
NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-18-2009, 10:16 PM   #521
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Maybe my expectations were so low that I had nowhere to go but up but I do like the demo a little more than I thought I would based upon the info we've gotten and the videos so far.

After only one half of play...things I like:

1. the over the shoulder catch really makes the game feel more like real football.
2. I like the in-the-grasp but able to throw the ball and maybe it's a horrid throw addition
3. the pocket, even if not a true pocket, does make the game feel more realistic.
4. the qb getting away from some sacks is a huge upgrade, unlike in all past years on next-gen where when someone gets their paws on you, you were DONE
5. the menus look different and I suppose a bit better, although I wonder if it's just because they look different and i'm so used to 09's
6. kickoffs seem to go deeper so the ball doesn't come out as far
7. you seem to have WAY more control of your passes in regards to lobs, bullets..this could be a HUGE UPGRADE IMO...
8. i am loving the new camera angles
9. i also really like the new setup-the-play feature

things I don't like...

1. still can't get any pressure on the cpu qb
2. i don't like the default pump-up-the-crowd button being changed
3. cpu qb still too da***ed accurate
4. too many grab em and throw em down tackles...WAY too many..

I mostly play online so it doesn't bother me too much that playing the cpu is an exercise in frustration in how it plays, even when you win..

so far I will say this, it seems as if NCAA 09 wasn't too bad of a game in your opinion and something you enjoyed playing, you will be just fine with this. But if you were looking for major changes this isn't it.

Anyways, back to the demo.
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Last edited by ODogg; 06-18-2009 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:18 PM   #522
cowboy_kmoney's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Let's just pray that all this stuff thats happing in the demo's are from them not putting it togather before they were trough with the game. Because This year is a make or break year for the NCAA series, And E.A. knows that 2ksports is on the sidelines waiting on there time to play once again.
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:20 PM   #523
Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Well, if I can bring myself to get over the fact that PS3 owners again got jobbed in the replays department, I think there may actually be a decent game of football to be found here.

The problem is, I see how much Madden has improved (which is always my game of choice anyway), and then I play this and think "Yah, it's better than last year, but seems to be falling soooooooooooo far behind."

So far: meh.
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:20 PM   #524
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stoncold32 - I agree a 100% about the graphics when compared to 09's, at least by the demo's standards. Washed out a bit but it looks like they were trying to mimic Madden 09 a bit but kinda failed. I remember when I played the Madden 09 demo I was blown away by how much better the game looked compared to 08. I liked the graphics on NCAA 09's demo, too. I didn't have issues because it looked better than the previous year's demo.

I'm concerned about what I see as a some framerate issues or maybe it's the graphics making plays look funny at times. Like I said, I will keep on playing and playing for a while.
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:29 PM   #525
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Hey Odogg,
pump fake is indeed with the R stick,I was playing as Oklahoma,and pushed up on the R stick,and this sent him into the pump fake animation.

Also,it shows in the control section that certain moves are locked,but when I was playing as a d-lineman,I was using the right stick to perform moves,so I'm not sure if this was a mistake or what,cause in that screen it said those moves were locked
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:30 PM   #526
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

This is my first post here, so maybe my criticisms won't have much credibility, but I'm going to go for it. That's what the topic calls for, right? These are not in any particular order.

- In five games at various difficulties nobody on either side had over 20 yards rushing. These are passing teams and the quarter length prevents too much rushing, but the backs were getting stuffed like turkeys.

- I can't understand the crowd chanting at all. It basically drones over you and despite a decent surround sound setup I don't feel immersed whatsoever.

- Stepping up in the pocket caused bullets that were just a few feet off the ground. This issue needs no introduction. I had better success with both Bradford and Tebow by throwing off my back foot. Also on bullets, the receivers don't seem nearly as determined to make the catch as they are on lob passes.

- There were very few broken tackles so I just started using dime coverage every play. When the backs are getting nothing and the backup corners are wrapping guys up, who needs linebackers?

- Quarterbacks would either hit the turf in two seconds due to a missed block or have 6-10 seconds to throw. Nothing in between really. This one is really disappointing, but then again I was playing fairly conservative defense.

- Some weird stuff was going on with the pursuit angles. I'd almost call it a glitch because in one instance the corner was practically running away from my receiver in the flats.

On a positive note though I like the Erin Andrews stuff and Tebow's release looks perfect.
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:32 PM   #527
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Ok...so I've been playing for about 2 hours now. All on All American.

So far here are my thoughts....

+ I love love LOVE the Gator playbook. Wow! Gator fans are gonna be happy because this thing is jam packed with new stuff. I also laughed out loud when I saw "QB Power Sweep" in there...how many teams in America use a freaking QB Power Sweep.

+ DB AI is light years ahead of NCAA 09. I saw some really kick butt animations all the way through and there was a very nice array of defensive movements and coverage.

- The ball moves way too fast. It's like a 140 mph fastball.

+ Impact players are definitely noticeable on the D line. I could get very little pressure as the Gator DT...then I switched to Carlos Dunlap (Gator DE #8) and I was blowing by the OT for OU. Also...when I played as OU, I could actually get through as DeMarcus Granger at DT...much more so than the Gator DT.

- However, Pass Rush is woefully weak. 9 times out of 10 Tebow or Bradford had over 6 seconds or more to find a receiver...way way too long.

+ The passing game is a thing of beauty. Overthrows, realistic looking dropped balls, DBs separating the receiver from the ball, the over the shoulder catches are a VERY welcome addition. There is a very nice "give and take" between the O and D winning the battle in the air. Nice balance both ways.

+ The CPU AI on All American seemed much improved over NCAA 09's brain dead AI. Both CPU OU and CPU UF moved the ball on me with a variety of plays. Tebow ran...Bradford passed...which is how it SHOULD be.

- Please get rid of the glitch where the CPU calls no huddle and runs to the line, while my Defense slowly walks back to the line....then the CPU QB snaps the ball before all of my Defense is back and I get an encroachment penalty. This should be fixed pronto.

Overall...IF..and after last year's slider fiasco, that is still a big if.....IF the sliders are TRULY made strong and effective...and we can generate a realistic pass rush...this game is money.

The demo is fun as hell and there are obvious improvements all the way around.

Get the damn pass rush fixed, put in some working sliders...and we have ourselves one hell of a College Football Title.

I'm much happier today than I was last night.
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:33 PM   #528
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Not really impressed with the demo. I still feel that this game is stiff. I did'nt like the running animations and the graphics were not that great. That's just my opinion.
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