
NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

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Old 08-27-2009, 04:31 PM   #65
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by lockjaw333
I've been away for a bit and just got back, and after getting a chance to read the article, I totally agree with this post. I think this site has an obligation to at least be fair to both games before they are released (since there isn't an "EA" or "2K" attached to the name of the site). This article just wasn't fair, and was obviously biased, so I think that's why people are angry about it.

Think about if this happened to EA's game. Imagine if an article like this was written about NHL 10, and opinions were based off of gameplay videos of two people who obviously know little about hockey playing the game, from some other videogame website. The EA fans would go into an absolute uproar.

I would image you, RealmK, would be one of the first to speak out. You've already attacked people who have said that NHL 10 looks just like NHL 09 based on gameplay videos to this point. However in this case, its a supposed-to-be unbiased sports gaming website making similar judgements solely based on gameplay videos. It doesn't make sense, and you know its wrong.

People get all over the guys in the Madden area who criticized gameplay videos of Madden 10 before it was released. This is the same thing- it has to be fair. If the author had gotten hands-on time and had these opinions, then that's totally valid and he should be able to voice his concerns. But basing it off gameplay videos? Seriously, if the situation were reversed, you guys would be going insane right now.
The writter himself says hes a fan of the series, would hardly call that bias but whatever. 10 may not be a huge graphical change over 09 but all the subtle additions and fixes make it play a much better game which is the only thing I dispute when people say oh it plays just like 09. You diehard 2k guys are something else, everything is a conspiracy and god forbid someone like both games! Both games have pros and cons, both may actually be worth picking up this year.
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Old 08-27-2009, 05:57 PM   #66
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by RealmK
The writter himself says hes a fan of the series, would hardly call that bias but whatever. 10 may not be a huge graphical change over 09 but all the subtle additions and fixes make it play a much better game which is the only thing I dispute when people say oh it plays just like 09. You diehard 2k guys are something else, everything is a conspiracy and god forbid someone like both games! Both games have pros and cons, both may actually be worth picking up this year.

I'm not a "2K guy" at all. I'm just a fan of the series, but I've bought both games almost every year (except for when EA was a real joke in 2005 and 2006).

As a fan of both games, I didn't like the article. I'm just saying, if this situation were reversed, the EA hockey forum would be going nuts right now.

But I guess any of us "2k guys" who are members of 2khockey.net that post here are a joke because our site is now a "laughing stock".
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:05 PM   #67
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by lockjaw333
I'm not a "2K guy" at all. I'm just a fan of the series, but I've bought both games almost every year (except for when EA was a real joke in 2005 and 2006).

As a fan of both games, I didn't like the article. I'm just saying, if this situation were reversed, the EA hockey forum would be going nuts right now.

But I guess any of us "2k guys" who are members of 2khockey.net that post here are a joke because our site is now a "laughing stock".
It's fine to not like the article. I didn't think it was that good either, seeing as how it's just a quick run down and nothing in-depth. But when you throw out the word "bias" and there's no hint of that, then that's when there are problems.
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And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:12 PM   #68
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by lockjaw333
I'm not a "2K guy" at all. I'm just a fan of the series, but I've bought both games almost every year (except for when EA was a real joke in 2005 and 2006).

As a fan of both games, I didn't like the article. I'm just saying, if this situation were reversed, the EA hockey forum would be going nuts right now.

But I guess any of us "2k guys" who are members of 2khockey.net that post here are a joke because our site is now a "laughing stock".
You sure come off as one. I stand by my feelings and this will be the last I comment on it having experiencing the mob mentality first hand a few years ago over there. I think its great that Waz has a single EA thread for discusion of ea's title since alot of former 2k only guys, myself included don't totally hate the changes EA has made the last couple years. That said its unfortuate that if you happen to like EA's game more no matter how long you exclusively played nhl2k, your opinion doesn't count because you're just an EA fanboy and Littman lover and the like. If you didn't like 2k8's controls, you're an idiot and simpleton and you're wrong for not liking them. Or that EA's game is still an arcade fest no matter how much it moves more towards being a simulation or at least having the options to play a more sim game.

HockeyDude over on the official EA site had posted this and he's really not that far off from being spot on imo and it fits the bill for 2kh.net fairly well as well.

"Another common trait of 2k gamers on threads/forums is their way to defend 2k, while bashing EA. Here's how the threads go by 2k gamers:

EA releases screenshots
- Looks good, but graphics mean nothing
- Goalies look good but play like crap
- Arenas/pre-game look bad
- Bottom line..... all sizzle no steak. Case closed

2k releases screenshots
- Faces look awesome
- Arena/pre-game look the best
- Goalies look bad
- Hunchback players return
- Bottom line..... hit and miss, but we have to give 2k the benefit of the doubt. It's just early images. Graphics mean nothing for any part EA looks better in. But for the parts of the games where 2k looks better.... OMG! 2k wins!

