Sports gamers are a difficult bunch to get along with -- I would know since I'm part of that bunch. We used to be happy with decent on-field action and a patched-together season mode.
Oh how things have changed.
Now it's almost fitting to compare modern sports gamers to fans of role-playing games. Ardent RPG fans demand nothing less than perfection. Woe is the developer that does not live up to the latest
Final Fantasy. Woe is the developer who does not understand the subtle differences between a wood elf and a high elf. You get the idea.
Scoff if you will, but the fact of the matter is that aficionados of sports games are not much better. In fact, I would argue that we have become worse. We demand that our games be authentic, replayable, and somewhere further down this list, enjoyable. Sports games have turned us into monsters, highly educated and discerning monsters.
Sp let us take a look at what the modern sports game must include, as well as some of the culprits that have raised our expectations to these heights.
Read more - Who is to blame for sports gamers being so picky?