
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

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Old 06-11-2009, 07:39 PM   #193
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by kerosene31
I don't care that my guy acts like a buffoon. I actually find it funny.
My wife says that to friends and relatives all the time. She's the best!
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:52 PM   #194
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by kerosene31
Thanks for insulting me. That's something you wouldn't see on tour either. Before calling people childish, you should look in the mirror.

Maybe you should stop treating your opinion as fact. I find it funny. I actually laughed out loud.

I was brought up to respect the game and taught to play by my grandfather who would never allow me to even wear a t-shirt or jeans when golfing. I still respect that to this day.

When I play a video game in my living room, I don't care that my guy acts like a buffoon. I actually find it funny.

Throw as many personal attacks you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you're playing a video game. People wear racing helmets and pirate outfits. Get over it.
I agree with you, why must this guy insinuate that the people who bought the game have never watched golf or attempted to play it before? Of course we know things like that never happen.

You're high and mighty stance is quite rude.

As for impressions of this game, because this is what this thread is for, the game is fun. I haven't played a TW game since 06 but enjoyed the previous iterations on the PS2.

The arcade quality of the titles is what kind of drew me in the first place. I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy mashing my A button around to spin the ball.

A note to unlocking: I think you can change the difficulty of the Tour Challenges if you're strapped for time. Its an easy and fast way to unlock items you can use in modes you're more interested in.

I am very confused at times when I hit very high shots and the ball just backspins. I never saw this in the past games. Is there a way to make it so the loft is not so high? I know there is the loft stick, but perhaps there are other strategies to take into account.

Aside from being a bit rusty, I am enjoying the online tournaments. I think its really cool to go up against real scores even though many players will demolish them. Its still a great concept.

The daily tournaments are a great idea as well. I like the idea of trying to improve my score by seeing how other players do.

The new putting stick is difficult but rewarding. However, I could see it being mastered in a short span. I do enjoy the mechanic though.

One last note to those who continue to post here negatively here, yet was "intelligent" enough to not buy the game:

Please stop it. All you do is make yourselves look bad.

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Last edited by hq3000; 06-11-2009 at 08:00 PM.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:47 PM   #195
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by Zalf
He didn't say the tour was like that, he said he found it funny.

His point is that TW has never been exactly tour like and that the demo made it obvious some of these things wouldn't change this year.
I understand what your saying, but my point is that it is people thinking stupid things like that are funny that make it so us people that actually watch and play golf can't get a game that recreates that PGA Tour experience.

You are right that TW has never been tour like, but my point is that if EA Sports wants to have the exclusive license to the PGA Tour, then we should at least get a PGA Tour game, and I personally feel that it is them catering to all of the weekend warriors who just want to hit 500 yr drives and do dumb celebrations, instead of the people that actually watch and follow PGA Tour golf that is the reason that this game is not even close to resembling the PGA Tour. They should have TW golf, and then another game called PGA Tour 10. That would be awesome, cuz TW is not PGA Tour golf.

I am not trying to be rude, I am just a big fan of golf and think that a PGA Tour video game should resemble the PGA Tour, and I just don't see how riding the putter like a horse, throwing clubs, wearing pirate suits, and dancing like an idiot have anything to do with PGA Tour golf. Just my .02
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Old 06-11-2009, 09:42 PM   #196
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

I hate impressions threads; I always end up reading them, caving, and buying the games, lol
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Old 06-11-2009, 09:47 PM   #197
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by bjf1377
I hate impressions threads; I always end up reading them, caving, and buying the games, lol
So true bjf....I do the exact same thing. I did that with infamous for the PS3.

OT: How is that Jimmy Johns there at Kent, we used to go there all the time last year when we lived in Aurora.
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Old 06-11-2009, 09:58 PM   #198
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by bluengold34
So true bjf....I do the exact same thing. I did that with infamous for the PS3.

OT: How is that Jimmy Johns there at Kent, we used to go there all the time last year when we lived in Aurora.
Yeah, I ended up almost buying Prototype after reading that impression thread but resisted the urge.

OT: Amazingly enough I've yet to go there in the 3 years I've been here. I think I'll have to go there tomorrow while I have nothing to do
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:16 PM   #199
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by Benz7524
I understand what your saying, but my point is that it is people thinking stupid things like that are funny that make it so us people that actually watch and play golf can't get a game that recreates that PGA Tour experience.

You are right that TW has never been tour like, but my point is that if EA Sports wants to have the exclusive license to the PGA Tour, then we should at least get a PGA Tour game, and I personally feel that it is them catering to all of the weekend warriors who just want to hit 500 yr drives and do dumb celebrations, instead of the people that actually watch and follow PGA Tour golf that is the reason that this game is not even close to resembling the PGA Tour. They should have TW golf, and then another game called PGA Tour 10. That would be awesome, cuz TW is not PGA Tour golf.

I am not trying to be rude, I am just a big fan of golf and think that a PGA Tour video game should resemble the PGA Tour, and I just don't see how riding the putter like a horse, throwing clubs, wearing pirate suits, and dancing like an idiot have anything to do with PGA Tour golf. Just my .02

There are at least 4 sentences in those paragraphs that sound like you're talking down to everyone on this thread right now. Its unfortunate you don't have a game to call your own. I can relate to that.

Normally I don't like playing arcade style sports games as well. This game has a a sense of enjoyment that has surprised me over and over.

If I did not enjoy it because it has silly dances and stupid mascots, does that mean I'm going to go on an impressions thread and talk down about a game I have yet to play? No.

As for the reason we are on this thread, which are impressions of the game, I would like to talk about the Tour Challenges.

Does anyone know what the points are for after you beat them?

I assume it was to unlock certain items. Not sure.

For some reason, I'm enjoying constantly buying these things. Normally I don't like doing things like that, but changing my character's clothing is somewhat satisfying.

Doing a challenge with Paula Creamer right now. Its going well.

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Last edited by hq3000; 06-11-2009 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:33 PM   #200
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

LOL!!! First tournament out of the gate, I didn't build my golfer at all and went straight to Tour Pro difficulty. Finished a +19. Crazy, especially after going -2 the first round. Worst round of video game golf ever. I love it. This game rocks.
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