once he hit 13 years, he would've began decreasing. That dude was in his 19th year or so when you guys gave him a 94 rating (Madden 09). It's gone up and down.

...Why does All-Madden Cheat?
How do sliders affect ratings?
Why is it that we just can't have a level that let's the ratings play like they are?
Why is it that All-Madden can't just adapt to your play-calling and try to outsmart you than cheat you with rating adjustments in-game?
What does the Coaching ratings do?
Why did you choose to study 2k5 instead of countless real-life NFL games? (That's probably what 2k did)
Why do you guys try to cater to casual gamers when they don't even know any better about football and gaming?
Why can't all of the cheating and cheesing and such only be available on rookie and pro modes?
I've said countless times it is ALL-MADDEN that should be the closest thing to real life football in Madden. You should just have to use superior football knowledge and stick-skills to play and win on All-Madden. On All-Pro it should play like all-madden but with a dumbed down AI and playcalling. And so on and so forth with the other levels. Is this possible?

*Will my questions be answered or ignored like my other ones?* If not in a blog, can you address me in a PM? If you're not going to respond to these questions can you at least let me know that?
Mo' Official than ever before.

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Old 09-02-2009, 07:35 PM   #181
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team

Well glad to see you are back.

Lets get some things fixed so we can start our franchises.

What is included in the first patch? - may answer a lot of questions

Have you read this thread?


Sure these have been asked but:
  • Rookie signing bug
  • stats - WR tds too highs, HB TDs to low, QB tds to high, player tackles really low
  • CAP issues - older players asking way to much then then if you release them and resign from FA, there are other issues with what players are asking
  • challenge play reviews messed up
  • QB cut scene - phone bugged and shows wrong QB with injuries
  • half time stats are incorrect and math doesn't add up
None bug releated but curious:
  • Are there ary ratings that aren't working?
  • how effective is the range of sliders? Speed has been duscussed but not penalty, injury, etc. - feels like there needs to be a larger range for some of these or the slider doesn't seem to work
  • Do injury sliders effect simmed games?
All I have atm.
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:35 PM   #182
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team

Originally Posted by AlphaTrojan
They can at least patch so that in offline franchise people can enjoy the wildcat.
Mo' Official than ever before.

PSN: Gorilla-bob-Mac
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:36 PM   #183
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team


First of all thank you for coming here to get feedback on the game. I'm really enjoying the gameplay this year - thank you to all of the team and yourself for your hard work. It is appreciated on this side of the Atlantic!

My questions concerning the patch are as follows.

Q1. Sim Stats - Is there a way of cutting down on the total number of sacks? I've simmed multiple seasons and got out the calculator. Each team in a simmed season is averaging 48 sacks a season. The actual figure should be 32 (source Pro Football Reference.com). Very surprised that noone else has noticed this before.

Q2. Sim Stats - Is there a way of increasing the average number of points scored by each team over a season? Should be 22 points per game (source Pro Football Reference.com). - in simmed games it is currently about 20.5.

Q3. Sim Stats- Is the problem identfied by others with the average ypc of RBs going to be addressed? I think this is why the team rushing averages are too low - average rush yards per game should be 116 yards (source Pro Football Reference.com), in simmed games it is 88.

Q4. Injuries - These work fine generally but is there a way of generating in-game injuries to players that are not involved in a collision? I've played 2 entire seasons as a test and my Offensive Linemen are not getting a scratch. I'm also seeing more offensive skill players are getting hurt than defenders in-game, I suspect because of the hitting mechanism that generates injuries percentages. Injuries in simmed games works fine across all positions it's just the in-game injuries that don't seem balanced.

Thanks very much for your time. Looking forward to the patch so I can start my franchise properly!

Last edited by British Bronco; 09-03-2009 at 03:45 AM.
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:38 PM   #184
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Q&A Blog with the Dev Team

I'm curious to know if skintones and body builds can be fixed via roster update, or if it's a patch situation?

It's annoying to see so many skintones way off. It makes guys not look like themselves, and it really hurts when it's a big time player. The worst ones are Adrian Peterson who is about 3-5 shades too light and Thomas Jones who also has the problem as well as Laurence Maroney. There are a number of others.

As for body builds, one glaring build being off is LaDanian Tomlinson's... he is still too thin.
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