
NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

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Old 08-26-2009, 05:17 AM   #49
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by savoie2006
Really the only thing that started that was 1up's uber love for NHL08 and complete raping of NHL2K8, which deserved much higher than their joke of 4 rating I believe it was.
He's made a post like that the last couple of years if I recall correctly. Hell I think I read a post somewhere, may have been on the EA forums that he made a comment that the 10 demo in no way is anything near sim or realistic so really at this point I take anything he has to say with a grain of salt, a roll of the eyes and generally a good chuckle or two.
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Old 08-26-2009, 05:19 AM   #50
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Thanks for the clear up, so he did actually base the article on videos.

Hope 2K release a demo.
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Old 08-26-2009, 05:34 AM   #51
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by RealmK
He's made a post like that the last couple of years if I recall correctly. Hell I think I read a post somewhere, may have been on the EA forums that he made a comment that the 10 demo in no way is anything near sim or realistic so really at this point I take anything he has to say with a grain of salt, a roll of the eyes and generally a good chuckle or two.
Yeah, but the guy is actually considering buying the game this year for EASHL, so hell has frozen over a little. Hey, if he doesn't feel the game to be sim that is his thing. I don't think either game is all that sim honestly, they just have certain aspects of the game that are and when you play with some good sliders and the way the game should be played, you can get a decent sim style game out of them.
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Old 08-26-2009, 05:41 AM   #52
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by savoie2006
Yeah, but the guy is actually considering buying the game this year for EASHL, so hell has frozen over a little. Hey, if he doesn't feel the game to be sim that is his thing. I don't think either game is all that sim honestly, they just have certain aspects of the game that are and when you play with some good sliders and the way the game should be played, you can get a decent sim style game out of them.
Doesn't change what I think of him. Neither game will ever be 100% sim, I do think EA's title has done a pretty good job of moving further into that realm the last few iterations though but I agree its all going to come down to sliders, if they work, and if you can get a decent sim style out of them. And really that goes for both games this year, if 2k10's sliders work and the AI is half way decent, theres a very good chance both games will be solid. Which as a hockey fan thats imo a win win right there.
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Old 08-26-2009, 09:59 AM   #53
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I'm really beginning to wonder if anyone actually read my entire article. Where did you all even pick up on me slamming 2K, and being Pro EA- especially when EA's NHL franchise is hardly even mentioned in the article outside of controls and EASHL (two innovations that any fan of hockey gaming should give kudo's to EA for, no matter who your publishing allegiance is).

Did you all miss the part where I said that the 2K hockey series "one of my all-time favorite sports-gaming franchises of all time"? Did you read the part where I said in the section about one timers (insinuating that the online videos were played on lower difficutly levels), "I am hoping the final retail version of the game will play a slower, more strategic game, especially on higher difficulty levels."? Since the video's 2K has released are few and far between, what other hard evidence do we really have right now other than the O.S. hands on from a few weeks back? Finally, did you all read the final sentence in the article: "At the end of the day, it's nice to possibly have two solid hockey titles for gamers to enjoy during the 09-10 season".

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and we love the passion on O.S., but was this article seriously that negative towards 2K that it deserved such an uproar- (not to mention the personal attacks on it's brilliant writer *tear*). We all love our hockey people, so let's all take a deep breath, relax, and take the article for what it is- a quick hit opinion piece to compliment our other in depth O.S. 2K10 coverage.

Last edited by Bumble14; 08-26-2009 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:17 PM   #54
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by Bumble14
I'm really beginning to wonder if anyone actually read my entire article. Where did you all even pick up on me slamming 2K, and being Pro EA- especially when EA's NHL franchise is hardly even mentioned in the article outside of controls and EASHL (two innovations that any fan of hockey gaming should give kudo's to EA for, no matter who your publishing allegiance is).

Did you all miss the part where I said that the 2K hockey series "one of my all-time favorite sports-gaming franchises of all time"? Did you read the part where I said in the section about one timers (insinuating that the online videos were played on lower difficutly levels), "I am hoping the final retail version of the game will play a slower, more strategic game, especially on higher difficulty levels."? Since the video's 2K has released are few and far between, what other hard evidence do we really have right now other than the O.S. hands on from a few weeks back? Finally, did you all read the final sentence in the article: "At the end of the day, it's nice to possibly have two solid hockey titles for gamers to enjoy during the 09-10 season".

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and we love the passion on O.S., but was this article seriously that negative towards 2K that it deserved such an uproar- (not to mention the personal attacks on it's brilliant writer *tear*). We all love our hockey people, so let's all take a deep breath, relax, and take the article for what it is- a quick hit opinion piece to compliment our other in depth O.S. 2K10 coverage.
Yeah, I think we all got off to a bad start here. So let's start over: I don't think anyone is mad at you having an "opinion" about the game. I think it's more the fact that A) you didn't play the game (at least, that's what can be construed since you used an IGN video to base your assumptions on the one-timers being money) before you gave an opinion and B) even though there isn't much of it (thaks to 2K's cloak and dagger tactics) there's still better info to be had to help you formulate a better idea of what to look forward to (or not) in NHL 2K10.

To tell you the truth, what got my blood boiling personally was your comments on the controls and why 2K hasn't copied EA's. They did. Since NHL 2K9 to the great chagrin of many people who actually liked the 2K8 controls.

In any case, it may not have been your intention of being negative towards NHl 2K10, but that's how this article came off as. Oh well, guess ya can't win 'em all, can you chum? LOL
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Last edited by VeNOM2099; 08-26-2009 at 12:20 PM.
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:24 PM   #55
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by RealmK
He's had many years of bashing people who don't agree with his opinion to get it down. Really Ven, its no loss, since 2kh.net is a laughing stock these days with not only accountability but rampant elitist like yourself to begin with. So can we expect you back once the reviews start rolling in to enlighten us how EA pays off reviewers? Cuz thats one of my favorites, always good for a chuckle.
You need to learn to turn the other cheek once inwhile! Who don't you get into it with. Now you are going to get it going again, when you could have jus ignored it.
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:28 PM   #56
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by Bumble14
I'm really beginning to wonder if anyone actually read my entire article. Where did you all even pick up on me slamming 2K, and being Pro EA- especially when EA's NHL franchise is hardly even mentioned in the article outside of controls and EASHL (two innovations that any fan of hockey gaming should give kudo's to EA for, no matter who your publishing allegiance is).

Did you all miss the part where I said that the 2K hockey series "one of my all-time favorite sports-gaming franchises of all time"? Did you read the part where I said in the section about one timers (insinuating that the online videos were played on lower difficutly levels), "I am hoping the final retail version of the game will play a slower, more strategic game, especially on higher difficulty levels."? Since the video's 2K has released are few and far between, what other hard evidence do we really have right now other than the O.S. hands on from a few weeks back? Finally, did you all read the final sentence in the article: "At the end of the day, it's nice to possibly have two solid hockey titles for gamers to enjoy during the 09-10 season".

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and we love the passion on O.S., but was this article seriously that negative towards 2K that it deserved such an uproar- (not to mention the personal attacks on it's brilliant writer *tear*). We all love our hockey people, so let's all take a deep breath, relax, and take the article for what it is- a quick hit opinion piece to compliment our other in depth O.S. 2K10 coverage.
I think it was the one timmers remark. That was on default setting, but I do agree with you you did a better job than I thought at first.
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