EA releases game videos
- Run and gun
- Lots of one-timers and scoring
- Bottom line..... EA arcadefest. Case closed

2k releases game videos
- Run and gun
- Lots of one-timers and scoring
- Bottom line..... can't judge yet. People demoing it are dumb game editors who know nothing. Give benefit of the doubt it will be better in the final game

EA game is released and gets better reviews/awards
- Game editors reviewing it know nothing
- EA paid off web sites
- Bottom line..... a scam

2k game is released, gets worse scores
- Game editors reviewing it know nothing
- 2k not big enough to compete against EA
- (For the 10th year in a row)..... 2k hockey not given enough development time
- Bottom line..... 2k got ripped off

Leading up to the game's final release....

- Based on images, videos and game demo, EA's game is arcadey. The final game will not be better. 2k is more sim

- 2k's game will be better. I've seen fewer images, fewer gameplay videos and no demo has been released yet to try, but it's my opinion it will be better even though I've got a fraction of media/demo to work with.
- Any EA gamer saying EA is better is a troll and should wait till final release
- Any 2k gamer saying 2k is better (though a demo hasn't even been released yet) is simply stating his opinion."
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:38 PM   #69
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

IMO, 2K fanboys seem to make excuses for the sake of the health of the series ("NHL 09 is overrated anyway, real gamers play 2K9 because...at least it's not robotic and fake and corporate and stuff!"), whereas the EA guys are simply annoying and childish because they're in the driver's seat at the moment ("2K should stop making hockey games because EA makes them better! No competition!").

I say ignore both. Where's arguing going to get us? If sports gamers could stop with all the brand loyalty stuff, more people would respect the advantages of both games and of competition itself...same goes with the NFL, NBA MLB and racing simulation (Forza/GT5) games. Too much negativity and disrespect on BOTH sides.

Then again, I'm not 13 years old anymore, so arguing on forums about corporations making video games and consoles just doesn't make sense to me. And no, I'm not the type of guy to argue about what politician, country or sports team is better, either, so you won't see me in some real-life argument over such trivial matters. Yet, understandably, some people get a kick out of that stuff, it's confrontational human nature. It just makes it worse for the rest of us.
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Last edited by CarryTheWeight; 08-27-2009 at 09:24 PM.
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:47 PM   #70
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by lockjaw333
I've been away for a bit and just got back, and after getting a chance to read the article, I totally agree with this post. I think this site has an obligation to at least be fair to both games before they are released (since there isn't an "EA" or "2K" attached to the name of the site). This article just wasn't fair, and was obviously biased, so I think that's why people are angry about it.

Think about if this happened to EA's game. Imagine if an article like this was written about NHL 10, and opinions were based off of gameplay videos of two people who obviously know little about hockey playing the game, from some other videogame website. The EA fans would go into an absolute uproar.

I would image you, RealmK, would be one of the first to speak out. You've already attacked people who have said that NHL 10 looks just like NHL 09 based on gameplay videos to this point. However in this case, its a supposed-to-be unbiased sports gaming website making similar judgements solely based on gameplay videos. It doesn't make sense, and you know its wrong.

People get all over the guys in the Madden area who criticized gameplay videos of Madden 10 before it was released. This is the same thing- it has to be fair. If the author had gotten hands-on time and had these opinions, then that's totally valid and he should be able to voice his concerns. But basing it off gameplay videos? Seriously, if the situation were reversed, you guys would be going insane right now.
Great post. There is definitely a bias sometimes when it comes to reviewing 2k games. Not necessarily the review being talked about here, but it's happened before on other gaming sites so I can see how some people might be a little sensitive to any negativity thrown 2k's way. EA has a cult following whether their games are good or bad and therefore get much more fair reviews IMHO. Just look at the madden reviews for the past 3 or 4 years.

I didn't think this review was necessarily bad, just a little shallow.
I do believe there will be two good (possibly great) hockey games this year for different reasons and I'm very happy about that.
Originally Posted by jim416
You are the 2k Police. :)

Last edited by Eddie1967; 08-27-2009 at 06:50 PM.
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:51 PM   #71
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Fanoys are not real. People defend the game they like best. Look at Realm he liked 2k for so long and now he likes EA. That is not fanboys. I like 2k football, now I like Madden. I like the 2k baseball now I like the show. If you build a good game people will follow. This fanboy crap gets old. And I hope OS does not go down this road.
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:54 PM   #72
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Yeah, and HockeyDude is quite the "Fanboy" himself, so I take his comments with the same grain of salt that you do Realm with Venom. As already stated by myself in response to Dude's post at EASports and by CarryTheWeight here, it's a two way street. It happens quite equally I've found. EA fans defend their game with everything thing they got just as alot of 2K fans do.
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