
NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

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Old 08-26-2009, 01:14 PM   #57
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

It's not even that the settings were on default on that IGN vid. One of the guys playing didn't know what he was doing and the other guys just kep setting up one-timers ad nauseum. They both sucked monkey nuts. I don't understand how you can base anything off their video?

It's like that guy on youtube that posted a video of pictures of the Wii version of NHL 2K10 while claiming they're from the 360/PS3 version. Imagine if someone would post an opinion piece on 2K10 and said that the grfx on the 360 or PS3 version sucked because he/she based his/her opinion on that youtube vid...
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Old 08-26-2009, 07:29 PM   #58
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by Bumble14
I'm really beginning to wonder if anyone actually read my entire article. Where did you all even pick up on me slamming 2K, and being Pro EA- especially when EA's NHL franchise is hardly even mentioned in the article outside of controls and EASHL (two innovations that any fan of hockey gaming should give kudo's to EA for, no matter who your publishing allegiance is).

Did you all miss the part where I said that the 2K hockey series "one of my all-time favorite sports-gaming franchises of all time"? Did you read the part where I said in the section about one timers (insinuating that the online videos were played on lower difficutly levels), "I am hoping the final retail version of the game will play a slower, more strategic game, especially on higher difficulty levels."? Since the video's 2K has released are few and far between, what other hard evidence do we really have right now other than the O.S. hands on from a few weeks back? Finally, did you all read the final sentence in the article: "At the end of the day, it's nice to possibly have two solid hockey titles for gamers to enjoy during the 09-10 season".

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and we love the passion on O.S., but was this article seriously that negative towards 2K that it deserved such an uproar- (not to mention the personal attacks on it's brilliant writer *tear*). We all love our hockey people, so let's all take a deep breath, relax, and take the article for what it is- a quick hit opinion piece to compliment our other in depth O.S. 2K10 coverage.
I didn't think it was negative. Glad you cleared it up for the other people here. I'm happy with any info I can get, but that's just me.
Originally Posted by jim416
You are the 2k Police. :)
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:54 AM   #59
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One thing that definately should have been included in the HOT section is the 2KShare and I'm not talking about the Franchise Blogs. I'm talking the ability to upload sliders, rosters and drafts. This to me is a huge thing this game has over EA's currently.
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Old 08-27-2009, 11:29 AM   #60
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by savoie2006
One thing that definately should have been included in the HOT section is the 2KShare and I'm not talking about the Franchise Blogs. I'm talking the ability to upload sliders, rosters and drafts. This to me is a huge thing this game has over EA's currently.
the 2k share adds a ton of replay vaule. esp with draft classes being editable!!

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Old 08-27-2009, 01:47 PM   #61
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by VeNOM2099
I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I said that to highlight the fact that I'd expect that kind of article from an angry EA nerd on the official EA forums, not Operation Sports and also to point out the fact that the same type of feature for EA's NHL 10 didn't gloss over the game's best and worst points like Christian did with NHL 2K10.

Seriously, he went to the trouble of looking up some videos of the game to give an opinion on it because he hasn't played it yet. Couldn't have have also gone to the official 2Ksports site and checked the developer insight blog articles as well? There's plenty of information there on what the game is shaping up to be. More to the point, why give an opinion on it if he hasn't played it yet? Chase pointed out that there's a preview done here at OS about the game, so someone's already had hands on time with NHL 2K10. Why not let that person write up this article up instead of someone who's yet to even see the game in motion LIVE?

So my comment will stand. That you don't like it, RealmK, that doesn't surprise me. There's a reason you're not welcome on the 2Khockey.net forums anymore.

As for the rest of the OS staff, I'm sorry if my remarks stung a bit. It wasn't my intention to accuse anyone of being "biased" one way or another, but simply to point out that I was expecting you guys to be FAIR to both games. This article isn't fair in the least. Not to the game, not to the community and in a small measure, it's not fair to Christian who I'm sure, would've sang a different tune had he actually played the game.
I've been away for a bit and just got back, and after getting a chance to read the article, I totally agree with this post. I think this site has an obligation to at least be fair to both games before they are released (since there isn't an "EA" or "2K" attached to the name of the site). This article just wasn't fair, and was obviously biased, so I think that's why people are angry about it.

Think about if this happened to EA's game. Imagine if an article like this was written about NHL 10, and opinions were based off of gameplay videos of two people who obviously know little about hockey playing the game, from some other videogame website. The EA fans would go into an absolute uproar.

I would image you, RealmK, would be one of the first to speak out. You've already attacked people who have said that NHL 10 looks just like NHL 09 based on gameplay videos to this point. However in this case, its a supposed-to-be unbiased sports gaming website making similar judgements solely based on gameplay videos. It doesn't make sense, and you know its wrong.

People get all over the guys in the Madden area who criticized gameplay videos of Madden 10 before it was released. This is the same thing- it has to be fair. If the author had gotten hands-on time and had these opinions, then that's totally valid and he should be able to voice his concerns. But basing it off gameplay videos? Seriously, if the situation were reversed, you guys would be going insane right now.
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Old 08-27-2009, 02:11 PM   #62
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

I always find it funny that the major gripes with 2k hockey are things that can easily be changed in the options/sliders.

This is slightly 2k's fault for leaving things like this as default (at least I assume it is just like in 2k9). The default controls in 2k9 are not ones most people want. People get turned off by that and don't bother finding the new control scheme that is pretty much the same as EA's.

It happens. I read more than 1 Tiger Woods review that blasted the "comet trails" which can easily be turned off in the options.
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Old 08-27-2009, 02:44 PM   #63
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by lockjaw333
I've been away for a bit and just got back, and after getting a chance to read the article, I totally agree with this post. I think this site has an obligation to at least be fair to both games before they are released (since there isn't an "EA" or "2K" attached to the name of the site). This article just wasn't fair, and was obviously biased, so I think that's why people are angry about it.
It wasn't biased at all. It may not have been as in-depth as other previews are (though this never claimed to be in-depth), but it wasn't biased at all. You must have missed the part where the writer (Bumble14) said this series was one of his all time favorites? If anything, he'd be biased FOR the game, not against it. Come on, man.
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Originally Posted by Money99
And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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Old 08-27-2009, 03:16 PM   #64
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Re: NHL 2K10: What's Hot and What's Not

This article should have been titled "NHL2K10, What could be hot and what could be not so hot. A speculative preview based on video clips released to date. "

The current title is very misleading and can easily misconstrued as a hands-on.

The author speculates without any hands-on knowledge, specially on subject like online mode. How someone can say that online mode will be a negative for this game without having tried it is beyond me...
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