
NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

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Old 06-12-2009, 10:28 AM   #97
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

Yeah momentum is definitely not as strong as it could be in this game, but the sideline catches weren't THAT bad. The real issue I had was in like the 2nd one, where he catches it over the shoulder and then proceeds to cut bad into the field, not just up the field, but actually in as well. What those catches are actually missing more is the dig step and burst. If the receiver really dug that foot in and planted to get that cut, it would look so much better and be so much more real. Also, when the WR slips, they probably could have slowed that animation just a tad so it took them a little bit longer to pop back up.

The animations looks great tho, that Desmond Briscoe missed catch was tight lol. I think the inaccurate passes and receivers going after ALL passes in their vicinity is one of my favorite adds visually speaking. It really changes the game a TON when QBs will take shots downfield and miss on some passes. That was most of the reason for the feeling of no defense in 09, cause offenses ran so ridiculously smooth.

The game has definitely made strides. Work on momentum and presentation and that'd be great. I'm excited to get this game in my hands, or at least the demo for starters!

Oh, and get the rosters squared away lol.
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Old 06-12-2009, 10:40 AM   #98
vols bravesfan's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

Man that looks a lot better.
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Old 06-12-2009, 10:41 AM   #99
GetYaWeigtUp's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

Are you guys really noticing the glaring issue the remains in this game, or just feenin to play a new football game? T each is his own, but you have to be blind to see that the DE's have no ability to get to the QB off the LOS. Everyplay they rush and do all those moves to no avail. They weren't working at all, they were spinning and all that, then getting pushed all over the place.

If a coach got blocking that good from his OL, he would never lose many games. Watch that video again and see how long the QB has to throw, EVERYTIME. This is the same problem we had in 09. Just because they tuned the OL/DL interaction, doesnt mean they actually fixed the pass rush. They made new animations so the DL dont get flipped and thrown to the ground like rag dolls every play but they are still ineffective.

I want the game to be amazing also, but I can see clearly! Take off the NCAA goggles and begin to watch more closely. The QBs sat in the pocket like Tom Brady on just about every play, and if you noticed when they were showing off the QB eluding sacks animations, it was never a DL who tried to sack him, it was always either a blitzer, or a DL who came scott free because the blitzer got picked up. Once again the DL is useless which gives QBs too much time to throw! Maybe some teams should block well like that, or maybe some games, but not every snap!
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:11 AM   #100
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

It's a highlight video highlighting O-line pocket protection. Why would they show a DL busitn a lineman when trying to show a pocket?

In that QB pocket presence part, the very first clip was a DL breaking by the o-line guy and going for the sack. My worry is that this slide feature will be too powerful and will have DL whiffing on too many sacks. But then again, maybe there's only a couple clips of a DL in that part cause normally a QB would just evade the rush that often and make a play, it should be a sack more frequently than with a CB or LB.

You can't determine if something is happening EVERY snap from a highlight video. They're just showing off changes they made. Now the real question is, since they did not highlight any DL CPU stuff, just User moves, does that mean changes weren't made to make the DL more powerful? That really isn't known at this point I don't think. This video doesn't automatically prove the DL wasn't improved or not IMO. This is not to say I don't agree with you, as I think it might still be a problem, but I'll await when I see it in the demo before passing that judgment.
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:12 AM   #101
Cade Cunningham
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

Originally Posted by GetYaWeigtUp
Are you guys really noticing the glaring issue the remains in this game, or just feenin to play a new football game? T each is his own, but you have to be blind to see that the DE's have no ability to get to the QB off the LOS. Everyplay they rush and do all those moves to no avail. They weren't working at all, they were spinning and all that, then getting pushed all over the place.

If a coach got blocking that good from his OL, he would never lose many games. Watch that video again and see how long the QB has to throw, EVERYTIME. This is the same problem we had in 09. Just because they tuned the OL/DL interaction, doesnt mean they actually fixed the pass rush. They made new animations so the DL dont get flipped and thrown to the ground like rag dolls every play but they are still ineffective.

I want the game to be amazing also, but I can see clearly! Take off the NCAA goggles and begin to watch more closely. The QBs sat in the pocket like Tom Brady on just about every play, and if you noticed when they were showing off the QB eluding sacks animations, it was never a DL who tried to sack him, it was always either a blitzer, or a DL who came scott free because the blitzer got picked up. Once again the DL is useless which gives QBs too much time to throw! Maybe some teams should block well like that, or maybe some games, but not every snap!
Well I am grateful they fixed the DL landing on their head half the time. But pass rushing in a video game is a tough thing to tune. The best pass rushers in football average 1 sack a game. Teams average just under 3 sacks per game. QBs get sacked about 10% of the time at best. I'm just hopeful the sliders work better this year if there is an issue with this again.
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:17 AM   #102
GetYaWeigtUp's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

Im not looking for sacks and %'s, Im looking for realism in gameplay and the numbers will work out in the end, but when you have faulty gameplay, the experience isnt fun! This is the same thing that happened in 09, and here it is in 10 AGAIN!

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Old 06-12-2009, 11:33 AM   #103
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

So they added a few new animations and didn't fix any of the gameplay? Is that what I'm getting?

The D-Line issue is HUGE. That video was laughable to anyone who cares about realistic pressure on the QB and played last years game. It's just obvious it hasn't been addressed at all.

Also the animations in general just do not look good enough. The running is too quirky. The whole having the QB drop back and wait 5 seconds on a crossing route and throwing a bullet to the WR only to have the DB tackle the WR .00001 seconds after the ball gets there is getting really old.

Can't comment on much else. If the speed issue and "wide open gameplay" was toned down, it could be fun to rent or something. The game just needs major overhauls that aren't likely to happen anytime soon
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:33 AM   #104
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

So is gang tackling 2 man tackling in this game?
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